61 research outputs found

    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in liver transplant patients

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    The optimal treatment strategy for patients with symptomatic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) and end-stage liver disease (ESLD) is not well defined. Although medical management is the accepted first line treatment, patients who are unresponsive to medication require further interventions. Since ESLD patients have a high operative risk for surgical myomectomy, alcohol septal ablation (ASA) emerges as a good alternative in these cases. The timing of ASA in relation to liver transplantation is still unclear. We report here on the first case of an orthotopic liver transplant-recipient undergoing ASA and the second of a cirrhotic patient requiring ASA as a bridge to liver transplantation. Both patients had a good clinical outcome and we argue that ASA in HOCM patients should be driven by symptom onset, and that in the asymptomatic patient it can be safely deferred until after liver transplantation. (Cardiol J 2008; 15: 74-79

    Liver transplantation for glycogen storage disease types I, III, and IV

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    Glycogen storage disease (GSD) types I, III, and IV can be associated with severe liver disease. The possible development of hepatocellular carcinoma and/or hepatic failure make these GSDs potential candidates for liver transplantation. Early diagnosis and initiation of effective dietary therapy have dramatically improved the outcome of GSD type I by reducing the incidence of liver adenoma and renal insufficiency. Nine type I and 3 type III patients have received liver transplants because of poor metabolic control, multiple liver adenomas, or progressive liver failure. Metabolic abnormalities were corrected in all GSD type I and type III patients, while catch-up growth was reported only in two patients. Whether liver transplantation results in reversal and/or prevention of renal disease remains unclear. Neutropenia persisted in both GSDIb patients post liver transplantation necessitating continuous granulocyte colony stimulating factor treatment. Thirteen GSD type IV patients were liver transplanted because of progressive liver cirrhosis and failure. All but one patient have not had neuromuscular or cardiac complications during follow-up periods for as long as 13 years. Four have died within a week and 5 years after transplantation. Caution should be taken in selecting GSD type IV candidates for liver transplantation because of the variable phenotype, which may include life-limiting extrahepatic manifestations. It remains to be evaluated, whether a genotype-phenotype correlation exists for GSD type IV, which may aid in the decision making. Conclusion Liver transplantation should be considered for patients with glycogen storage disease who have developed liver malignancy or hepatic failure, and for type IV patients with the classical and progressive hepatic form

    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-dependent induction of miR122 enhances hepatic ischemia tolerance

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    Hepatic ischemia and reperfusion (IR) injury contributes to the morbidity and mortality associated with liver transplantation. microRNAs (miRNAs) constitute a family of noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the posttranslational level through the repression of specific target genes. Here, we hypothesized that miRNAs could be targeted to enhance hepatic ischemia tolerance. A miRNA screen in a murine model of hepatic IR injury pointed us toward the liver-specific miRNA miR122. Subsequent studies in mice with hepatocyte-specific deletion of miR122 (miR122loxP/loxP Alb-Cre+ mice) during hepatic ischemia and reperfusion revealed exacerbated liver injury. Transcriptional studies implicated hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF1α) in the induction of miR122 and identified the oxygen-sensing prolyl hydroxylase domain 1 (PHD1) as a miR122 target. Further studies indicated that HIF1α-dependent induction of miR122 participated in a feed-forward pathway for liver protection via the enhancement of hepatic HIF responses through PHD1 repression. Moreover, pharmacologic studies utilizing nanoparticle-mediated miR122 overexpression demonstrated attenuated liver injury. Finally, proof-of-principle studies in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation showed elevated miR122 levels in conjunction with the repression of PHD1 in post-ischemic liver biopsies. Taken together, the present findings provide molecular insight into the functional role of miR122 in enhancing hepatic ischemia tolerance and suggest the potential utility of pharmacologic interventions targeting miR122 to dampen hepatic injury during liver transplantation

    Ethnographic understandings of ethnically diverse neighbourhoods to inform urban design practice

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    The aim of this paper is to inform urban design practice through deeper understanding and analysis of the social dynamics of public outdoor space in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods. We hypothesise that findings from ethnographic research can provide a resource that improves cultural literacy and supports social justice in professional practice. The primary method is a meta-synthesis literature review of 24 ethnographic research papers, all of which explore some dimensions of public open space use and values in UK urban contexts characterised by ethnic and racial diversity. We summarise thematic understandings and significance of neighbourhood places of shared activity, parks, spaces of passing-by and of retreat. We evaluate the implications for intercultural social dynamics, exploring the spatial and temporal dimensions of conviviality and racism in public open space. We then argue that it is possible to develop principles for urban design practice informed by this work, and propose four for discussion: maximising straightforward participation, legitimising diversity of activity, designing in micro-retreats of nearby quietness and addressing structural inequalities of open space provision. We conclude that ethnographic research can provide detailed insights into the use of the public realm and also inform a more nuanced understanding of outdoor sociality relevant for an increasingly diverse society. The challenge is two-fold: for ethnographers to become less cautious in engaging with decisions and priorities regarding how cities change, and for urban designers to explicitly embed informed understandings of difference into their broad desire for inclusive public space

    The impact of left ventricular hypertrophy on survival in candidates for liver transplantation: LVH in Cirrhosis

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    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs in 12% to 30% of patients with cirrhosis; however, its prognostic significance is not well studied. We assessed the association of LVH with survival in patients undergoing a liver transplantation (LT) evaluation. We performed a multicenter cohort study of patients undergoing an evaluation for LT. LVH was defined with transthoracic echocardiography. The outcome of interest was all-cause mortality. LVH was present in 138 of 485 patients (28%). Patients with LVH were older, more likely to be male and African American, and were more likely to have hypertension. Three hundred forty-five patients did not undergo transplantation (212 declined, and 133 were waiting): 36 of 110 patients with LVH (33%) died, whereas 57 of 235 patients without LVH (24%) died (P = 0.23). After LT, 8 of 28 patients with LVH (29%) died over the course of 3 years, whereas 9 of 112 patients without LVH (8%) died (P = 0.007). This finding was independent of conventional risk factors for LVH, and all deaths for patients with LVH occurred within 9 months of LT. No clinical or demographic characteristics were associated with mortality among LVH patients. In conclusion, the presence of LVH is associated with an early increase in mortality after LT, and this is independent of conventional risk factors for LVH. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and identify factors associated with mortality after transplantation to improve outcomes

    The pragmatic-semiotic construction of male identities in contemporary advertising of male grooming products

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    [EN] This article aims to unveil how male identities are constructed in a corpus of male toiletry TV ads through a pragmatic and multimodal analysis of a set of implicit assumptions conveyed about the male participants in the ads. The validity of these assumptions is first empirically tested with a group of 10 male informants and then those implied meanings are bundled into thematic cores for their qualitative and quantitative description. Findings reveal that these ads still rely on stereotypical constructs and traditional discourses of what it takes to be a man. For example, men are invited to consume grooming products but reminded to do it the men's way. Men are also reminded of their sexual power to seduce and attract women with the aid of the product. Likewise, by portraying male ad personae in traditional manly activities while emphasizing their toughness and body strength, or their resourcefulness when faced with challenging situations, the ads portray a rather skewed view of contemporary men, which fails to take into account the myriad roles a modern man can play in contemporary societies.I am really grateful to the reviewers for their insightful comments and also to the editor of the journal.Saz Rubio, MMD. (2019). The pragmatic-semiotic construction of male identities in contemporary advertising of male grooming products. Discourse & Communication. 13(2):192-227. https://doi.org/10.1177/1750481318817621S192227132Alexander, S. M. (2003). Stylish Hard Bodies: Branded Masculinity in Men’s Health Magazine. Sociological Perspectives, 46(4), 535-554. doi:10.1525/sop.2003.46.4.535Attwood, F. (2005). ‘Tits and ass and porn and fighting’. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 8(1), 83-100. doi:10.1177/1367877905050165Rubio, M. D. S. (2018). A multimodal approach to the analysis of gender stereotypes in contemporary British TV commercials: «women and men at work». Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 54(2), 185-221. doi:10.1515/psicl-2018-0008Del Saz-Rubio, M. M. (2018). Female identities in TV toiletries ads: A pragmatic and multimodal analysis of implied meanings. Journal of Pragmatics, 136, 54-78. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2018.07.009Barthel, D. (s. f.). When Men put on Appearances: Advertising and the Social Construction of Masculinity. Men, Masculinity, and the Media, 138-153. doi:10.4135/9781483326023.n10Benwell, B. (2003). Introduction: Masculinity and men’s Lifestyle Magazines. The Sociological Review, 51(1_suppl), 6-29. doi:10.1111/j.1467-954x.2003.tb03600.xBrandth, B. (1995). Rural masculinity in transition: Gender images in tractor advertisements. Journal of Rural Studies, 11(2), 123-133. doi:10.1016/0743-0167(95)00007-aBrandth, B., & Haugen, M. S. (2000). 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