247 research outputs found

    Adapting data collection methods in the Australian life histories and health survey: a retrospective life course study

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    OBJECTIVE Ideally, life course data are collected prospectively through an ongoing longitudinal study. We report adaptive multimethod fieldwork procedures that gathered life history data by mail survey and telephone interview, comparable with the face-to-face methods employed in the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA). DESIGN The Australian Life Histories and Health (LHH) Survey was a substudy of the Australian 45 and Up Study, with data collection methods modified from the ELSA Study. A self-complete questionnaire and life history calendar were completed by the participants, followed by a computer-assisted telephone interview recording key life events. RESULTS The LHH survey developed and tested procedures and instruments that gathered rich life history data within an ongoing Australian longitudinal survey on ageing. Data collection proved to be economical. The use of a self-complete questionnaire in conjunction with a life history calendar and coordinated computer-assisted telephone interview was successful in collecting retrospective life course information, in terms of being thorough, practical and efficient. This study has a diverse collection of data covering the life course, starting with early life experiences and continuing with socioeconomic and health exposures and outcomes during adult life. CONCLUSIONS Mail and telephone methodology can accurately and economically add a life history dimension to an ongoing longitudinal survey. The method is particularly valuable for surveying widely dispersed populations. The results will facilitate understanding of the social determinants of health by gathering data on earlier life exposures as well as comparative data across geographical and societal contexts.Supported by an Australian Research Council Grant (DP 1096778, “Socio-economic determinants and health inequalities over the life-course: Australian and English comparisons”) with investigators from the Universities of Sydney, Newcastle and Queensland (Australia) and the University of Manchester (UK)

    More-than-Human Data Interactions in the Smart City - reflections

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    How might we design and plan urban spaces to be more hospitable for foxes? How might a worm or a nettle plant experience the neighbourhood we live in? What kinds of urban data might parakeets find useful? And how might we design new technologies for more equitable living spaces for all of London’s inhabitants - human and non-human, big and small? This booklet brings together reflections from a research project called “More-than- Human Data Interactions in the Smart City.” Through a series of probes and proposals, and two workshops in east London with participants that included community organisers, growers, policy-makers, activists, academics, educators and artists, we explored questions about who we share our city with, and how we can better live together with our non-human neighbours with the help of digital infrastructure and data

    Whitehall in the Caribbean? The legacy of colonial administration for post-colonial democratic development

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    Colonial-era administrative institutions and doctrines are fundamental to any analysis of Westminster’s legacy in the Caribbean. Applying the lens of ‘Public Service Bargains’ (PSBs) – the formal and informal understandings of reward, competence and loyalty of public servants –we first examine constitutional and administrative doctrines regarding the public service of Crown Colonies, before analysing how these worked themselves out in Jamaica. Our analysis reveals a number of perceived deficiencies in the PSB in the pre-independence period that cast a shadow on future relations in the post-independence period

    More-than-human data interactions in the city

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    This booklet brings together reflections from a research project called “More-than- Human Data Interactions in the Smart City.” Through a series of probes and proposals, and two workshops in east London with participants that included community organisers, growers, policy-makers, activists, academics, educators and artists, we explored questions about who we share our city with, and how we can better live together with our non-human neighbours with the help of digital infrastructure and data

    Weight gain, overweight, and obesity: determinants and health outcomes from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

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    Recent estimates suggest that 35.3\ua0% of adult Australians are overweight and a further 27.5\ua0% are obese. The Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) is a prospective study of women's health that commenced in Australia in 1996. The study recruited approximately 40,000 women in three birth cohorts, 1973-1978, 1946-1951 and 1921-1926, who have since been followed up approximately every three years using self-report surveys. Six surveys have been completed to date. This review aims to describe the changes in weight and weight status over time in the three ALSWH cohorts, and to review and summarise the published findings to date relating to the determinants and health consequences of weight gain, overweight and obesity. Future plans for the ALSWH include on-going surveys for all cohorts, with a seventh survey in 2013-2015, and establishment of a new cohort of women born in 1990-1995, which is currently being recruited

    The relationship between SF-6D utility scores and lifestyle factors across three life-stages: Evidence from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health

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    Purpose: To investigate how SF-6D utility scores change with age between generations of women, and to quantify the relationship of SF-6D with lifestyle factors across life-stages. Methods: Up to seven waves of self-reported, longitudinal data were drawn for the 1973-78 (young, N=13772), 1946-51 (mid-age, N=12792), 1921-26 (older, N=9972) cohorts from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health. Mixed effects models were employed for analysis. Results: Young and mid-age women had similar average SF-6D scores at baseline (0.63-0.64), which remained consistent over 16 year period. However, older women had lower scores at baseline at 0.57 which steadily declined over 15 years. Across cohorts, low education attainment, greater difficulty in managing on income, obesity, physical inactivity, heavy smoking, non-drinking and increasing stress levels were associated with lower SF-6D scores. The magnitude of effect varied between cohorts. SF-6D scores were lower amongst young women with high risk drinking behaviours than low-risk drinkers. Mid-age women who were underweight, never married, or underwent surgical menopause also reported lower SF-6D scores. Older women who lived in remote areas, who were ex-smokers, or were underweight reported lower SF-6D scores. Conclusion: The SF-6D utility score is sensitive to differences in lifestyle factors across adult lifestages. Gradual loss of physical functioning may explain the steady decline in health for older women. Key factors associated with SF-6D include physical activity, body mass index, menopause status, smoking, alcohol use and stress. Factors associated with poorer SF-6D scores vary in type and magnitude at different life stages

    The relationship of primary health care use with persistence of insomnia: a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prevalence of insomnia symptoms in the general population is high. Insomnia is linked with high health care use and within primary care there are a number of treatment options available. The objective of this study was to determine the association of persistence and remission of insomnia with primary health care using a longitudinal study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A postal survey of registered adult (over 18 years) populations of five UK general practices, repeated after 1 year, linked to primary care records. Baseline survey responders were assessed for persistence of insomnia symptoms at 12 months. The association of primary care consultation or prescription for any mood disorder (defined as anxiety, depression, stress, neurosis, or insomnia) in the 12 months between baseline and follow-up surveys with persistence of insomnia was determined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>474 participants reporting insomnia symptoms at baseline were followed up at 12 months. 131(28%) consulted for mood problem(s) or received a relevant prescription. Of these 100 (76%) still had insomnia symptoms at one year, compared with 227 (66%) of those with no contact with primary care for this condition (OR 1.37; 95% CI 0.83, 2.27). Prescription of hypnotics showed some evidence of association with persistence of insomnia at follow-up (OR 3.18; 95% CI 0.93, 10.92).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Insomniacs continue to have problems regardless of whether or not they have consulted their primary care clinician or received a prescription for medication over the year. Hypnotics may be associated with persistence of insomnia. Further research is needed to determine more effective methods of identifying and managing insomnia in primary care. There may however be a group who have unmet need such as depression who would benefit from seeking primary health care.</p
