13 research outputs found

    Study of BaTiO₃ ceramics doped with Mn and Ce or Nb and Sr

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    ESR study of BaTiO₃ ferroelectrics doped with cerium or with niobium and strontium, both types of samples being doped with manganese, was performed at room temperature. In the samples of the first type the most intensive line with g-factor 1.9612 was shown to originate from paramagnetic center Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. The small intensity line was related to Fe³⁺–Vo center, which can be unavoidable impurity in BaTiO₃. In the samples doped with strontium, the six lines intensive spectrum, which corresponds to hyperfine structure of Mn²⁺, was observed. The intensity of the spectrum was shown to decrease with strontium concentration increase. This effect was supposed to be related to the decrease of the grain sizes that results in migration of manganese and, possibly, niobium ions. The influence of these impurities, of their charge states and positions in crystalline lattice of BaTiO₃ on the PTCR effect is discussed.Представлено результати ЕПР досліджень сегнетоелектричної кераміки BaTiO₃ двох серій: легованої церієм та марганцем або ніобієм, стронцієм та марганцем, при кімнатній температурі. Показано, що у зразках першої серії найбільш інтенсивна лінія з g-фактором 1.9612 належить до парамагнітного центру Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. Лінії малої інтенсивності належать до центру Fe³⁺–Vo (пов’язаного з неконтрольованою домішкою заліза у зразках) та до іону Mn²⁺. В другій серії зразків спостерігався спектр, який відповідає надтонкій структурі іону Mn²⁺. Інтенсивність цього спектру зменшувалась із збільшенням концентрації стронцію. Можливо цей ефект пов’язаний із зменшенням розмірів зерен та міграцією марганцю та, можливо ніобію, у міжзерновий простір. Обговорюється вплив домішок, їх зарядового стану та позиції у кристалічній ґратці на ефект позитивного температурного коефіцієнту опору

    Morphology and dielectric properties of polymer dispersed liquid crystal with magnetic nanoparticles

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    It has been shown that introduction of magnetic nanoparticles (MN) of various shapes with the concentration 10⁻¹ wt.% into polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) causes two effects: the size of liquid crystal droplets decreases, and the amount of the latter with through holes increases. MN increase the effective value of permittivity by more than one order within the frequency range 10⁻¹⁺ -10² HZ , as well as the electron and ion components of conductivity. MN reduce the exponent in the frequency dependence of the electron component of conductivity. The changes caused by the presence of the nanoparticles quantitatively depend on their shape

    Light-induced defects in KTaO3

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    Photoconductivity (PC), thermally stimulated conductivity (TSC), photoluminescence (PL), thermoluminescence (TL), and electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements have been made on single crystals of potassium tantalate over the temperature range 4.2–290 K. We revealed two sorts of O− shallow hole centers which are responsible for the two temperature regions of PL and PC enhancement: T<70 K and 100–150 K. Both O− centers were identified by their ESR spectra. While at low temperatures PL and PC have a rather intrinsic origin, i.e., they do not depend essentially on the sort or quality of crystals, at 100–150 K both quantities strongly depend on the defect content and vanish in well-oxidized crystals. We show that O− centers serve as radiative electron–hole recombination centers. Their energy levels are situated at 0.08 and 0.16 eV above the top of the valence band. Measurements of TSC and TL after UV irradiation revealed several glow peaks at temperatures 18–30 K and 65–70 K. There is a good correlation between TSC and TL intensity in different samples as well as after annealing in O2 and H2 atmospheres. Because electrons are mobile species in KTaO3, we attribute both TSC and TL to the thermal ionization of the same shallow donor centers related with isolated oxygen vacancies. The experimental data were treated in a one-trap/one-recombination center model, which takes into account the presence of “thermally disconnected” deep electron traps