2 research outputs found

    State of forest research in 2010s – a bibliographic study with special reference to Finland, Sweden and Austria

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    Using bibliometric methods, this report analysed the volumes of global forest research and research collaboration between researchers, institutes and countries during the period 2010–2019. The keywords used in the bibliometric search resulted in a good match with the publication lists of three major Finnish forest research organisations. The final corpus of “forest” publications consisted of 355,000 articles, proceeding papers, reviews, books, book chapters and letters listed in the Web of Science database. During 2010–2019, the volume of Finnish publications in forest sciences have increased and the share of internationally collaborative papers has also grown. However, the international position of Finnish and Nordic forest research is slowly declining, owing to the modest growth in publishing, compared to fast-growing countries like China and Russia. When comparing Finnish and Swedish research organisations, those from Sweden were more internationally oriented. In both countries, the five top institutes produced more than three quarters of their country’s respective publications. Analyses based on bibliometric data used in this study reveal the status regarding publication output and trends. These analyses can provide objective evidence that is needed when developing research strategies and policies as well as allocating funding resources

    Search strings for finding SDG-related research, Bergen-approach

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    These files contain search strings to find scientific publications related to certain Sustainable development goals (UN SDGs). This work is a product of the project Bærekraftsforskning for alle – en transparent kartleggings- og gjenfinningstjeneste (Sustainable development research for all – a transparent mapping and discovery tool), a Norwegian project supported by the National Library of Norway. Read more about the project here. This project is led by the University of Bergen Library, partnered with the libraries at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and the University of Stavanger. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) has contributed with search strings for two SDGs as an external collaborator. File names in this set consist of the SDG and the approach used (topic vs. action), as well as the platform/syntax for the string. The approach relates to decisions about what kind of research the string should find: research closely related to the actions of the SDG targets (action), or research more broadly related to the topics in the targets (topic). You can read more about these approaches, why we have done this work, and what to expect when using the strings in the Readme. Release notes: The release contains v1 search strings developed during 2021-2022 for SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14 and 15 (Web of Science syntax). The strings included in v2019-12 have been completely revised; additional SDGs are added (SDGs 4, 11 and 15); the work for this release is from an expanded/changed group of collaborators. See the Readme for more information