2,067 research outputs found

    High energy efficient solid state laser sources

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    Recent progress in the development of highly efficient coherent optical sources is reviewed. This work focusses on nonlinear frequency conversion of the highly coherent output of the Non-Planar Ring Laser Oscillators developed earlier in the program, and includes high efficiency second harmonic generation and the operation of optical parametric oscillators for wavelength diversity and tunability

    Advances in nonlinear optical materials and devices

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    The recent progress in the application of nonlinear techniques to extend the frequency of laser sources has come from the joint progress in laser sources and in nonlinear materials. A brief summary of the progress in diode pumped solid state lasers is followed by an overview of progress in nonlinear frequency extension by harmonic generation and parametric processes. Improved nonlinear materials including bulk crystals, quasiphasematched interactions, guided wave devices, and quantum well intersubband studies are discussed with the idea of identifying areas of future progress in nonlinear materials and devices

    SUNLITE program. Sub-Hertz relative frequency stabilization of two diode laser pumped Nd:YAG lasers locked to a Fabry-Perot interferometer

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    Two laser pumped Nd:YAG lasers were frequency stabilized to a commercial 6.327 GHz free spectral range Fabry-Perot interferometer yielding a best case beatnote linewidth of 330 MHz. In addition, a Fabry-Perot interferometer with a free spectral range of 680 MHz, a linewidth of 25 kHz, and a finesse of 27,500 was built, and when it was substituted in place of the commercial interferometer, it produced a robust and easily repeatable beatnote linewidth of 700 MHz

    High energy efficient solid state laser sources

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    Slab glass performance studies demonstate 18 J of output at 2 Hz with 2.3% wall plug efficiency. The goal is to achieve 10 J per pulse at 10 Hz and 3% wall plug efficiency during the next annual period. The slab concept was extended to Nd:YAG and to Nd:GGG. To date over 80 W of CW output power at 2% efficiency was generated in slab Nd:YAG. A multiplexed slab Nd:YAG pre-amplifier was invented and a Nd:YAG oscillator was demonstrated with 100kHz linewidth for eventual use in wind velocity measurements

    Frequency stable high power lasers in space

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    The concept of a laser heterodyne gravity wave antenna that would operate in solar orbit with a one million kilometer path length is discussed. Laser technology that would be appropriate for operation of this space-based gravity wave detector is also discussed. The rapid progress in diode laser coupled with the energy storage and potentially sub-Hertz linewidths of solid state lasers, and the possibility of efficient frequency conversion by nonlinear optical techniques defines a technology that is appropriate for laser interferometry in space. The present status of diode-laser-pumped, solid state lasers is summarized and future progress is projected in areas of linewidth control, high average power, operating efficiency, and operational lifetimes that are essential for space-based applications

    Solid-state lasers for coherent communication and remote sensing

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    Semiconductor-diode laser-pumped solid-state lasers have properties that are superior to other lasers for the applications of coherent communication and remote sensing. These properties include efficiency, reliability, stability, and capability to be scaled to higher powers. We have demonstrated that an optical phase-locked loop can be used to lock the frequency of two diode-pumped 1.06 micron Nd:YAG lasers to levels required for coherent communication. Monolithic nonplanar ring oscillators constructed from solid pieces of the laser material provide better than 10 kHz frequency stability over 0.1 sec intervals. We have used active feedback stabilization of the cavity length of these lasers to demonstrate 0.3 Hz frequency stabilization relative to a reference cavity. We have performed experiments and analysis to show that optical parametric oscillators (OPO's) reproduce the frequency stability of the pump laser in outputs that can be tuned to arbitrary wavelengths. Another measurement performed in this program has demonstrated the sub-shot-noise character of correlations of the fluctuations in the twin output of OPO's. Measurements of nonlinear optical coefficients by phase-matched second harmonic generation are helping to resolve inconsistency in these important parameters

    High energy efficient solid state laser sources

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    Investigations continue of diode-laser-pumped solid-state laser oscillators and nonlinear processes using them as sources. Diode laser array pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:glass lasers have been demonstrated. Theoretical studies of non-planar oscillators have been advanced, producing new designs which should be more resistant to feedback and offer better frequency stability. A monolithic, singly resonant Optical Parametric Oscillator in MgO:LiNbO3 has been operated

    Cladding for transverse-pumped solid-state laser

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    In a transverse pumped, solid state laser, a nonabsorptive cladding surrounds a gain medium. A single tranverse mode, namely the Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) sub 00 mode, is provided. The TEM sub 00 model has a cross sectional diameter greater than a transverse dimension of the gain medium but less than a transverse dimension of the cladding. The required size of the gain medium is minimized while a threshold for laser output is lowered

    High-extinction-ratio resonant cavity polarizer for quantum-optics measurements

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    The use of a high-finesse Fabry-Perot ring cavity with an odd number of reflections as a high-extinction-ratio resonant polarizer is shown. Experimental results from quantum-noise measurements using resonant cavities as spatial and spectral filters and precision polarizers are presented

    Growth and evaluation of AgGaS2 and AgGaSe2 for infrared nonlinear applications

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    The crystal growth technology for the two chalcopyrite compounds AgGaS2 and AgGaSe2 was studied. These two materials demonstrated their promise as important nonlinear crystals for infrared applications ten years ago. However, at the time, a number of various growth related problems such as cracking, twinning and the occurrence of optical scattering centers made it difficult to obtain high quality specimens in sizes exceeding 1 cm. Using seeding and precision-tapered fused quartz growth ampoules, a Bridgman/Stockbarger growth technology was developed to grow crack and twin-free boules in increasingly larger dimensions with an ultimate goal of 4 cm crystals harvested obliquely from c-axis boules. The post-growth heat treatment procedures were studied to understand the solid state chemical reactions and to avoid crystal damage which frequently occurs during these annealing procedures
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