5 research outputs found

    Current knowledge, attitudes and practices of women on breast cancer and mammography at Mulago Hospital

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    Background: Breast cancer is the third commonest cancer in Ugandan women. Women present late for breast cancer management which leads to high mortality rates. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Ugandan women concerning breast cancer and mammography. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study where 100 women reporting to the Radiology department were interviewed. We used consecutive sampling. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to collect opinions of the participants. For data analysis, answers were described as knowledge, attitude, practice and they were correlated with control variables through the chi-square. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were also used. Results: Most of the women (71%) had no idea about mammography. More than 50 % did not know about risk factors for breast cancer. The attitude towards mammography was generally negative. Regarding seeking for mammography; level of literacy, occupation and marital status were significant on bivariate analysis, however only level of literacy and employment remained the significant independent variables on logistic regression analysis. The main barrier to mammography was mainly lack of information. Conclusion: Women in this study had Page number not for citation purposes

    Structural findings at hysterosalpingography in patients with infertility at two private clinics in Kampala, Uganda

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    Introduction: Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is still a commonly used investigation in the evaluation of the female genital tract and the main indication for HSG is infertility. Objective: The purpose of this study was to find the pathology detected at HSG in patients with infertility in our setting. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of 289 consecutive patients who underwent hysterosalpingography using ionic water-soluble contrast media was done at 2 private x-ray units in Kampala. Clinical notes and radiological findings were analysed for demographic data, uterine status, tubal and pelvic pathology. Results: The commonest age group seen was 26–30yrs. Most were of low parity. Secondary infertility was commoner than primary infertility. Abnormal findings at hysterosalpingography were found in 83.4%. The commonest finding was tubal blockage. Conclusion: The commonest pathology found on HSG in women presenting with infertility in Kampala is tubal blockage possibly secondary to chronic pelvic inflammation. The fact that secondary infertility is common points to pelvic infection complicating mismanaged pregnancies, septic abortions or sexually transmitted infections. A study toestablish associated factors is recommended. Key Words: Hysterosalpingography, Infertility African Health Sciences Vol.4(3) 2004: 178-18

    Structural findings at hysterosalpingography in patients with infertility at two private clinics in Kampala, Uganda

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    Introduction: Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is still a commonly used investigation in the evaluation of the female genital tract and the main indication for HSG is infertility. Objective: The purpose of this study was to find the pathology detected at HSG in patients with infertility in our setting. Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of 289 consecutive patients who underwent hysterosalpingography using ionic water-soluble contrast media was done at 2 private x-ray units in Kampala. Clinical notes and radiological findings were analysed for demographic data, uterine status, tubal and pelvic pathology. Results: The commonest age group seen was 26–30yrs. Most were of low parity. Secondary infertility was commoner than primary infertility. Abnormal findings at hysterosalpingography were found in 83.4%. The commonest finding was tubal blockage. Conclusion: The commonest pathology found on HSG in women presenting with infertility in Kampala is tubal blockage possibly secondary to chronic pelvic inflammation. The fact that secondary infertility is common points to pelvic infection complicating mismanaged pregnancies, septic abortions or sexually transmitted infections. A study toestablish associated factors is recommended. Key Words: Hysterosalpingography, Infertility African Health Sciences Vol.4(3) 2004: 178-18