25 research outputs found

    Complex depletion forces

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    Most experimental studies of the effects of depletion forces in a colloidal suspensions have so far been performed on systems where the depletion agent can be regarded as ideal. Here, we review our recent results on systems where depletants present self-interactions. In the first case we focus on a system where strong electrostatic coupling is present in the suspension. At fixed colloid volume fraction, colloidal aggregation takes place when the surfactant concentration reaches a critical value which raises for increasing ionic strength. Screening repulsive electrostatic interactions inhibits the depletion mechanism and weakens the effective colloid-colloid attraction. In the second case, investigating the depletion effects brought in by surfactants that show a liquid-liquid phase separation with water, we shall conversely deal with a situation where long-range spatial correlations are of primary importance in setting the phase behavior of the colloidal fluid. Our experimental and theoretical results show that, in the proximity of the critical demixing point, depletion effects merge continuously into critical Casimir effects, displaying distinctive scaling properties

    Colloidal swarms can settle faster than isolated particles

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    Colloid sedimentation has played a seminal role in the development of statistical physics thanks to the celebrated experiments by Perrin, which gave a concrete demonstration of molecular reality. Recently, the investigation of sedimentation equilibrium has provided valuable information on a wide class of systems, ranging from simple colloids to active particles and biological fluids [1]. Yet, many aspects of the sedimentation kinetics deserve to be further investigated. Here we present some rather surprising results concerning the effect of interactions on particle settling [2]. Usually, the settling velocity of a colloidal suspension decreases with concentration: this well-known effect is called “hindered’’ settling. By experimenting on model colloids in which depletion forces can carefully be tuned, we conversely show that attractive interactions consistently “promote particle settling, so much that, close to a phase-separation line, the sedimentation velocity of a moderately concentrated dispersion can even exceed its single-particle value. At larger particle volume fraction , however, hydrodynamic hindrance eventually takes over. Hence, v() actually displays a non-monotonic trend that may threaten the stability of the settling front to thermal perturbations. By discussing a representative case, we show that these results are relevant to the investigation of protein weak association effects by ultracentrifugation. References. [1] R. Piazza, Reports of Progress in Physics, 2014, 77, 056602. [2] E. Lattuada, S. Buzzaccaro, R. Piazza, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2016, 116, 03830

    Thermal Lens Measurements of Thermal Expansivity in Thermosensitive Polymer Solutions

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    The weak absorption of a laser beam generates in a fluid an inhomogeneous refractive index profile acting as a negative lens. This self-effect on beam propagation, known as Thermal Lensing (TL), is extensively exploited in sensitive spectroscopic techniques, and in several all-optical methods for the assessment of thermo-optical properties of simple and complex fluids. Using the Lorentz–Lorenz equation, we show that the TL signal is directly proportional to the sample thermal expansivity a, a feature allowing minute density changes to be detected with high sensitivity in a tiny sample volume, using a simple optical scheme. We took advantage of this key result to investigate the compaction of PniPAM microgels occurring around their volume phase transition temperature, and the temperature-driven formation of poloxamer micelles. For both these different kinds of structural transitions, we observed a significant peak in the solute contribution to a, indicating a decrease in the overall solution density—rather counterintuitive evidence that can nevertheless be attributed to the dehydration of the polymer chains. Finally, we compare the novel method we propose with other techniques currently used to obtain specific volume changes

    Spatially: Resolved heterogeneous dynamics in a strong colloidal gel

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    We re-examine the classical problem of irreversible colloid aggregation, showing that the application of Digital Fourier Imaging (DFI), a class of optical correlation methods that combine the power of light scattering and imaging, allows one to pick out novel useful evidence concerning the restructuring processes taking place in a strong colloidal gel. In particular, the spatially-resolved displacement fields provided by DFI strongly suggest that the temporally-intermittent local rearrangements taking place in the course of gel ageing are characterized by very long-ranged spatial correlations

    Biopolymer gels with "physical" cross-links: gelation kinetics, aging, heterogeneous dynamics, and macroscopic mechanical properties

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    Alginate is a natural biopolymer that forms, in the presence of divalent cations, ionic-bound gels typifying a large class of biological gels stabilized by non-covalent cross-links, and displaying a consistent restructuring kinetics. We investigate the kinetics of formation and aging of alginate gels by slow permeation of a curing CaCl2 agent by means of photon correlation imaging, a novel optical technique that allows obtaining the microscopic dynamics of the sample, while retaining at the same time the spatial resolution of imaging techniques. Specifically, the gelling kinetics displays a peculiar non-diffusive behavior, and the subsequent restructuring of the gel structure shares several features in common with the aging of colloidal gels, in particular for what concerns the occurrence of heterogeneous dynamics effects. A comparative analysis of the gel macroscopic mechanical properties at different aging stages further highlights distinctive effects arising from the non-permanent nature of the bonds

    Colloidal Swarms Can Settle Faster than Isolated Particles: Enhanced Sedimentation near Phase Separation

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    By experimenting on model colloids where depletion forces can be carefully tuned and quantified, we show that attractive interactions consistently “promote” particle settling, so much that the sedimentation velocity of a moderately concentrated dispersion can even exceed its single-particle value. At larger particle volume fraction ϕ, however, hydrodynamic hindrance eventually takes over. Hence, v(ϕ) actually displays a nonmonotonic trend that may threaten the stability of the settling front to thermal perturbations. Finally, by discussing a representative case, we show that these results are relevant to the investigation of protein association effects by ultracentrifugation

    Advanced Colloids Experiment (Temperature Controlled) - ACE-T10

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    Increment 59-60 Science Symposium presentation of Advanced Colloids Experiment (ACE-T10) (by GRC (Glenn Research Center) to the RPO-JSC (Research Planning Office-Johnson Space Center), via WebEx. The purpose of this event is for Principal Investigators to present their science objectives, testing approach, and measurement methods to agency scientists, managers, and other investigators

    Advanced Colloids Experiment (ACE) Science Overview

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    The Advanced Colloids Experiment is being conducted on the International Space Station (ISS) using the Light Microscopy Module (LMM) in the Fluids Integrated Rack (FIR). Work to date will be discussed and future plans and opportunities will be highlighted. The LMM is a microscope facility designed to allow scientists to process, manipulate, and characterize colloidal samples in micro-gravity where the absence of gravitational settling and particle jamming enables scientists to study such things as:a.The role that disordered and ordered-packing of spheres play in the phase diagram and equation of state of hard sphere systems,b.crystal nucleation and growth, growth instabilities, and the glass transition, c.gelation and phase separation of colloid polymer mixtures,d.crystallization of colloidal binary alloys,e.competition between crystallization and phase separation,f.effects of anisotropy and specific interactions on packing, aggregation, frustration and crystallization,g.effects of specific reversible and irreversible interactions mediated in the first case by hybridization of complementary DNA strands attached to separate colloidal particles,h.Lock and key interactions between colloids with dimples and spheres which match the size and shape of the dimples,i.finding the phase diagrams of isotropic and interacting particles,j.new techniques for complex self-assembly including scenarios for self-replication, k.critical Casimir forces,l.biology (real and model systems) in microgravity,m.etc. By adding additional microscopy capabilities to the existing LMM, NASA will increase the tools available for scientists that fly experiments on the ISS enabling scientists to observe directly what is happening at the particle level. Presently, theories are needed to bridge the gap between what is being observed (at a macroscopic level when photographing samples) with what is happening at a particle (or microscopic) level. What is happening at a microscopic level will be directly accessible with the availability of the Light Microscopy Module (LMM) on ISS. To meet these goals, the ACE experiment is being built-up in stages, with the availability of confocal microscopy being the ultimate objective. Supported by NASAs Physical Sciences Research Program, ESAESTEC, and the authors respective governments

    Thermophoresis in self-associating systems: probing poloxamer micellization by opto-thermal excitation

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    Due to its exquisite sensitivity to interfacial properties, thermophoresis, i.e., particle motion driven by thermal gradients, can provide novel, exclusive, and often surprising information on the structural properties of colloidal or macromolecular fluids and on particle/solvent interactions at the nanoscale. Here, by using an all-optical thermal excitation technique, thermal lensing, we show that thermophoresis can be profitably exploited to investigate the self-association of an amphiphilic block copolymer, poloxamer P407, which takes place above a concentration-dependent critical micellization temperature (cmt). In particular we show that, around and above the cmt, the direction of the poloxamer thermophoretic motion displays a remarkable double sign inversion, which is fully correlated with a peak in the thermal expansivity of the solution marking the progressive dehydration of the propylene oxide groups of P407 and their incorporation into the micellar core. This rather puzzling behaviour of the thermophoretic mobility and of the Soret coefficient in the P407 micellization region can tentatively be explained by properly taking into account the temperature-dependent balance between micellized and nonassociated poloxamer chains

    Compressive yield stress of depletion gels from stationary centrifugation profiles

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    We have investigated the stationary sedimentation profiles of colloidal gels obtained by an arrested phase-separation process driven by depletion forces, which have been compressed either by natural gravity or by a centrifugal acceleration ranging between 6g and 2300g. Our measurements show that the gel rheological properties display a drastic change when the gel particle volume fraction exceeds a value øc, which barely depends on the strength of the interparticle attractive forces that consolidate the network. In particular, the gel compressive yield stress , which increases as for , displays a diverging behaviour for , with an asymptotic value that is close to the random close packing value for hard spheres. The evidence we obtained suggests that basically coincides with the liquid (colloid-rich) branch of the metastable coexistence curve, rather than with the lower (and Ï-dependent) values expected for an attractive glass line penetrating inside the coexistence region