62 research outputs found


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    In this paper we studied the quality of wheat flour from various companies in Dolj County. In order to study the quality of the flour, we analyzed the following indicators: wet gluten content, falling  number, sedimentation test, gluten deformation index, gluten index, farinograph test, allveograph test, which are currently used in the panification industry.Analyzing these indices we can conclude that the soil is the main factor that influences the quality of flour

    Contamination Assessment of Toxic Elements in River Sediments from Baia Mare, Romania—Extreme Pollution from Mining Activities

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    Sediment samples from the Săsar River and its main tributaries were analyzed for their potentially toxic elements at the site of the Romplumb metallurgical company and near the well-known Pb-Zn-Cu epithermal deposit of Baia Sprie located in the Neogene volcanic chain of the Eastern Carpathians, Romania. The average metal concentrations arranged in order of decreasing abundance are as follows (mg·kg−1): Mn (4098) > Zn (2093) > Pb (918) > Cu (489) > As (160) > Cr (37.51) > Ni (30.25) > Co (28.13) > Cd (9.72) > Hg (1.81). Several pollution indices were successfully used to assess the degree of contamination and ecological risk. The majority of sampling sites indicate high degrees of pollution, with two major hotspots identified. There are further sources, such as the Șuior (Pb-Zn-Au) and Săsar (Au-Ag) epithermal deposits, Cuprom company, and Bozânta tailing ponds, identified as contaminants. The Baia Mare mining district is causing a serious threat to the aquatic systems in the region, and it can be taken as a reference area for the human impact derived from the mining of mineral deposits of Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn. It is imperative to reduce ecological risks and thereby protect the population living within this abandoned mining area

    The role of biostimulants in the fertilization program in eggplant

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    Seaweed-based biostimulants have the potential to stimulate the growth and development of young plants and increase plant resistance to stress induced by abiotic factors, such as drought or high temperatures, due to their rich content in macro and microelements, in phytohormones and in plant essential aminoacids. In the present experience, we aimed to study the influence of some foliar treatments with seaweed biostimulators on fruit weight, number of fruits per plant and eggplant yield. For the treatments, three seaweed-based biostimulators were used, Agrocean B, Auxi 4C and Kelpak, each product containing a different species of seaweed (Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour., Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis. and Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss). The treatments with the product Agrocean B (Laminaria digitata (Huds.) Lamour.) determined a 46.60% increase in production, compared to the untreated variant. Significant increases were also caused by treatments with the product Kelpak (Ecklonia maxima (Osbeck) Papenfuss), which led to a 32.37% higher yield

    Micro-Raman—a tool for the heavy mineral analysis of gold placer-type deposits (Pianu Valley, Romania)

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    In the current study, different heavy minerals typical of gold placer deposits were identified by means of micro-Raman spectroscopy, and their chemical composition analyzed and discussed (garnet, kyanite, staurolite, zircon, allanite, monazite, xenotime, rutile, anatase, cassiterite, titanite, barite). Even complex solid solution series, such as those of garnets, can be deciphered with the aid of systematic trends observed in Raman line frequencies. The vi mode in garnets will shift from high to low frequencies as a function of the ionic radius of the X2+ cation, from Mg2+, to Fe2+ and Mn2+, while the presence of Ca2+ will make the band to be shifted strongly to even lower wavenumbers. This approach has successfully been taken to differentiate between polymorph triplets such as kyanite-sillimanite-andalusite and rutile-anatase-brookite. Minerals under consideration with high contents of REE, U and Th are affected by intensive metamictization, particularly zircon and titanite. Raman peak features, such as shape, symmetry and intensity, respond to this radiation damage of the lattice and enable fine-tuning of these heavy minerals, such as in the case of fluorite (fetid fluorite). © 2020, MDPI AG. All rights reserved

    Recycling Li-ion batteries in eco-friendly environments

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: Jelen tanulmány egy olyan kísérlet eredményeit mutatja be, amelynek célja a színesfémek (pl. Co, Li Cu és Al) kinyerése a már elhasználódott, a mobiltelefon-iparban alkalmazott Li-ion akkumulátorokból. Egy optimális eljárás került kifejlesztésre a LiCoO2 vegyületet tartalmazó aktív paste (elektrolit) elválasztására az alumínium katódtól. Ehhez ultrahangos fürdőt használtunk, amelyben különböző savas oldatok (pl. citromsav, ecetsav, tejsav) szerepeltek oldóanyagként. Az általunk kidolgozott eljárás a következő előnyökkel rendelkezik: alacsony költségigény, nagyfokú hatékonyság (90%), környezetbarát. ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of a research carried out with the goal of recovering the useful non-ferrous metals (i.e. Co, Li Cu and Al) from spent Li-ion batteries used in the mobile phone industry. An optimal process was developed to separate active paste (containing LiCoO2 compound) from the aluminium cathode. For this purpose, an ultrasonic bath was used, in which different acid solutions (i.e. citric acid, acetic acid, lactic acid) were introduced as a leaching agent. This recovery process presents the following advantages: it has low costs, the process has high recovery efficiency (90%), and is largely ecological

    Identification of Microsporum canis in cutaneous lesions of cats from Timis County

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    Dermatophytosis has a practical and medical importance both in the veterinary and human medicine due to its zoonotic potential causing economic problems worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify the etiological agents involved in the appearance of cutaneous lesions. 43 cats were examined, from eight locations in the Timis County, with or without cutaneous lesions at the age of 1 month to 11 years. 37 cats belonged to the European breed, one Birmanese breed, three were Persian and two were British Shorthairs. Samples of hair, squamae and crusts were collected from every animal and placed in Petri plates. Direct microscopic examination of hairs, squamae and crusts was done using the slide and coverslip method, with lactophenol and it was examined using the x10 objective. The sample were cultivated on Sabouraud agar gel and DTM (Dermatophyte test). Microsporum canis was the only one species indentified in the cutaneous lesions (group 1) in 35% out of examinated cats (7/20). In group 2 (asymptomatic cats), the only species identified was Microsporum canis in one individual (1/23 respectively 4.37%)

    Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in Europe: an overview of management practices

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    Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), one of the most commercially important tree species in western North America and one of the most valuable timber trees worldwide, was introduced to Europe in 1827. It became a major species for afforestation in Western Europe after WWII, currently grows in 35 countries on over 0.83 million ha and is one of the most widespread non-native tree species across the continent. A lower sensitivity to drought makes Douglas-fir a potential alternative to the more drought-sensitive Norway spruce so its importance in Europe is expected to increase in the future. It is one of the fastest growing conifer species cultivated in Europe, with the largest reported dimensions of 2.3 m in diameter and 67.5 m in height. Pure stands have high productivity (up to 20 m3 ha-1a-1) and production (over 1000 m3 ha-1). The species is generally regenerated by planting (initial stocking density from less than 1000 seedlings ha-1 to more than 4000 ha-1), using seedlings of European provenance derived from seed orchards or certified seed stands. As the range of end-uses of its wood is very wide, the rotation period of Douglas-fir is highly variable and ranges between 40 and 120 years. When the production of large sized, knot-free timber is targeted, thinnings are always coupled with pruning up to 6 m. There is an increasing interest in growing Douglas-fir in mixtures and managing stands through close-to-nature silviculture, but the species’ intermediate shade tolerance means that it is best managed through group selection or shelter-wood systems


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    More than 70 years have passed since the drama of the dismemberment of Greater Romania, and this subject - despite a vast and growing historical bibliography, both Romanian and foreign1 - is still highly controversial. We must state from the beginning that we do not share the opinion that history must be rewri tten. We believe instead that history must be read again, namely studied a new, especially where a thorough, systematic study had not been done initially

    Hydrothermal Sphalerites from Ore Deposits of Baia Mare Area

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    Sphalerite is an abundant mineral in the hydrothermal deposits from the Baia Mare and Oaș areas (northwestern Romania). Sphalerite samples were analyzed with an electron probe microanalyzer and Raman spectroscopy. The obtained results indicated different amounts of Fe in the various deposits from the Baia Mare and Oaș areas. The sphalerites from Baia Sprie, Cavnic, Iba, Turț Penigher, and Breiner have a low Fe wt.% content. High Fe wt.% contents are at Herja and partly at Ghezuri and Nistru (copper stage) where sphalerite is associated with pyrrhotite. The correlation between iron and zinc from sphalerites is strongly negative. The negative correlation shows that iron is the main element that replaces zinc in the sphalerite structure. The manganese content of sphalerites in the Baia Mare and Oaș area is up to 0.84 wt.%. The cadmium content is quite uniform in the Baia Mare and Oaș area with contents ranging from 0.01 to 0.72 wt.%. The Fe content of sphalerites is an important indicator of the physico-chemical conditions of deposit formation because it is a function of temperature, pressure, and sulfur fugacity

    Contamination Assessment of Toxic Elements in River Sediments from Baia Mare, Romania—Extreme Pollution from Mining Activities

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    Sediment samples from the Săsar River and its main tributaries were analyzed for their potentially toxic elements at the site of the Romplumb metallurgical company and near the well-known Pb-Zn-Cu epithermal deposit of Baia Sprie located in the Neogene volcanic chain of the Eastern Carpathians, Romania. The average metal concentrations arranged in order of decreasing abundance are as follows (mg·kg−1): Mn (4098) > Zn (2093) > Pb (918) > Cu (489) > As (160) > Cr (37.51) > Ni (30.25) > Co (28.13) > Cd (9.72) > Hg (1.81). Several pollution indices were successfully used to assess the degree of contamination and ecological risk. The majority of sampling sites indicate high degrees of pollution, with two major hotspots identified. There are further sources, such as the Șuior (Pb-Zn-Au) and Săsar (Au-Ag) epithermal deposits, Cuprom company, and Bozânta tailing ponds, identified as contaminants. The Baia Mare mining district is causing a serious threat to the aquatic systems in the region, and it can be taken as a reference area for the human impact derived from the mining of mineral deposits of Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn. It is imperative to reduce ecological risks and thereby protect the population living within this abandoned mining area