56 research outputs found

    Genomic, proteomic and lipidomic evaluation of endometrial receptivity

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    Endometrial receptivity is a complex phenomenon that plays a vital role in infertility. Although quality of embryo can be evaluated for a successful implantation, endometrial receptivity is still an unknown factor. With advances in technology, the microarray approach has provided an ‘omic’ tool to evaluate endometrial receptivity. In Latin, ‘omic’ means the whole family. The genomic, proteomic, and lipidomic evaluations of endometrium mean a wholesome evaluation of the genes, lipids and proteins of the endometrium. Evaluation of receptivity with this three-way approach may provide insight to the potential markers of implantation. Genomic analysis has been limited to date because not every gene alteration affects protein expression. Lipidomic analysis has recently gained popularity because lipids are strictly controlled during the implantation period. In summary, with the recent advances in microarray technology, genomic, lipidomic, and proteomic analyses of the endometrium may provide ‘optimal’ evaluation tools and criteria to assess receptivity in the near future

    Evaluation of embryo transfer time (day 2 vs day 3) after imposed single embryo transfer legislation: When to transfer?

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    To determine whether the timing of embryo transfer (day 2 or day 3) affects pregnancy outcome in IVF patients, receiving single or double embryo transfer, 380 patients were included in this retrospective study. All patients underwent GnRH antagonist protocol. When stratified by number of transferred embryos, single embryo transfer (SET) patients undergoing a day 2 embryo transfer (ET) had similar biochemical pregnancy (25% vs 20.4%; p > 0.05) and clinical pregnancy (16.6% vs 14.6%; p > 0.05) rates to SET patients that were undergoing a day 3 ET. A similar observation was again noted in double embryo transfer (DET) patients undergoing a day 2 ET, with similar biochemical pregnancy (35% vs 29.8%; p > 0.05) and clinical pregnancy (25% vs 15.5%; p > 0.05) rates to DET patients undergoing a day 3 ET. Women, despite age, number of transferred embryos and ET timing, have similar reproductive outcomes. Shortening or lengthening the duration of in vitro culture provides no obvious benefit

    Genomic, proteomic and lipidomic evaluation of endometrial receptivity

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    Endometrial receptivity is a complex phenomenon that plays a vital role in infertility. Although quality of embryo can be evaluated for a successful implantation, endometrial receptivity is still an unknown factor. With advances in technology, the microarray approach has provided an ‘omic’ tool to evaluate endometrial receptivity. In Latin, ‘omic’ means the whole family. The genomic, proteomic, and lipidomic evaluations of endometrium mean a wholesome evaluation of the genes, lipids and proteins of the endometrium. Evaluation of receptivity with this three-way approach may provide insight to the potential markers of implantation. Genomic analysis has been limited to date because not every gene alteration affects protein expression. Lipidomic analysis has recently gained popularity because lipids are strictly controlled during the implantation period. In summary, with the recent advances in microarray technology, genomic, lipidomic, and proteomic analyses of the endometrium may provide ‘optimal’ evaluation tools and criteria to assess receptivity in the near future

    Role of endocrine disorders in recurrent early pregnancy loss

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    Tekrarlayan gebelik kayıpları (TGK) ve endokrin hastalıklar arasındaki ilişki uzun zamandır bilinmektedir. Embriyonun tutunması ve erken implantasyonunda lokal hormonalar etkin olduğundan, endokrin sebepli gebelik kayıplar genellikle erken gestasyonal dönemde oluşur. TGK ile en sık ilişkilendirilen endokrin bozukluklar arasında tiroid hastalıkları, luteal faz bozuklukları ve polikistik over sendromu sayılabilir. Bu derlemede amacımız, bu hastalıkların patofizyolojisinde yeni gelişmeleri incelerken, gebelik sürecini ve sonucunu nasıl etkilediklerini irdelemektir.Existence of a link between endocrine disorders and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) has been well established. Since embryo attachment and early implantation are managed by the local hormonal milieu, endocrine-related pregnancy failures usually occur during early gestation. Endocrine abnormalities, such as thyroid disorders, luteal phase defects and polycystic ovary syndrome, are commonly associated with RPL. In this review we discuss new concepts in the pathophysiology and treatment of these diseases and their effects on pregnancy maintenance and outcome

    Effects of Irisin Compared with Exercise on Specific Metabolic and Obesity Parameters in Female Mice with Obesity.

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    Objective: We aimed to analyze the changes in metabolic parameters after administration of irisin to obese female mice

    Endometrium Kanserinde Pozitif Peritoneal Sitolojinin Miyometriyal İnvazyonla İlişkisi

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    Endonıetriyum Kanserinde Pozitif Peritoneal 'Sitolojinin Miyometriyal Invazyoııla ilişkisiThe Relationship of Positive Peritoneal ,Cytology .with Myometriallnvasioıı in Endometrial Cancer , 'OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationshipof peritoneal eytology and myometrial invasion in endometrial . eareinomaAMAÇ: Endometriyum kanseri vakalarında periıoııeal sitoloji ile miyonıeıriyal invazyonuıı ilişkisini araştırmak,MATERYAL ve METOD: 1984-1995 yılları arasında, İ.Ü. [stanbul Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastaiıklan ve Doğum Anabilim Delında tedavi edilen ve periıon yıkantı sıvısı alman, klinik olarakevre I-II o/mı 84 endometriyum kanseri retrospekıif olacak .incelenm iştir.STUDY DESIGN: Eighty-four endometrial carcinonıa cases cliııically stage /-/1 who have been treated at lstanbul. Medical School Department of Obstetrics andGyııecology were investigated retrospectively.BULGULAR: Toplam 84 hastada batın yıkantı sıvısı alın/ı11Ş, 25 tanesinde (% 29.76) sitoloji pozitif: 59 hastada (% 70.23) ise negatif' bulunmuştur. Derin miyonıetriyal invazyon saptanan 23 hastanın II 'inde (% 47.8), yiizeyel invazyon o/an 61 hastanın 14'iinde (% 22.95) peıiıoııealsiıoloji pozitif' bulunmuştur, Aradaki ilişki isıaıistiki olarak anlamlıdır (p&lt;O.o5).RESULTS: Peritoneal washing was performed in 84 patients, cytotogy was positive in 25 (25.76 %),and negative in 59 patients (70.23 %). Peritoııeal cytology was positive iıı II (47;8 %) oj 23 patients with deep myometrial iııvasion and 14 of 6/ patients (22.95 %) with superficial inva.sioıı. The relationslıip was sıaıisıically significant (p&lt;O.05).CONCLUSION: Tlıere .is a significant relationship beıweeıı positive peritoııeal cytology and deep myometria/ iııvasion. The probability of myomeırial.invasion increases in cases witlı posiıive peritoneal cytology whiclı adversely affec the prognosis.SONUÇ: Pozitifperiıoııeal siıolo]i ile derin nıiyonıeıriyal iııvazyon arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olup, peıiıoııeal sitolojisi pozitif olanlarda derin nıiyoıııetriyal iıtvazyon olasılığı artmakta, dolayısıyla prognoz olumsuz yönde etkitennıekıedir.Key words: Endometrial Caneer, Peritoneal Cytology, Myometrial InvasionAnahtar kelimeler: Endometriyuın Kanseri, Peritoneal Sitoloji, Miyometriyal İnvazyoıı</p