126 research outputs found

    On the continuity of separately continuous bihomomorphisms

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    Separately continuous bihomomorphisms on a product of convergence or topological groups occur with great frequency. Of course, in general, these need not be jointly continuous. In this paper, we exhibit some results of Banach-Steinhaus type and use these to derive joint continuity from separate continuity. The setting of convergence groups offers two advantages. First, the continuous convergence structure is a powerful tool in many duality arguments. Second, local compactness and first countability, the usual requirements for joint continuity, are available in much greater abundance for convergence groups

    Über die c-Reflexivität von Cc(X)

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    Fossil water lily fruits with seeds Nymphaea subgenus Lotos, from the Oligocene of Armissan/Narbonne (France)

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    Based on specimens from a historical collection from the classical Oligocene locality Armissan (Southern France) fossil fruits of Nymphaeaceae are described that can be affiliated to the Nymphaeaceae genus Nymphaea subgenus Lotos with confidence. Such findings were first described in 1865 by Saporta from Armissan as an extinct genus, Anoectomeria. However, in the absence of preserved seeds, and due to a misinterpretation of the organisation of the fruits, the fossils could only be affiliated to Nymphaeaceae in general. The identification of the historical specimens with preserved seeds allows a new interpretation of such fossils and, hence their identification as fruits of the subgenus Lotos. Especially the characteristical mode of fruit dehiscence, which leads to typical stigmatic discs in extant as well as in fossil specimens, confirms this affiliation. In this study, the flowers/fruits described by Saporta (rhizome, leaves and isolated seeds were also included in his taxa) are revised to Nymphaea (subgenus Lotos) brongniartii. Comparable Paleogene fossils from other localities are also discussed. Based on N. (L.) brongniartii the minimal geological age of the subgenus Lotos can be determined as Late Oligocene. By interpretation of the comparable Paleogene fossils as belonging to subgenus Lotos the minimal geological age of this taxon would even be Middle Eocene. The Late Oligocene minimal geological age of Lotos is in agreement with phylogenetic trees based on molecular data and allows a better calibration of molecular phylogenetic trees of Nymphaeaceae.Nach Exemplaren einer historischen Aufsammlung von der klassischen Oligozän-Fundstelle Armissan (Südfrankreich) werden fossile Nymphaeaceen-Früchte mit Samen beschrieben, die eindeutig der rezenten Nymphaeaceen Gattung Nymphaea Untergattung Lotos zuzuordnen sind. Derartige Funde wurden zuerst 1865 von Saporta ebenfalls von Armissan als Anoectomeria brongniartii, A. nana und A. media beschrieben, und konnten aber wegen des Fehlens von Samen und der Fehldeutung des Fruchtaufbaus nur dieser Kunstgattung und allgemein den Nymphaeaceae zugeordnet werden. Die Auffindung der historischen Exemplare, die anders als die von Saporta beschriebenen, Samen aufweisen und die damit mögliche Neuinterpretation dieser fossilen Früchte erlaubt eine eindeutige Zuordnung zur Untergattung Lotos. Besonders die sehr charakteristische Fruchtdehiszenz, die rezent wie fossil zu isolierten Scheiben aus verwachsenen Griffelnarben führt, erlaubt nur diese Zuordnung. Die Blüten bzw. Früchte der Saporta-Taxa (Rhizome, Blätter und isolierte Samen wurden von ihm auch jeweils in die Taxa mit einbezogen) werden hier zu Nymphaea (subgenus Lotos) brongniartii revidiert. Vergleichbare paläogene Funde von anderen Lokalitäten werden diskutiert. Mit Nymphaea (Lotos) brongniartii kann das minimale geologische Alter der Untergattung Lotos als Oberoligozän bestimmt werden. Mit der Zuordnung vergleichbarer paläogener Funde zu Lotos wäre das minimale geologische Alter sogar Mitteleozän. Das Oberoligozäne minimale geologische Alter von Lotos ist mit den aus molekularen Daten erstellten Stammbäumen vereinbar und ermöglicht eine bessere Kalibrierung molekularer Stammbäume der Nymphaeaceae

    Bemerkungen über eine Klasse von IR-Algebrentopologien

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    Das Gottes- und Menschenbild in den geistlichen Liedern von Friedrich Spee

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    Permian ginkgophyte fossils from the Dolomites resemble extant O-ha-tsuki aberrant leaf-like fructifications of Ginkgo biloba L

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Structural elucidation and analysis of fructifications of plants is fundamental for understanding their evolution. In case of <it>Ginkgo biloba</it>, attention was drawn by Fujii in 1896 to aberrant fructifications of <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>whose seeds are attached to leaves, called <it>O-ha-tsuki </it>in Japan. This well-known phenomenon was now interpreted by Fujii as being homologous to ancestral sporophylls. The common fructification of <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>consists of 1-2 (rarely more) ovules on a dichotomously divided stalk, the ovules on top of short stalklets, with collars supporting the ovules. There is essentially no disagreement that either the whole stalk with its stalklets, collars and ovules is homologous to a sporophyll, or, alternatively, just one stalklet, collar and ovule each correspond to a sporophyll. For the transition of an ancestral sporophyll resembling extant <it>O-ha-tsuki </it>aberrant leaves into the common fructification with stalklet/collar/ovule, evolutionary reduction of the leaf lamina of such ancestral sporophylls has to be assumed. Furthermore, such ancestral sporophylls would be expected in the fossil record of ginkgophytes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From the Upper Permian of the Bletterbach gorge (Dolomites, South Tyrol, Italy) ginkgophyte leaves of the genus <it>Sphenobaiera </it>were discovered. Among several specimens, one shows putatively attached seeds, while other specimens, depending on their state of preservation, show seeds in positions strongly suggesting such attachment. Morphology and results of a cuticular analysis are in agreement with an affiliation of the fossil to the ginkgophytes and the cuticle of the seed is comparable to that of Triassic and Jurassic ones and to those of extant <it>Ginkgo biloba</it>. The <it>Sphenobaiera </it>leaves with putatively attached seeds closely resemble seed-bearing <it>O-ha-tsuki </it>leaves of extant <it>Ginkgo biloba</it>. This leads to the hypothesis that, at least for some groups of ginkgophytes represented by extant <it>Ginkgo biloba</it>, such sporophylls represent the ancestral state of fructifications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Some evidence is provided for the existence of ancestral laminar ginkgophyte sporophylls. Homology of the newly found fossil ginkgophyte fructifications with the aberrant <it>O-ha-tsuki </it>fructifications of <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>is proposed. This would support the interpretation of the apical part of the common <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>fructification (stalklet/collar/ovule) as a sporophyll with reduced leaf lamina.</p

    Dualitäten in Zeta c (X)

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    El ozono acelera la cicatrización de heridas y disminuye la producción de las citocinas proinflamatorias y quimocinas IL-1β, TNF-α, RANTES Y CCL-3.

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    Introducción: La ozonoterapia tiene efectos antimicrobianos y bacteriostáticos por lo que se ha propuesto su uso dentro de la cirugía médica y odontológica. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia del ozono en la cicatrización de heridas, analizando la histopatología y la presencia de células productoras de citocinas proinflamatorias y quimiocinas IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, RANTES y CCL-3. Material y Métodos: Se utilizaron ratones BALB/c, se realizaron heridas de 10mm de longitud. Se suturaron las heridas y se inició inmediatamente la ozonoterapia por ionoforesis a 6μg/ml por 1 minuto, se repitió la dosis a las 24 y 48 horas. Se tomaron fotografías para observar el cierre de la herida clínica al día 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 8 antes de ser sacrificados. Se tomaron muestras del tejido, estas se fijaron en formaldehido al 4% y se incluyeron en parafina. Se tiñeron con Hematoxilina y Eosina (HyE), Tricrómico de Masson (TM) e inmunocitoquímica con anticuerpos dirigidos a IL-1beta, TNF-alfa, RANTES y CCL-3. La inflamación fue valorada como leve, moderada y severa. Se realizó un análisis morfométrico de células y fibras del tejido conectivo. Resultados: Al análisis clínico macroscópico, las heridas tratadas con ozonoterapia obtuvieron un cierre de la herida más rápido que las control. Al microscopio, en los cortes teñidos con HyE se encontró inflamación moderada en el tejido control, en los tratados con ozono solo se encontró inflamación leve. En cortes teñidos con TM tratados con ozono, se observó una disposición más ordenada de las fibras colágenas en la dermis reticular, con menor cantidad de tejido inflamatorio (p<0.05). Se obtuvieron mayor cantidad de células productoras de IL1-beta, TNF-alfa, RANTES y CCL-3 en los tejidos sin ozono en comparación con los tratados con ozono. Conclusiones: El ozono provee efectos positivos sobre el proceso fisiológico de la cicatrización, acelerando la recuperación tegumentaria clínica y disminuye la presencia de citocinas proinflamatorias y quimiocinas