18 research outputs found

    A Strategy For The Development Of The Medical Devices National Innovation System [uma Estratégia De Desenvolvimento Para O Sistema Nacional De Inovação De Produtos Médicos]

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    This paper presents a proposal of a program for the development of the Brazilian National Innovation System for Medical Products (SNIPM) under the National Health System (SUS) integrated and aligned with the actions of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Clinical engineering knowledge and tools allowed performing a differentiated socio-economic analysis of the sector, the systematization and the perception of actors and factors that induce or retard the growth of the technology sector. In this article, the medical devices sector in Brazil was first contextualized to in the light of current national and global socio-economic conjuncture, in order to characterize it as a major inducer of innovative activities. The definitions and theories about the National Innovation Systems are described, followed by a discussion of the specifics of SNIPM in Brazil, with its actors, including their duties and responsibilities. The methodology for the collection and analysis of economic data, were shown, in order to characterize the importance of this sector to the national economy and its potential to induce the rising of innovative technologies whithin the SNIPM. The analysis of industry data is presented, which attempts to present and comment on some industry data collected during a survey. In the Results section, it is presented the design of a program used to to catalyze the development of the SNIPM considering the technological demands and priorities of the SUS and the target markets of the productive sector. The proposed program, which was developed and implemented within the Brazilian Ministry of Health, can become one of the tools within the SUS to strengthen and modernize the sector of medical equipments and materials, aiming to increase the innovative capacity of firms and change its competitive standing.282124139Albuquerque, E.M., Cassiolato, J.E., As especificidades do sistema de inovação do setor saúde (2002) Revista de Economia Política, 22 (4), pp. 134-151Arruda, M., Velmulm, R., Hollanda, S., Inovação tecnológica no Brasil: A indústria em busca da competitividade global (2006) São Paulo: ANPEI, p. 117Bobbie, B., Health Technology assessment: Challenges and solutions for medical devices (2010) Canada: Cook MedicalRegula direitos e obrigações relativos à propriedade industrial (1996) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, pp. 8353-8366. , Brasil. Lei n o 9.279, 14 de maio de. Brasília, DF, n. 93, 15 mai1996. Seção1Dispõe sobre a proteção da propriedade intelectual de programa de computador, sua comercialização no País, e dá outras providências (1998) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, pp. 1-3. , Brasil. Lei n o 9.609, 19 de fevereiro de. Brasília, DF, n. 36, 20 fev1998. Seção1Dispõe sobre incentivos à inovação e à pesquisa científica e tecnológica no ambiente produtivo e dá outras providências (2004) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, pp. 2-4. , Brasil. Lei n o 10.973, de2 de dezembro de. Brasília, DF, n. 233, 3 dez2004. Seção1Institui o Regime Especial de Tributação para a Plataforma de Exportação de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação -REPES, o Regime Especial de Aquisição de Bens de Capital para Empresas Exportadoras-RECAP e o Programa de Inclusão Digital e dá outras providências (2005) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, pp. 1-12. , Brasil. Lei n° 11.196, de21 de novembro de. Brasília, DF, n. 223, 22 nov2005. Seção1Dispõe sobre a classificação de produtos correlatos para efeito de registro no Ministério da Saúde (1993) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, pp. 7042-7045. , Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria Conjunta SNVS/SAS n o 1, de17 de maio de. Brasília, DF, n. 98, mai1993. Seção1Departamento de Informática do SUS -DATASUS (2008) Sistema TABNET, , tabnet.datasus.gov.br/tabnet/tabnet.htm, Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Sítio eletrônico. [acesso em 2008 fev.]. Disponível emTecnologia e Insumos Estratégicos (2008) Pesquisa para Saúde: Desenvolvimento e inovação para o SUS: Relatório final, , Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Ciência, Brasília: Ministério da SaúdeInstitui, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde-SUS, o Programa Nacional para Qualificação, Produção e Inovação em Equipamentos e Materiais de Uso em Saúde no Complexo Industrial da Saúde (2008) Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, p. 119. , Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Portaria MS375, de29 de fevereiro de. Brasília, DF, n. 41, 29 fev2008c. Seção1Freeman, C., Japan: A new national system of innovation? (1988) Technical Change and Economic Theory, pp. 341-348. , In: London: Pinter PublishersGadelha, C.A.G., O complexo industrial da saúde e a necessidade de um enfoque dinâmico na economia da saúde (2003) Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 8 (2), pp. 521-535. , http://dx.doi.1590/S1413-81232003000200015.org/10Leão, R., Oliveira, E.J.V., Albornoz, L.J.C., (2008) Estudo setorial-Setor de equipamentos e materiais de uso em saúde, , Brasília: Ministério da SaúdeMcDaniel, C., Gates, R., (2004) Pesquisa de marketing, p. 562. , São Paulo: Thomson LearningOliveira, E.J.V., Leão, R., Button, V.L.S.N., Nova abordagem para o Sistema Nacional de Inovação de Produtos Médicos (2008) Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, pp. 335-338. , In: CBEB: Anais do 21 o2008Nov16-20Salvador, Brasil. Salvador2008Oliveira, E.J.V., Engenharia clínica aplicada à definição e implementação de uma proposta desenvolvimentista para o Sistema Nacional de Inovação de Produtos Médicos (2010) Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, , [dissertação](2010) Programa de Engenharia Biomédica-PEB. UFRJ, , http://www.peb.ufrj.br/pesquisa.htm, [Internet]. [acesso em 2010 maio]. Disponível emRosenberg, N., (1982) Inside the black box: Technology and economics, p. 320. , Cambridge: University PressWagner, C.S., Brahmakulam, I., Jackson, B., Wong, A., Yoda, T., Science and technology collaboration: Building capacity in developing countries? (2001) RAND: Arlington, , http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/2005/MR1357.0.pdf, [Internet]. 2001 [cited 2012 Jan]. 102 p. Available from(2003) Medical device regulations: Global overview and guiding principles, p. 43. , World Health Organization-WHO. Genebr

    Projected Costs For Acquisition Of Equipment Ultrasound In Medical Clinics [projeção De Custos Para Aquisição De Equipamentos De Ultra-som Em Clínicas Médicas]

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    The objective of this work is to present a projection of costs for ultrasound scanning equipment acquisitions by medical imaging clinics and to understand how these acquisitions affect the final value of ease exam. In order to meet customer demands for the newest technology, medical imaging clinics substitute their equipments in shorter periods of time, trying to follow the launching of more sophisticated products. The cost of the anticipation of ultrasound scanning replacement was projected to verify how it affects the clinic budget. According to medical imaging clinics market profile, two factors of great importance in ultrasound scanning acquisition have been identified: the cost of tax loans paid and the monthly demand of imaging services. Medical imaging clinics seldom have the preoccupation to verify the impact of these factors in the equipment replacement, which may cause damage to their financial health. For this study data from 04 clinics, that have together 12 equipment acquisition processes in a given period, have been collected and analyzed. The clinics are located in the city of Campinas (SP, Brazil), which has a population greater than 1 million people. Each chosen clinic monthly makes, by ultrasound equipment, from 400 to 700 exams. The results showed that each exam costs from 1.00upto1.00 up to 7.22, just due to ultrasound scanning equipment acquisition. When the anticipation of medical equipment replacement was combined to the cost of tax loans paid and the monthly demand of imaging services, the projected cost of an imaging exam reached values between 1.00and1.00 and 20.00. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.18816819Ewing, B.T., Kruse, J.B., Thompson, M.A., (2002) Linkages Within the Health Care Industry, , Texas: Texas Tech UniversityMartins, D.S., (2000) Custos e Orçamentos Hospitalares, , SP: ed. AtlasMartins, D.S., (2000) Custeio Hospitalar por Atividades, , SP: ed. AtlasAbbas, K., (2001) Gestão De Custos Em Organizações Hospitalares, , Tese de Mestrado, Depto de Engenharia de Produção, UFSC, SCAbreu, L.E., (2002) Avaliação de Projetos e Investimentos, , Fundação Getúlio VargasConsulta em site (dezembro/2005) - Cotação de fundo DI, , http://www.infomoney.com.br/cotacoes/mainoff.aspDenardin, A.A., (2004) A Importância Do Custo De Oportunidade Para a Avaliação De Empreendimentos Baseados Na Criação Do Valor Econômico, , em: ConTexto v4 no 6, Porto AlegreSuen, A.S., Metodologia para Avaliação do EVA (Economic Value Added) Através de Demonstrativos Financeiros e de Dados de Cotações de Preços, , SP: Ascent Financial Technologie

    Mapping The Brazilian Medical Device Innovation System: A Wide Field For Biomedical Engineering Development

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    The article analyzes the interchange net and the partnerships between the main players of the Brazilian National Innovation System of Medical Devices. It is presented a panorama of the medical device sector around the world an in Brazil, a definition of National Innovation System and its importance in the social-economic development of a country. In this way, the R&D and Innovation activities demanded by the Innovation System configures a wide work field for Biomedical Engineers. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.2513214217OLIVEIRA, E.J.V., (2007) Termo de Referência do Programa Nacional para Qualificação, Produção e Inovação no Complexo Industrial da Saúde - Equipamentos e Materiais de Uso em Saúde, Pesquisa para Saúde 2007, , Ministério da Saúde;GADELHA, C., O complexo industrial da saúde e a necessidade de um enfoque dinâmico na economia da saúde (2003) Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 8 (2), pp. 521-535HICKS, D., KATZ, J., Hospitals: The Hidden Research System (1996) Science and Public Policy, 23 (5), pp. 297-304. , October;GELIJNS, A. e ROSENBERG, N. (1995)The Changing Nature of Medical Technology Development. In ROSENBERG, N., GELIJNS, A. e DAWKINS, H.;ALBUQUERQUE, E.M., CASSIOLATO, J.E., As Especificidades do Sistema de Inovação do Setor Saúde. (2002) Revista de Economia Política, 22 (4 88). , outubro-dezembro;NELSON, R., WINTER, S., (1982) An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, , Cambridge, MassLondon: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press;PAVITT, K. (1991) What Makes Basic Research Economically Useful? Research Policy, 20 (2): 109-119.Smith J, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al. (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325-32

    Mecanomiografia Triaxial Analysis And Isokinetic Torque: Preliminary Results [mecanomiografia Triaxial E Análise De Torque Isocinético: Resultados Preliminares]

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    In mechanomyography (MMG), there seems to be more studies in isometric contractions than isokinetic ones. MMG amplitude can be used to track torque decline in fatiguing isokinetic contractions. This study aims to determine good MMG/torque correlation indicators. Three volunteers performed 50 isokinetic contractions at 300°s-1. The MMG acquisition system is based on a triaxial accelerometer sensor. It was positioned on the belly of the rectus femoris muscle. The acquired RMS and derived signals were first analyzed for determining whether they have normal distribution. Then, the linear correlation coefficients were calculated. Sensor's axis 1 presented weaker correlation with torque variables than axis 2 and 3. The modulus of the three signals (axes 1, 2, and 3) had the highest correlation values. The RMS MMG amplitude had better correlation with RMS torque than peak torque. However, with the averaged values, correlation coefficients were R=0.89 and R=0.89 (p<0.01) for peak torque and RMS value, respectively. Two main conclusions were drawn: the modulus is a good indicator of torque amplitude in isokinetic contractions at 300°s-1, and peak torque and maximum RMS torque values occur after the first extension. However, tests with more volunteers are needed in order to precisely assess these results. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.18555558Orizio, C., Perini, R., Veicsteinas, A., Muscular sound and force relationship during isometric contraction in man (1989) Eur J Appl Phys Occup Physiol, 58, pp. 528-533Brozovich, F.V., Pollack, G.H., Muscle contraction generates discrete sound bursts (1983) Biophys J, 41, pp. 35-40Stokes, M.J., Cooper, R.G., Muscle sounds during voluntary and stimulated contractions of the human adductor pollicis muscle (1992) J Appl Physiol, 72, pp. 1908-1913Mealing, D., McCarthy, P.W., Muscle sound frequency analysis from fast and slow twitch muscle (1991) IEEE Proc. Annual Conference On Eng Med and Biol Soc, pp. 948-949Watakabe, M., Mita, K., Akataki, K., Reliability of the mechanomyogram detected with an accelerometer during voluntary contractions (2003) Med Biol Eng Comp, 41, pp. 198-202Søgaard, K., Orizio, C., Søgaard, G., Surface mechanomyogram amplitude is not attenuated by intramuscular pressure (2006) Eur J Appl Physiol, 96, pp. 178-184Orizio, C., Perini, R., Diemont, B., Muscle sound and electromyogram spectrum analysis during exhausting contractions in man (1992) Eur J Appl Physiol, 65, pp. 1-7Ebersole, K.T., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., The effect of leg flexion angle on the mechanomyographic responses to isometric muscle actions (1998) Eur J Appl Phys Occup Physiol, 78, pp. 264-269Ebersole, K.T., O'Connor, K.M., Wier, A.P., Mechanomyographic and electromyographic responses to repeated concentric muscle actions of the quadriceps femoris (2006) J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 16, pp. 149-157Perry-Rana, S.R., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., MMG and EMG responses during fatiguing isokinetic muscle contractions at different velocities (2002) Muscle & Nerve, 26, pp. 367-373Evetovich, T.K., Housh, T.J., Stout, J.R., Mechanomyographic responses to concentric isokinetic muscle contractions (1997) Eur J Appl Phys Occup Physiol, 75, pp. 166-169Chambers, J.M., (1983) Graphical Methods For Data Analysis, , Chapman & Hall, BostonBox, G.E., Cox, D.R., An analysis of transformations (1964) J Royal Stat Soc. Series B (Methodological), 26, pp. 211-252Hudash, G., Albright, J., McAuley, E., Cross-sectional thigh components: Computerized tomographic assessment (1985) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 17, pp. 417-421Cramer, J.T., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., Mechanomyographic amplitude and mean power output during maximal, concentric, isokinetic muscle actions (2000) Muscle & Nerve, 23, pp. 1826-1831Perry-Rana, S.R., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., MMG and EMG responses during 25 maximal, eccentric, isokinetic muscle actions (2003) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35, pp. 2048-205

    Geant4 Applicability And Validation For Photons And Electrons In Radiotherapy

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    The study of interaction of radiation with matter is a field of great interest in the medical physics. The computational simulation tools as Monte Carlo have been used in this field. The Geant4 code is a toolkit that incorporates several physical processes and particles which allow its application in medical physics, in particular, in the area of radiotherapy. In this work we performed simulations of monoenergetic electrons and photons beams in the energy range used in radiotherapy, and compared the results with results already published and others methods largely tested. The simulated results of range and stopping power of electrons were very close of published, the simulated results to photons results presentaccuracies <1% showing that Geant4 is appropriated to electrons and photons simulations with energy in the range of radiotherapy. © 2013 Springer.33 IFMBE12561259SKAN AG,Materialise NV,Bavarian Minist. Econ., Aff., Infrastruct., Transp. Technol.,Bavarian Bureau for International Business Relations GmbH,AKUD - Med Pharm GmbHNahum, A.E., Overview of Photon and Electron Monte Carlo (1988) Monte Carlo Transport of Electrons and Photons, pp. 3-20. , Ed: Theodore M. Jenkins, Walter R. Nelson e Alessandro Rindi, Plenum Press, New York LondonAmako, K., Agostinelli, S., Allison, J., Axen, D., Arce, P., Asai, M., Broglia, L., Boudreau, J., Geant4 - A simulation tool kit (2003) Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 506, pp. 250-303User's Guide, , http://geant4.cern.ch/Poon, E., Verhaegen, F., Accuracy of the photon and electron physics in GEANT4 for radiotherapy application (2005) Phys Med. Biol, pp. 1696-1711Johns, H.E., Cunningham, J.R., (1983) The Physics of Radiology, , Thomas BooksRange Tables, , http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Star/Text/ESTAR.htm

    Simulation Of A Piezoelectric Transducer Composed Of Concentric Rings With Various Types Of Layer Rear [simulação De Um Transdutor Piezoelétrico Composto Por Anéis Concêntricos Com Vários Tipos De Camada De Retaguarda]

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    This paper describes PZFlex simulation of high frequency (30MHz) 3mm radius annular array piezoelectric transducer. Kerf designs with various backing layers were simulated with PZFlex to compare the beam profile of annular array transducers configured with equal areas 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 rings. In our simulations the transducer with 6 rings presented higher values for pressure peak than the others transducers configurations, and the transducer with 7 rings presented lower values. For all configurations simulated, those of transducers with backing layers made of epoxy presented the highest pressure peak values and transducers whose backing layer were made of tungsten showed weaker values of pressure peak. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.18432435Cannata, J.M., Ritter, T.A., Chen, W.H., Silverman, R.H., Shung, K.K., Design of Efficient, Broadband Single-Element (20- 80MHz) Ultrasonic Transducers for Medical Imaging Applications (2003) IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 50 (11), pp. 1548-1557Ketterling, J.A., Aristizábal, O., Turnbull, D.H., Lizzi, F.L., Design and Fabrication of a 40-MHz Annular Array Transducer (2006) IEEE Transactions On Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 52 (4), pp. 672-681Snook, K.A., Shrout, T.R., Development of High Frequency Annular Arrays for Medical Imaging (2003) In: Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 865-868Christine, E.M., Demore, C.E.M., Lockwood, G.R., An Investigation of the Effective Width of Elements in Kerfless Annular Arrays (2005) Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 113-116Brown, J.A., Lockwood, G.R., Design os Sparse Annular Arrays for High-frequency Imaging (2005) Proceedings of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 125-128Auld, B.A., (1973) Acoustic Field and Waves In Solids, , New York: John Wiley and SonsJain, S.K., Gupta, R., Chandra, S., Evaluation of Acoustical Characteristics of Ultrasonic Transducer Backing Materials at High Hydrostatic Pressures (1998) Ultrasonics, 36, pp. 37-4

    Back-propagation Of Ultrasound Pulses Via Directivity Spectrum Method

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    The directivity spectrum encodes information about the three dimensional field and its magnitude is independent of the distance from the transducer face in a lossless medium. The shape of the ultrasound pulse is determined by the phase of the directivity spectrum, and its phase is related to the position of the pulse in the space-time domain. This feature of the directivity spectrum can be used to predict the shape of the ultrasound pulse at any position by changing the phase of its directivity spectrum. The method for measuring the directivity spectrum proposed here depends on the utilization of a Large Aperture Hydrophone (LAH) which has the unique feature that its output is independent of the distance from the transducer face, in a lossless medium, and it is also diffraction-insensitive. The Fourier transform of the field is related to the directivity spectrum of the transducer and the LAH can measure its angular components. We confirmed these arguments by measurements in a water tank, with pulsed fields, for several orientations of the LAH. Once the directivity spectrum of the pulsed field was known, its phase could be shifted by a specific shift factor, and the spatial distribution of the field at a new position could be obtained by the inverse Fourier transform of the shifted directivity spectrum. We present images corresponding to the predicted (back-propagated) spatial distribution of the ultrasound field of a planar transducer, obtained from the directivity spectrum measured, at 6cm from the transducer face.1559562Schafer, M.E., Lewin, P.A., Transducer characterization using the angular spectrum method (1989) J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 85, pp. 2202-2214Healey, A.J., Leeman, S., A novel technique for imaging pulsed ultrasound fields (1997) Acoustical Imaging, 23, pp. 363-368. , Ed. Lees and Ferrari, Plenum PressLeeman, S., Healey, A.J., Costa, E.T., Nicacio, H., Dantas, R.G., Maia, J.M., Measurement of transducer directivity function (2001) Proc. of SPIE, 4325, pp. 47-53Costa, E.T., Development and application of a large aperture PVDF hydrophone for measurement of linear and non-linear ultrasound fields (1989), PhD Thesis, University of LondonLeeman, S., Healey, A.J., Weight, J.P., A new approach for calculating wideband fields (1998) Acoustical Imaging, 24. , (in press)Leeman, S., Dantas, R.G., Costa, E.T., Pulsed ultrasound field simulation and visualization (2000) Proc. of SPIE, 3982, pp. 109-11

    Triaxial Mechanomyography Of The Biceps Brachii Muscle During Sustained Submaximal Isometric Contractions

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    The biceps brachii (BB) is a bi-articular muscle that acts in the elbow and shoulder joints. Mechanomyography (MMG) is a technique that uses accelerometers to monitor the muscle waves. The aim of this study is to model the behavior of BB MMG signals and elbow torque during sustained sub-maximal isometric contractions. Three MMG axes (Z, Y and X) and torque were recorded from BB during sustained elbow flexion at 70% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and kept the longest time the volunteers could get. MMG and torque signals were analyzed in 3 different (Initial, Middle and Final) time windows (TW) with 1s duration specific to the protocol. Temporal parameters [Absolute mean, root mean square (RMS), number of zero-crossings, peak count, and absolute integral] were calculated for all signals and every TW. The ANOVA analysis showed that absolute mean, RMS and absolute integral parameters presented statistical difference only for X axis (accelerations in the proximal-distal direction) increasing amplitude with time. The Z axis (accelerations in the anterior-posterior direction) showed decrease of the zero-crossings in the first half of the test and had a second decrease between the Middle TW and the Final TW, but no difference was observed at any moment on X axis during this analysis. The unique parameter that presented statistical difference for all axis (Z, X, Y) and modulus among the three TW was number of peak counts and only X axis is not different between the Initial and Middle TWs. One possible hypothesis would be a tension increase in muscles that actuate on the scapula since the direction of the action force is parallel to the X axis. A purely spectral parameters analysis could help comprehending what does occur with MMG signal in sustained submaximal isometric contractions.25415021505Edman, K.A., Lou, F., Myofibrillar fatigue versus failure of activation during repetitive stimulation of frog muscle fibres (1992) J Physiol, 457, pp. 655-673Curtin, N.A., Edman, K.A., Force-velocity relation for frog muscle fibres: Effects of moderate fatigue and of intracellular acidification (1994) J Physiol, 475, pp. 483-494Brozovich, F.V., Pollack, G.H., Muscle contraction generates discrete sound bursts (1983) Biophys J, 41, pp. 35-40Orizio, C., Perini, R., Veicsteinas, A., Muscular sound and force relationship during isometric contraction in man (1989) Eur J Appl Physiol, 58, pp. 528-533Orizio, C., Perini, R., Veicsteinas, A., Changes of muscular sound during sustained isometric contraction up to exhaustion (1989) J Appl Physiol, 66, pp. 1593-1598Shinohara, M., Kouzaki, M., Yoshihisa, T., Mechanomyogram from the different heads of the quadriceps muscle during incremental knee extension (1998) Eur J Appl Physiol, 78, pp. 289-295Zagar, T., Krizaj, D., Validation of an accelerometer for determination of muscle belly radial displacement (2005) Med Biol Eng Comput, 43, pp. 78-84Yoshitake, Y., Shinohara, M., Ue, H., Characteristics of surface mechanomyogram are dependent on development of fusion of motor units in humans (2002) J Appl Physiol, 93, pp. 1744-1752Goldenberg, M.S., Yack, H.J., Cerny, F.J., Acoustic myography as an indicator of force during sustained contractions of a small hand muscle (1991) J Appl Physiol, 70, pp. 87-91Dalton, P.A., Stokes, M.J., Frequency of acoustic myography during isometric contraction of fresh and fatigued muscle and during dynamic contractions (1993) Muscle & Nerve, 16, pp. 255-261Esposito, F., Orizio, C., Veicsteinas, A., Electromyogram and mechanomyogram changes in fresh and fatigued muscle during sustained contraction in men (1998) Eur J Appl Physiol, 78, pp. 494-501Kouzaki, M., Shinohara, M., Fukunaga, T., Non-uniform mechanical activity of quadriceps muscle during fatigue by repeated maximal voluntary contraction in humans (1999) Eur J Appl Physiol, 80, pp. 9-15Weir, J.P., Ayers, K.M., Lacefield, J.F., Mechanomyographic and electromyographic responses during fatigue in humans: Influence of muscle length (2000) Eur J Appl Physiol, 81, pp. 352-35

    Muscle Fatigue Assessment By Mechanomyography During Application Of Nmes Protocol [avaliação Da Fadiga Muscular Pela Mecanomiografia Durante A Aplicação De Um Protocolo De Eenm]

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    Background: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is a widely used technique for rehabilitation in physical therapy, however it causes muscle fatigue more rapidly than does voluntary contraction. In clinical practice, it becomes necessary to monitor muscle fatigue during NMES protocols to adjust the parameters of electrical current stimulation and, thus, increase stimulation time. Objectives: The aim of this study is to use mechanomyography (MMG) as a means of evaluating peripheral muscle fatigue during the execution of an NMES protocol. Methods: An MMG signal acquisition system and an experimental protocol were developed. During in vivo tests, 10 participants performed maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) for knee extension. A maximization phase was conducted with dynamic contractions generated by NMES at 10% of MVC (100 Hz, 400 μs) on the quadriceps muscle, and the main NMES protocol occurred at 30% of MVC (50 Hz, 400 μs). Simultaneously, MMGRMS (amplitude) and MMGMPF (frequency) signals of the rectus femoris and the knee extension torque were acquired. Results: The tendency line of the MMG RMS was descendant, indicating that MMGRMS correlates with torque amplitude. However, MMGMPF did not show a significant correlation with torque for the present NMES protocol. Conclusions: MMG is a technique that can be simultaneously applied to NMES because there is no electrical interference and it can be used during functional movements in the NMES-generated muscle contraction.135422429De Ruiter, C.J., Kooistra, R.D., Paalman, M.I., De Hann, A., Initial phase of maximal voluntary and electrically stimulated knee extension torque development at different knee angles (2004) J Appl Physiol, 97 (5), pp. 1693-1701Chou, L.W., Ding, J., Wexler, A.S., Binder-Macleod, S.A., Predicting optimal electrical stimulation for repetitive human muscle activation (2005) J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 15 (3), pp. 300-309Tepavac, D., Schwirtlich, L., Detection and prediction of FES-induced fatigue (1997) J Electromyogr Kinesiol, 7 (1), pp. 39-50Delitto, A., Snyder-Macker, L., Two theories of muscle strength augmentation using percutaneous electrical stimulation (1990) Phys Ther, 70 (3), pp. 158-164Binder-Macleod, S.A., Halden, E.E., Jungles, K.A., Effects of stimulation intensity on the physiological responses of human motor units (1995) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 27 (4), pp. 556-565Scott, O., Ativação dos nervos motores e sensitivos (1998) Eletroterapia de Clayton, pp. 59-79. , Kitchen S, Bazin S (editor) 10a ed. 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    Fpga-based Real-time Digital Beamformer For Ultrasonic Elastography

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    This paper presents the development of a 64-channel Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based digital beamformer for real-time ultrasonic elastography imaging. The hardware architecture is controlled by Altera Cyclone III FPGA ICs (EP3C16Q240, Altera Corporation) and allows flexibility for programmable aperture windowing, multiple transmit focusing phase adjustment, amplitude apodization, and dynamic receive focusing. Individual channel delays are applied using a first in first out (FIFO) structure and efficient interpolation scheme with FIR filter. A DaVinci digital video processor board (TMS320C6455 DSK, Texas Instruments Inc.) is used as the interface for image display. The system can handle up to 256-element linear array transducers and preliminary results demonstrated that real-time elastogram with fine anatomical structures can be obtained using a wire phantom with equivalent mechanical and acoustic properties of biological tissue. © 2011 IEEE.370Garra, B.S., Cespedes, E.I., Ophir, J., Spratt, S.R., Zuurbier, R.A., Magnant, C.M., Pennanen, M.F., Elastography of beast lesions: Initial clinical results (1997) Radiology, 202, pp. 79-86Silkdar, S., Managuli, R., Gong, L., Shamdasani, V., Mitake, T., Hayashi, T., Kim, Y., A single mediaprocessor-based programmable ultrasound system (2003) IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 7, pp. 64-70Kim, Y., Kim, J.H., Basoglu, C., Winter, T.C., Programmable ultrasound imaging using multimedia technologies: A next-generation ultrasound machine (1997) IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 1, pp. 19-29Zhu, Q.L., Jiang, Y.X., Liu, J.B., Liu, H., Sun, Q., Dai, Q., Chen, X., Real-time ultrasound elastography: Its potencial role in assessment of breast lesions (2008) Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 34, pp. 1232-1238Neves, L.P., Jiang, J., Hall, T.J., Carneiro, A.A.O., Acoustic elastography under dynamic compression using one-dimensional track motion (2007) 29th IEEE EMBS Annual International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 83-8