2,290 research outputs found

    Baryonic Generating Functions

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    We show how it is possible to use the plethystic program in order to compute baryonic generating functions that count BPS operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on the world volume of D branes probing a non compact CY manifold. Special attention is given to the conifold theory and the orbifold C^2/Z_2 times C, where exact expressions for generating functions are given in detail. This paper solves a long standing problem for the combinatorics of quiver gauge theories with baryonic moduli spaces. It opens the way to a statistical analysis of quiver theories on baryonic branches. Surprisingly, the baryonic charge turns out to be the quantized Kahler modulus of the geometry.Comment: 44 pages, 7 figures; fonts change

    Theoretical approaches in adsorption: alkali adatom investigations

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    We discuss how different properties at surfaces could require for different theoretical treatments within the first-principles density functional theory. Energies and structures are accurately determined by adopting the supercell geometry. Surface states are more conveniently described by the Green function embedding approach, which is able to take into account a truly semi-infinite solid and hence real continuous spectra. In this way a detailed analysis of discrete and resonant states is provided. We mainly describe the embedding method and provide examples to compare the two approaches. We focus next on the structural and electronic properties of alkali adatoms. The adsorption structure of Na/Cu(001) at low coverages is calculated within the supercell geometry motivated by the results of the Cambridge group on surface diffusion by 3He spin echo scattering. The dispersion, energy, effective mass, and width of surface (quantum well and image) states of alkali atoms on Cu(111) are worked out by the embedding approach and compared with experiments

    Electronic structure and lifetime broadening of a quantum-well state on p(2x2) K/Cu(111)

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    We studied a quantum-well state (QWS) generated by the adsorption of one monolayer of K on Cu(111) surface by means of a first principles approach. We calculated the electronic properties of the system within the Inglesfield's embedding method, which enables us to investigate the elastic linewidth of surface states. Our findings are in good agreement with recent experimental results obtained from photoemission spectroscopy measurements for binding energy and k(vertical bar vertical bar) dispersion. We also studied the contributions to the QWS linewidth due to electron-electron many-body effects and electron-phonon scattering in Hedin's GW approach and within the Debye model, respectively. The main contribution to the linewidth is due to intraband transitions within the QWS itself, accounting for similar to 16 meV to the total width. The elastic, electron-phonon, and interband transition contributions are smaller than 3 meV each

    Comments on Anomalies and Charges of Toric-Quiver Duals

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    We obtain a simple expression for the triangle `t Hooft anomalies in quiver gauge theories that are dual to toric Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. We utilize the result and simplify considerably the proof concerning the equivalence of a-maximization and Z-minimization. We also resolve the ambiguity in defining the flavor charges in quiver gauge theories. We then compare coefficients of the triangle anomalies with coefficients of the current-current correlators and find perfect agreement.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Time-dependent embedding: surface electron emission

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    An embedding method for solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation is developed using the Dirac-Frenkel variational principle. Embedding allows the time-evolution of the wavefunction to be calculated explicitly in a limited region of space, the region of physical interest, the embedding potential ensuring that the wavefunction satisfies the correct boundary conditions for matching on to the rest of the system. This is applied to a study of the excitation of electrons at a metal surface, represented by a one-dimensional model potential for Cu(111). Time-dependent embedding potentials are derived for replacing the bulk substrate, and the image potential and vacuum region outside the surface, so that the calculation of electron excitation by a surface perturbation can be restricted to the surface itself. The excitation of the Shockley surface state and a continuum bulk state is studied, and the time-structure of the resulting currents analysed. Non-linear effects and the time taken for the current to arrive outside the surface are discussed. The method shows a clear distinction between emission from the localized surface state, where the charge is steadily depleted, and the extended continuum state where the current emitted into the vacuum is compensated by current approaching the surface from the bulk.Comment: 15 figure

    A-D-E Quivers and Baryonic Operators

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    We study baryonic operators of the gauge theory on multiple D3-branes at the tip of the conifold orbifolded by a discrete subgroup Gamma of SU(2). The string theory analysis predicts that the number and the order of the fixed points of Gamma acting on S^2 are directly reflected in the spectrum of baryonic operators on the corresponding quiver gauge theory constructed from two Dynkin diagrams of the corresponding type. We confirm the prediction by developing techniques to enumerate baryonic operators of the quiver gauge theory which includes the gauge groups with different ranks. We also find that the Seiberg dualities act on the baryonic operators in a non-Abelian fashion.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures; v2: minor corrections, note added in section 1, references adde

    Counting Chiral Operators in Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We discuss in detail the problem of counting BPS gauge invariant operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on D-branes probing generic toric CY singularities. The computation of generating functions that include counting of baryonic operators is based on a relation between the baryonic charges in field theory and the Kaehler moduli of the CY singularities. A study of the interplay between gauge theory and geometry shows that given geometrical sectors appear more than once in the field theory, leading to a notion of "multiplicities". We explain in detail how to decompose the generating function for one D-brane into different sectors and how to compute their relevant multiplicities by introducing geometric and anomalous baryonic charges. The Plethystic Exponential remains a major tool for passing from one D-brane to arbitrary number of D-branes. Explicit formulae are given for few examples, including C^3/Z_3, F_0, and dP_1.Comment: 75 pages, 22 figure

    Is Social Training Delivered with a Head-Mounted Display Suitable for Patients with Hereditary Ataxia?

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    Social cognition is fundamental in everyday life to understand “others’ behavior”, which is a key feature of social abilities. Previous studies demonstrated the efficacy of a rehabilitative intervention in semi-immersive virtual reality (VR) controlled by whole-body motion to improve the ability of patients with cerebellar disorders to predict others’ intentions (VR-SPIRIT). Patients with severe ataxia that have difficulties at multiple levels of social processing could benefit from this intervention in terms of improving their social prediction skills, but they may have difficulties in controlling VR with whole-body movements. Therefore, we implemented VR-SPIRIT on a wearable, affordable, and easy-to-use technology, such as the Oculus Quest, a head-mounted display. The aim of this work was to evaluate the usability and tolerability of this VR application. We recruited 10 patients (37.7 ± 14.8 years old, seven males) with different types of hereditary ataxia who performed a single VR-SPIRIT session using the Oculus Quest viewer. After the session, patients answered a series of questionnaires to investigate the overall usability of the system and its potential effects in terms of cyber sickness. The preliminary results demonstrated system usability and tolerability. Indeed, only three patients did not complete the session due to different problems (dizziness, nausea, and boredom). In future studies, more patients will be enrolled to assess the effectiveness of the application, paving the way for the implementation of social training that can also be delivered at home

    Toric AdS4/CFT3 duals and M-theory Crystals

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    We study the recently proposed crystal model for three dimensional superconformal field theories arising from M2-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities. We explain the algorithms mapping a toric Calabi-Yau to a crystal and vice versa, and show how the spectrum of BPS meson states fits into the crystal model.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figure

    Type IIB Flows with N=1 Supersymmetry

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    We write general and explicit equations which solve the supersymmetry transformations with two arbitrary complex-proportional Weyl spinors on N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric type IIB strings backgrounds with all R-R F1F_1, F3F_3, F5F_5 and NS-NS H3H_3 fluxes turned on using SU(3) structures. The equations are generalizations of the ones found for specific relations between the two spinors by Grana, Minasian, Petrini and Tomasiello in [1] and by Butti, Grana, Minasian, Petrini and Zaffaroni in [2]. The general equations allow to study systematically generic type IIB backgrounds with N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetry. We then explore some specific classes of flows with constant axion, flows with constant dilaton, flows on conformally Calabi-Yau backgrounds, flows with imaginary self-dual 3-form flux, flows with constant ratio of the two spinors, the corresponding equations are written down and some of their features and relations are discussed.Comment: 28 page