353 research outputs found

    Understanding the independent dancer: roles, development and success

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    Little research has been published about the varied role of the independent dancer. The aim of this study was to provide insight into the work independent dancers undertake and how their careers change over time. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 independent dancers. Content analysis revealed that the dancers had multifaceted careers that relied on both formal and informal activities, and varied according to three distinct stages (early, middle, late). The experiences reported by the dancers indicated that the realities of the independent dancer's role are not sufficiently recognised or supported within the industry

    Cultural Value of Architecture in Homes and Neighbourhoods

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    Little is known about the benefits of architectural expertise in the making of homes and neighbourhood. This project had two workpackages, the first a critical review of ‘grey literature’, the plethora of reports produced by industry, government, research councils and others to find evidence of value and of the way in which value has been collected. The findings from this workpackage have fed into the second a series of consultations with industry experts and interested parties culminating with a public consultation on the cultural value of architecture in the Sheffield University School of Architecture Liveworks. Together the workpackages provide the foundations for demonstrating the value of architectural expertise in this area. Architecture is rarely, if ever, mentioned in any of the 100 documents that we reviewed. The focus is instead on ‘design’, an unhelpfully vague term as anyone can ‘design’. We also found that attempts at demonstrating value generally focus on the finished product, building or place. As these are the result of an interdisciplinary team the value of the architect’s input is very hard to discern. Our primary recommendation is that any future frameworks of architectural value should focus on processes of architecture (verb not noun) and the benefits that architectural skillsets bring to a project, rather than on the final built product. This conclusion was endorsed through our work with marketing experts as we developed a strategy for selling the brand architect. It is difficult to sell architecture when there is such a general level of confusion about what it is. We have for this reason gone back to square one in developing a tool, an ‘I Spy Guide to Architecture’, to help non-architects understand and engage with the skills and values that have gone into creating their local built environment. To do this we have had to segment architectural practice into different value systems (commercial, cultural and social) and describe the skillsets within each. Only once the skillsets are defined can we begin to establish and promote their value

    Process Algebra with Layers: Multi-scale Integration Modelling applied to Cancer Therapy

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    We present a novel Process Algebra designed for multi-scale integration modelling: Process Algebra with Layers (PAL). The unique feature of PAL is the modularisation of scale into integrated layers: Object and Population. An Object can represent a molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ or any organism. Populations hold specific types of Object, for example, life stages, cell phases and infectious states. The syntax and semantics of this novel language are presented. A PAL model of the multi-scale system of cell growth and damage from cancer treatment is given. This model allows the analysis of different scales of the system. The Object and Population levels give insight into the length of a cell cycle and cell population growth respectively. The PAL model results are compared to wet laboratory survival fractions of cells given different doses of radiation treatment [1]. This comparison shows how PAL can be used to aid in investigations of cancer treatment in systems biology

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.17, no.2

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    Come to Veishea by Jane Helser, page 2 Miss 4-H at Iowa State by Alvina Iverson, page 3 Date Etiquette by Jim Butterworth, page 4 King and Queen for the Day by Ruth Kunerth, page 5 Dress Your Big Moments by Jo Betty, page 6 Foot Notes in Style by Gaynold Carroll, page 7 Shoe Care by Jean Reis, page 7 Diploma in Hand – A Job in Mind by Marie Larson, page 8 An Art to Packing by Ruth Hendrix, page 9 On Lemons and Things, page 9 Lively Leisure for Summer by Betty Shoemaker, page 10 Equipment Students Travel by Virginia Berry, page 11 What’s New in Home Economics, page 12 Behind Bright Jackets, page 15 Alumnae Make News by Faithe Danielson, page 16 Money Matters Little by Gaynold Carroll, page 17 Good Looking Plates Go to Dinner, page 18 Cherry Pie Chant by Peggy Schenk, page 18 Magic of this Modern Age by Beth Cummings, page 19 Punctuate Your Dinner With Appetizers by Jane Helser, page 20 Home Management in Africa by Mary Ellen Lynch, page 21 Cap and Gown Party by Charlotte Heffner, page 22 Tips for Troubles, page 2

    Socio-economic position and suicidal ideation in men

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    People in low socio-economic positions are over-represented in suicide statistics and are at heightened risk for non-fatal suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Few studies have tried to tease out the relationship between individual-level and area-level socio-economic position, however. We used data from Ten to Men (the Australian Longitudinal Study on Male Health) to investigate the relationship between individual-level and area-level socio-economic position and suicidal thinking in 12,090 men. We used a measure of unemployment/employment and occupational skill level as our individual-level indicator of socio-economic position. We used the Index of Relative Socio-Economic Disadvantage (a composite multidimensional construct created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics that combines information from a range of area-level variables, including the prevalence of unemployment and employment in low skilled occupations) as our area-level indicator. We assessed suicidal thinking using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). We found that even after controlling for common predictors of suicidal thinking; low individual-level and area-level socio-economic position heightened risk. Individual-level socio-economic position appeared to exert the greater influence of the two; however. There is an onus on policy makers and planners from within and outside the mental health sector to take individual- and area-level socio-economic position into account when they are developing strategic initiatives

    Research priorities for mitochondrial disorders: Current landscape and patient and professional views

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    Primary mitochondrial disorders encompass a wide range of clinical presentations and a spectrum of severity. They currently lack effective disease-modifying therapies and have a high mortality and morbidity rate. It is therefore essential to know that competitively-funded research designed by academics meets core needs of people with mitochondrial disorders and their clinicians. The Priority Setting Partnerships are an established collaborative methodology that brings patients, carers and families, charity representatives and clinicians together to try to establish the most pressing and unanswered research priorities for a particular disease. We developed a web-based questionnaire, requesting all patients affected by primary mitochondrial disease, their carers, and clinicians to pose their research questions. This yielded 709 questions from 147 participants. These were grouped into overarching themes including basic biology, causation, health services, clinical management, social impacts, prognosis, prevention, symptoms, treatment, and psychological impact. Following the removal of 'answered questions' the process resulted in a list of 42 discrete, answerable questions. This was further refined by web-based ranking by the community to 24 questions. These were debated at a face-to-face workshop attended by a diverse range of patients, carers, charity representatives and clinicians to create a definitive 'Top Ten of unanswered research questions for primary mitochondrial disorders'. These Top Ten questions related to understanding biological processes, including triggers of disease onset, mechanisms underlying progression and reasons for differential symptoms between individuals with identical genetic mutations; new treatments; biomarker discovery; psychological support; and optimal management of stroke-like episodes and fatigue

    Designing Interactive Sonic Artefacts for Dance Performance: an Ecological Approach

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    In this paper, we propose to consider the sonic interactions that occurs in a dance performance from an ecological perspective. In particular, we suggest using the conceptual models of artefact ecology and design space. As a case study, we present a work developed during a two weeks artistic residency in collaboration between a sound designer, one choreographer, and two dancers. During the residency both an interactive sound artefact based on a motion capture system, and a dance performance were developed. We present the ecology of an interactive sound artefact developed for the dance performance, with the objective to analyse how the ecology of multiple actors relate themselves to the interactive artefact

    Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies. The Example of Hypoglycaemia.

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    We all know that we have and are our bodies. But might it be possible to leave this common place? In the present article we try to do this by attending to the way we do our bodies. The site where we look for such action is that of handling the hypoglycaemias that sometimes happen to people with diabetes. In this site it appears that the body, active in measuring, feeling and countering hypoglycaemias is not a bounded whole: its boundaries leak. Bits and pieces of the outside get incorporated within the active body; while the centre of some bodily activities is beyond the skin. The body thus enacted is not self-evidently coherent either. There are tensions between the body¿s organs; between the control under which we put our bodies and the erratic character of their behaviour; and between the various needs and desires single bodies somehow try to combine. Thus to say that a body is a whole, or so we conclude, skips over a lot of work. One does not hang together as a matter of course: keeping oneself together is something the embodied person needs to do. The person who fails to do so dies
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