173 research outputs found

    Pre-melting of crossing vortex lattices

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    The pre-melting of high vortex density planes observed recently in layered superconductors in tilted magnetic field is explained theoretically. Based on the structural information of the crossing lattices of pancake and Josephson vortices the effective vortex cage potential at different lattice sites is determined numerically. Melting takes place when the thermal energy allows proliferation of vacancy-interstitial pairs. It is found that the increased density of pancake vortex stacks in the planes containing Josephson vortices, rather than their incommensurate structure, is the main cause for pre-melting.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of optomechanical spatial solitons in dual-nanoweb structures

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    We theoretically investigate the stability and dynamics of self-channelled beams that form via nonlocal optomechanical interactions in dual-nanoweb microstructured fibers. These "optomechanicons" represent a novel class of spatial soliton

    The Full Monty? Meaning construction and performative possibilities in media depictions of the male strip show

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    This article questions the progressive potential of media depictions of male strip shows. I examine two overriding discourses within media representations, comparing these to the experiences of male dancers and female customers gleaned through ethnographic fieldwork in two strip venues. Namely, the media’s portrayal of the masculinity of male strippers as ‘fragile’; together with the construction of dancers as ‘fantasy’ subjects who know ‘what women want’. The article interrogates these constructions in relation to a critique of women’s opportunities to exercise an erotic ‘gaze’; the operation of racist and classist discourses of consuming ‘difference’ and Othering customers; and male dancers’ attempts to construct a viable sense of workplace self in the light of negative constructions of sexual labour

    Does rapid urbanization aggravate health disparities? Reflections on the epidemiological transition in Pune, India

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    Background: Rapid urbanization in low- and middle-income countries reinforces risk and epidemiological transition in urban societies, which are characterized by high socioeconomic gradients. Limited availability of disaggregated morbidity data in these settings impedes research on epidemiological profiles of different population subgroups. Objective: The study aimed to analyze the epidemiological transition in the emerging megacity of Pune with respect to changing morbidity and mortality patterns, also taking into consideration health disparities among different socioeconomic groups. Design: A mixed-methods approach was used, comprising secondary analysis of mortality data, a survey among 900 households in six neighborhoods with different socioeconomic profiles, 46 in-depth interviews with laypeople, and expert interviews with 37 health care providers and 22 other health care workers. Results: The mortality data account for an epidemiological transition with an increasing number of deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Pune. The share of deaths due to infectious and parasitic diseases remained nearly constant, though the cause of deaths changed considerably within this group. The survey data and expert interviews indicated a slightly higher prevalence of diabetes and hypertension among higher socioeconomic groups, but a higher incidence and more frequent complications and comorbidities in lower socioeconomic groups. Although the self-reported morbidity for malaria, gastroenteritis, and tuberculosis did not show a socioeconomic pattern, experts estimated the prevalence in lower socioeconomic groups to be higher, though all groups in Pune would be affected. Conclusions: The rising burden of NCDs among all socioeconomic groups and the concurrent persistence of communicable diseases pose a major challenge for public health. Improvement of urban health requires a stronger focus on health promotion and disease prevention for all socioeconomic groups with a holistic understanding of urban health. In order to derive evidence-based solutions and interventions, routine surveillance data become indispensable

    Scaling Properties of the Giant Dipole Resonance Width in Hot Rotating nuclei

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    We study the systematics of the giant dipole resonance width Γ\Gamma in hot rotating nuclei as a function of temperature TT, spin JJ and mass AA. We compare available experimental results with theoretical calculations that include thermal shape fluctuations in nuclei ranging from A=45 to A=208. Using the appropriate scaled variables, we find a simple phenomenological function Γ(A,T,J)\Gamma(A,T,J) which approximates the global behavior of the giant dipole resonance width in the liquid drop model. We reanalyze recent experimental and theoretical results for the resonance width in Sn isotopes and 208^{208}Pb.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages with 4 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Attitudes About COVID-19 and Health (ATTACH): Online Survey and Mixed Methods Study

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    Background: Behavioral mitigation strategies to slow the spread of COVID-19 have resulted in sweeping lifestyle changes, with short- and long-term psychological, well-being, and quality of life implications. The Attitudes About COVID-19 and Health (ATTACH) study focuses on understanding attitudes and beliefs while considering the impact on mental and physical health and the influence of broader demographic and geographic factors on attitudes, beliefs, and mental health burden. / Objective: In this assessment of our first wave of data collection, we provide baseline cohort description of the ATTACH study participants in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Mexico. Additionally, we assess responses to daily poll questions related to COVID-19 and conduct a cross-sectional analysis of baseline assessments collected in the UK between June 26 and October 31, 2020. / Methods: The ATTACH study uses smartphone app technology and online survey data collection. Participants completed poll questions related to COVID-19 2 times daily and a monthly survey assessing mental health, social isolation, physical health, and quality of life. Poll question responses were graphed using 95% Clopper–Pearson (exact) tests with 95% CIs. Pearson correlations, hierarchical linear regression analyses, and generalized linear models assessed relationships, predictors of self-reported outcomes, and group differences, respectively. / Results: By October 31, 2020, 1405, 80, and 90 participants had consented to participate in the UK, United States, and Mexico, respectively. Descriptive data for the UK daily poll questions indicated that participants generally followed social distancing measures, but worry and negative impacts on families increased as the pandemic progressed. Although participants generally reported feeling that the reasons for current measures had been made clear, there was low trust that the government was doing everything in its power to meet public needs. In the UK, 1282 participants also completed a monthly survey (94.99% [1326/1396] White, 72.22% [1014/1404] female, and 20.12% [277/1377] key or essential workers); 18.88% (242/1282) of UK participants reported a preexisting mental health disorder, 31.36% (402/1282) reported a preexisting chronic medical illness, and 35.11% (493/1404) were aged over 65; 57.72% (740/1282) of participants reported being more sedentary since the pandemic began, and 41.89% (537/1282) reported reduced access to medical care. Those with poorer mental health outcomes lived in more deprived neighborhoods, in larger households (Ps<.05), had more preexisting mental health disorders and medical conditions, and were younger than 65 years (all Ps<.001). / Conclusions: Communities who have been exposed to additional harm during the COVID-19 pandemic were experiencing worse mental outcomes. Factors including having a medical condition, or living in a deprived neighborhood or larger household were associated with heightened risk. Future longitudinal studies should investigate the link between COVID-19 exposure, mental health, and sociodemographic and residential characteristics

    Do delays between diagnosis and surgery in resectable oesophageal cancer affect survival? a study based on West Midlands cancer registration data

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    This retrospective study investigates if delays between the diagnosis of cancer of the oesophagus and surgical resection influence long-term survival. Data held by the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit on 800 patients who underwent oesophagectomy for a diagnosis of cancer of the oesophagus or oesophagogastric junction between 1995 and 2000 were reviewed. Six hundred and thirty-two patients treated with curative intention and who had not received neo-adjuvant treatment in the form of radio- or chemotherapy were included in the analysis. The time interval between histological diagnosis and surgical resection was stratified into four groups: less than 3, 3–6, 6–9 and more than 9 weeks. The Cox proportional hazard model was used to test for the independent effect of delays. The results showed no difference in long-term survival according to the delay between histological diagnosis and surgical resection. On multivariate analysis adverse prognostic factors were advanced age, incomplete resection and lymph node involvement. Patients with a longer delay had a higher rate of complete tumour resection suggesting that they were more appropriately selected for the surgical treatment approach. In conclusion we have found no evidence that shorter delays from the date of histological diagnosis to surgical resection are beneficial to long-term survival

    Der Umzug der Menschheit: Die transformative Kraft der Städte

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    Die Wucht der derzeitigen Urbanisierungsdynamik und ihre Auswirkungen sind so groß, dass sich weltweit Städte, Stadtgesellschaften, Regierungen und Internationale Organisationen diesem Trend stellen müssen. Ein „Weiter so wie bisher“, würde ohne gestaltende Urbanisierungspolitik zu einer nicht-nachhaltigen Welt-Städte-Gesellschaft führen. Nur wenn Städte und Stadtgesellschaften ausreichend handlungsfähig werden, können sie ihre Kraft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung entfalten: In den Städten wird sich entscheiden, ob die Große Transformation zur Nachhaltigkeit gelingt. In diesem Buch werden die Erfolgsbedingungen dafür diskutiert

    Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities

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    The momentum of urbanization and its impacts are so massive that we must face up to this trend. In view of the existing cognitive, technical, economic and institutional path dependencies, a policy of business as usual – i.e. an unstructured, quasi-automatic urbanization – would lead to a non-sustainable ‘world cities society’. Only if cities and urban societies are sufficiently empowered can they make use of the opportunities for sustainability and successfully follow the urban transformation pathways. The success or failure of the Great Transformation will be decided in the cities. The WBGU discusses the relevant conditions for the success of this transformation in this report
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