273 research outputs found

    The relationships between personality traits, dysfunctional schemas and personality disorder features

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    The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the relationships between personality traits, dysfunctional schemas and personality disorder (PD) features. Previous research has established that personality traits and dysfunctional schemas are associated with personality disorders (PDs). However, comparatively little research has examined the relationships between personality traits and dysfunctional schemas or explored whether dysfunctional schemas have incremental validity in the prediction of PD features over and above personality traits. Thus, three studies were conducted to understand PD features from an integrated perspective that incorporates some of the key elements from both trait and cognitive-behavioural theories of PDs. Study 1 (N = 313) and Study 2 (N = 269) investigated the relationships between personality traits, dysfunctional schemas and PD features in non-clinical analogue samples through the use of several self-report measures. Correlational analyses in Study 1 and Study 2 revealed that general personality traits from the Five-Factor Model (FFM) and maladaptive personality traits from the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) model, respectively, were meaningfully correlated with: (a) dysfunctional schemas conceptualised as either early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) or dysfunctional PD beliefs; and (b) theoretically-relevant PD features. Further, correlational analyses in Study 1 revealed a large number of positive zero-order correlations between EMSs, dysfunctional PD beliefs and PD features. (...

    The ALEPH Electromagnetic Calorimeter for LEP

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    This thesis is an account of work carried out at the Physics Department, University of Glasgow in cooperation with Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, and CERN, Geneva, between October 1986 and October 1988. The object of the work was to study the uniformity of the ALEPH electromagnetic calorimeter petals, eight of which have been built in the Department. This work deals mainly with the analysis of the anode wire pulsing tests of the modules which were built in this department, and also the analysis of the test beam data taken on the X7b beam in the west area at CERN during the summer of 1987. The results of wire pulsing, cosmic ray tests and test beam running are compatible with the designed response uniformity of 1%. Wire pulsing has proved to be an important tool for the discovery of faults during the construction stage, due to e.g. missing pads, missing towers, broken wires etc. Results from the test beam proved that the calorimeter modules show good linearity and an energy resolution consistent with the design value for the calorimeter. A uniformity of better than 2% has been achieved so far from the cosmic ray and the beam tests. A detailed description of the systems used in these tests is given in chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 1 reviews physics related to e+e- colliders and in particular the LEP collider. The chapter includes a brief description of the LEP experiments and a discussion of some detailed aspects of the physics to be studied at LEP, e.g. e+e- interactions, physics at the Z pole, toponium physics, neutrino counting and Higgs particles. The second chapter reviews the published work related to electromagnetic and hadron calorimeters and their performance. Chapter 3 describes the construction and performance of the ALEPH detector. Some results of tests on the ALEPH components carried out by different groups within the ALEPH collaboration are presented. Chapter 4 deals with the construction of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL), in particular with the operations carried out in the department and with the test procedures adopted during construction. The results of the analysis of the module uniformity carried out during the period of this work are presented and discussed in chapter 5. Chapter 6 gives a summary of the tests and conclusions

    A study of the tau Lepton polarization in Z0 decays

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    A study is presented of tau polarization observed in the channel Z° → tau+tau- and the subsequent tau decay tau →pinutau, using the ALEPH detector at the LEP collider at CERN. The polarization is a result of parity violation in the neutral and charged weak interactions. Experimentally it can be measured from the energy spectrum of the tau decay product. The detector started collecting data in 1989 and the data were taken in a range of energy in the vicinity of the Z0 pole. Observation of a non-zero polarization confirms that parity is violated in weak interactions, extending its proven existence in neutral weak currents to tau lepton interactions in agreement with the universality of the electroweak theory. Tau polarization is directly related to the ratio of the vector and axial vector couplings of the tau lepton to Z0 and hence to the effective electroweak angle Using the partial width of the Z0 decays to the tau lepton measured by this experiment, the tau couplings to the Z0 were found to be atau = -0.4969+/-0.0173 and vr = -0.035+/-0.0119

    The Clarion of Syria

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    When Nafir Suriyya—“The Clarion of Syria”—was penned between September 1860 and April 1861, its author Butrus al-Bustani, a major figure in the modern Arabic Renaissance, had witnessed his homeland undergo unprecedented violence in what many today consider Lebanon’s first civil war. Written during Ottoman and European investigations into the causes and culprits of the atrocities, The Clarion of Syria is both a commentary on the politics of state intervention and social upheaval and a set of visions for the future of Syrian society in the wake of conflict. This translation makes a key historical document accessible for the first time to an English audience. Rereading this work in the context of today’s political violence in war-torn Syria and elsewhere in the Arab world helps us gain a critical and historical perspective on sectarianism, class rebellion, foreign invasions, conflict resolution, Western interventionism, and nationalist tropes of reconciliation.  “The first English translation of this foundational text offered alongside a fantastic historical introduction, this is an excellent and much-needed contribution from uniquely qualified scholars.” STEPHEN SHEEHI, author of The Arab Imago  BUTRUS AL-BUSTANI was a nineteenth century Ottoman Arab educator and public intellectual regarded by many as the first Syrian nationalist owing to the publication of his Nafir Suriyya following the 1860 communal disturbances in Mt. Lebanon and Damascus. JENS HANSSEN is Associate Professor of Arab Civilization, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean History at the University of Toronto. He is author of Fin de Siècle Beirut and coeditor of Arabic Thought beyond the Liberal Age and Arabic Thought against the Authoritarian Age. HICHAM SAFIEDDINE is Assistant Professor of History of the Modern Middle East at King’s College, London. He is author of Banking on the State: The Financial Foundations of Lebanon, cofounder of Al-Akhbar English, and editor of The Legal Agenda English Edition

    Ocular Complications of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Though inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has a specific predilection for the intestinal tract, it is a systemic inflammatory disorder affecting multiple organs, including the eye. Ocular complications directly related to IBD are categorized as primary and secondary. Primary complications are usually temporally associated with IBD exacerbations and tend to resolve with systemic treatment of the intestinal inflammation. These include keratopathy, episcleritis, and scleritis. Secondary complications arise from primary complications. Examples include cataract formation due to treatment with corticosteroids, scleromalacia due to scleritis, and dry eye due to hypovitaminosis A following gut resection. Some ocular manifestations of IBD can lead to significant visual morbidity and temporally associated complications can also be a herald of disease control. Furthermore, ocular manifestations of IBD can occasionally manifest before the usual intestinal manifestations, leading to an earlier diagnosis. Thus, it is important to understand the clinical presentation of possible ocular manifestations in order to initiate appropriate treatment and to help prevent significant visual morbidity

    Contribution de l’éthique théologique du caractère à l’accompagnement pastoral des jeunes adultes

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    Ce projet doctoral cherche à élaborer une approche éthique d’accompagnement des jeunes adultes (20-35 ans) en milieu pastoral. Prenant son point de départ dans la méthode praxéologique, il déploie une observation de la pratique d’un certain type d’accompagnement pastoral, puis réfléchit sur des traits de la jeunesse actuelle, surtout québécoise. Bien que cherchant à affirmer leur autonomie, les jeunes qui consultent ponctuellement un prêtre cherchent souvent des réponses à leurs dilemmes moraux. La thèse s’inspire des théoéthiciens nord-américains, Stanley Hauerwas et Craig Dykstra pour dépasser la préoccupation du « quoi faire ». En effet, ces auteurs principaux de la thèse se centrent sur la personne, la réalisation de son soi et le type d’homme ou de femme qu’elle veut être. L’accent est donc mis sur l’être, la totalité de la personne, et non seulement sur le faire. Une surenchère de l’importance du « faire » et de l’« action » renvoie à la fois à notre société post-technologique, centrée sur la productivité de la personne et à une morale catholique prescriptive. Néanmoins, l’éthique du caractère propose un chemin de conversion de la question de savoir « quoi faire » dans celle de savoir « comment vivre ». Sur le plan théologique, elle recentre et réinterprète des aspects essentiels du christianisme, soit les récits, la tradition comme histoire, communauté et imagination. Cette approche revitalise le paysage éthique et le style d’accompagnement pastoral auprès des jeunes adultes. En tant que prêtre catholique souvent consulté par des gens de cette catégorie d’âge (20-35 ans), notre projet de thèse se veut inspirateur d’une nouvelle pratique d’accompagnement éthico-pastoral.This doctoral project aims to develop an ethical approach of accompaniment of young adults (20-35 years) in pastoral milieu. Adopting its starting point in the "praxeologic" method, it observes first a certain type of practice in pastoral accompaniment, and then reflects upon some features of young of present times, especially young Quebecers. Although looking for affirmation of their freedom, the young who punctually seek advice from a priest, are often in search of answers to their moral dilemma. It draws on American theologians and moralists, Stanley Hauerwas and Craig Dykstra in order to surpass the concern about "what to do". In effect, these principal authors of the thesis focus on the person, the realization of his self and the type of man or woman he/she wants to be. The emphasis is then put on the issue of being and not just on doing. An escalation of the importance of "doing" and "action" refers to both our post-technological society, focusing on the productivity of the individual, and a Catholic prescriptive moral. However, the ethics of character offers a path of conversion of knowing "what to do" to knowing "how to live". On theological level, it refocuses and reinterprets essential aspects of Christianity, namely stories, tradition as history, community and imagination. This is a new approach that revitalizes the ethic landscape and pastoral accompaniment style of young adults. As a Catholic priest often consulted by people in this age group (20-35 years), my thesis project seeks inspiration for a new practice of ethical and pastoral accompaniment
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