8 research outputs found

    Application of log-linear analysis in marketing research

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    The aim of the article is to point out the possibility of application of log-linear analysis within the research of hidden relations of data. We use real data gained from the marketing research, which was based on the identification of educational institution communication policy tools in order to define the perception of further education need in relation to the value of education from the point of motivation.log-lineárna analýza, štatistická metóda, komunikačný marketingový mix

    Aplikácia log-lineárnej analýzy v marketingovom výskume

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    The aim of the article is to point out the possibility of application of log-linear analysis within the research of hidden relations of data. We use real data gained from the marketing research, which was based on the identification of educational institution communication policy tools in order to define the perception of further education need in relation to the value of education from the point of motivation

    Aplikácia log-lineárnej analýzy v marketingovom výskume

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    The aim of the article is to point out the possibility of application of log-linear analysis within the research of hidden relations of data. We use real data gained from the marketing research, which was based on the identification of educational institution communication policy tools in order to define the perception of further education need in relation to the value of education from the point of motivation

    Regional, Legislative and Marketing Aspects of Education Need and Life Standard Quality within SMEs of the East-Slovakia Region

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    The aim of the study was to describe the labor market within Slovak re- gion in relation to its social condition and level of life-standard. We have set four main hypotheses within the target group of 300 respondents. Due to the results gained from research, the solution to the difference and increasing gap inbetween the offer and the demand on the labor market might be set by support to the courses and qualification training from the government. It is necessary to provide the labor with quality and effectiveness provided and guaranteed by the local or national authorities. The local government agen- cies should provide the market with th

    Regional, Legislative and Marketing Aspects of Education Need and Life Standard Quality within SMEs of the East-Slovakia Region

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    The aim of the study was to describe the labor market within Slovak region in relation to its social condition and level of life-standard. We have set four main hypotheses within the target group of 300 respondents. Due to the results gained from research, the solution to the difference and increasing gap inbetween the offer and the demand on the labor market might be set by support to the courses and qualification training from the government. It is necessary to provide the labor with quality and effectiveness provided and guaranteed by the local or national authorities. The local government agencies should provide the market with the Keyoffer of education courses responding to the need of the employers

    Dreams and reality church versus target groups

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    Dream and reality – might this issue be applied to the Church itself? Concerning its commitment to the target customers often strictly delimited as the group of believers according to the past national traditions, we try to point out the new market trend in consumer behaviour in the area of faith. According to various studies and researches performed, the atheists seem to be basically the strongest and worldwide potential target group for the Church. Though, living in its ‘dream’, the Church seeks those who believe or are in search of themselves and the most significant target group of atheists is being ignored. However, the reality shows that the trend is quite different – the Church meets different conditions (although the need for it stays firm, both environment and culture are dynamically changing), so the Church must offer something new, something innovative to both attract and satisfy its target group. Therefore it is necessary to understand the customer’s needs, their behavioural customs, and their opinion in relation to the Church. We present the research results in this area from both qualitative and quantitative view putting emphasis on the potential benefits if considering the new view on the market. © 2019, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved

    Pilgrimage in Slovakia—A Hidden Opportunity for the Management of Secular Objects?

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    The Slovak Republic is a country of a deeply rooted Catholic religion and rich cultural, religious and craft tradition. The authors, in their own research, primarily focus on a group of pilgrims, believers, mostly Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic, who are inhabitants of the Slovak Republic (not necessarily the region in which the object of interest is located). The research is based on geographic and sociological selection. The authors define the research object as cultural and historical secular monuments—museums, castles, chateaux, and the like—located in the centre attractive for this group of tourists, that is to say, in places connected with pilgrimage sites, cathedrals, historically important objects from the point of view of religious belief in individual regions of the Slovak Republic. The aim of the authors is to provide the management of these objects with valuable recommendations reasonably justified by the result of their research, in the context of attracting the target group to visit a selected cultural object not directly related to the tourist activity of the target group, but located in the region of which the target group expresses a strong interest, solely for reasons of religious belief and pilgrimage. The primary research phase target of the authors was to solve the problem of the existence of a specific spectrum of common dominant motivation factors of pilgrimage tourist participation as a target group of exploration of activities and an offer of secular objects in the region (see Materials and Methods, H1). We analysed the results of our research through the SPSS program. We used the factor analysis method to extract the key motivation factors, and we have extracted key factors using principal component analysis and VARIMAX rotation in the right-angle system (rotated solution), clusters, assuming that each corresponds to one of the expected motivation factors. Detailed research conception and methodology as well as the results are described in the article