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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljen problem plagiatorstva ter možni načini reševanja le-tega. Predstavljeni so programi, s pomočjo katerih je možno primerjati velike sklope datotek in odkrivati potencialne primere plagiarizma. Ob programih, ki služijo primerjanju tekstovnih datotek, je nekaj diplomskega dela posvečenega študiji programov za primerjanje programske kode. Praktični del diplomskega dela predstavljata razvoj programa za odkrivanje plagiatov ter primerjava rezultatov, dobljenih s programom APSS, glede na rezultate, dobljene z obstoječimi programi. Predstavljeni so tudi algoritmi in pristopi, ki so uporabljeni pri razvoju programa.In this diploma thesis the problem of plagiarism and the means how to detect plagiarism in text files are introduced. It includes an introduction of programs with which we can compare large sets of text files and discover plagiarized files. Besides that, a study of some programs that compare source code files is presented. The second part contains a development of a program for file comparison and plagiarism detection and the comparison of the results gained with this program with the results of other existing programs. It also includes the explanation of the algorithms and the approaches taken in the development phase