1,159 research outputs found

    Deriving High-Precision Radial Velocities

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    This chapter describes briefly the key aspects behind the derivation of precise radial velocities. I start by defining radial velocity precision in the context of astrophysics in general and exoplanet searches in particular. Next I discuss the different basic elements that constitute a spectrograph, and how these elements and overall technical choices impact on the derived radial velocity precision. Then I go on to discuss the different wavelength calibration and radial velocity calculation techniques, and how these are intimately related to the spectrograph's properties. I conclude by presenting some interesting examples of planets detected through radial velocity, and some of the new-generation instruments that will push the precision limit further.Comment: Lecture presented at the IVth Azores International Advanced School in Space Sciences on "Asteroseismology and Exoplanets: Listening to the Stars and Searching for New Worlds" (arXiv:1709.00645), which took place in Horta, Azores Islands, Portugal in July 201

    Fourier Analysis of Gapped Time Series: Improved Estimates of Solar and Stellar Oscillation Parameters

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    Quantitative helio- and asteroseismology require very precise measurements of the frequencies, amplitudes, and lifetimes of the global modes of stellar oscillation. It is common knowledge that the precision of these measurements depends on the total length (T), quality, and completeness of the observations. Except in a few simple cases, the effect of gaps in the data on measurement precision is poorly understood, in particular in Fourier space where the convolution of the observable with the observation window introduces correlations between different frequencies. Here we describe and implement a rather general method to retrieve maximum likelihood estimates of the oscillation parameters, taking into account the proper statistics of the observations. Our fitting method applies in complex Fourier space and exploits the phase information. We consider both solar-like stochastic oscillations and long-lived harmonic oscillations, plus random noise. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate the existence of cases for which our improved fitting method is less biased and has a greater precision than when the frequency correlations are ignored. This is especially true of low signal-to-noise solar-like oscillations. For example, we discuss a case where the precision on the mode frequency estimate is increased by a factor of five, for a duty cycle of 15%. In the case of long-lived sinusoidal oscillations, a proper treatment of the frequency correlations does not provide any significant improvement; nevertheless we confirm that the mode frequency can be measured from gapped data at a much better precision than the 1/T Rayleigh resolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physics Topical Issue "Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections

    Transiting Exoplanets with JWST

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    The era of exoplanet characterization is upon us. For a subset of exoplanets -- the transiting planets -- physical properties can be measured, including mass, radius, and atmosphere characteristics. Indeed, measuring the atmospheres of a further subset of transiting planets, the hot Jupiters, is now routine with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will continue Spitzer's legacy with its large mirror size and precise thermal stability. JWST is poised for the significant achievement of identifying habitable planets around bright M through G stars--rocky planets lacking extensive gas envelopes, with water vapor and signs of chemical disequilibrium in their atmospheres. Favorable transiting planet systems, are, however, anticipated to be rare and their atmosphere observations will require tens to hundreds of hours of JWST time per planet. We review what is known about the physical characteristics of transiting planets, summarize lessons learned from Spitzer high-contrast exoplanet measurements, and give several examples of potential JWST observations.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. In press in "Astrophysics in the Next Decade: JWST and Concurrent Facilities, Astrophysics & Space Science Library, Thronson, H. A., Tielens, A., Stiavelli, M., eds., Springer: Dordrecht (2008)." The original publication will be available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Note on Tests of the Factorization Hypothesis and the Determination of Meson Decay Constants

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    We discuss various tests of the factorization hypothesis making use of the close relationship between semi-leptonic and factorized nonleptonic decay amplitudes. It is pointed out that factorization leads to truely model-independent predictions for the ratio of nonleptonic to semi-leptonic decay rates, if in the nonleptonic decay a spin one meson of arbitrary mass or a pion take the place of the lepton pair. Where the decay constants of those mesons are known, these predictions represent ideal tests of the factorization hypothesis. In other cases they may be used to extract the decay constants. Currently available data on the decays Bˉ0D+π,D+π,D+ϱ,D+ϱ\bar B^0 \to D^+\pi^-,\, D^{*+}\pi^-,\, D^+\varrho^-,\, D^{*+}\varrho^- are shown to be in excellent agreement with the factorization results. A weighted average of the four independent values for the QCD coefficient a1a_1 extracted from the data gives a1=1.15±0.06a_1=1.15\pm 0.06 suggesting that it may be equal to the Wilson coefficient c1(μ)c_1(\mu) evaluated at the scale μ=mb\mu = m_b.Comment: (9 pages, ReVTeX, no figures), HD-THEP-92-3

    Ab-initio calculation of Kerr spectra for semi-infinite systems including multiple reflections and optical interferences

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    Based on Luttinger's formulation the complex optical conductivity tensor is calculated within the framework of the spin-polarized relativistic screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method for layered systems by means of a contour integration technique. For polar geometry and normal incidence ab-initio Kerr spectra of multilayer systems are then obtained by including via a 2x2 matrix technique all multiple reflections between layers and optical interferences in the layers. Applications to Co|Pt5 and Pt3|Co|Pt5 on the top of a semi-infinite fcc-Pt(111) bulk substrate show good qualitative agreement with the experimental spectra, but differ from those obtained by applying the commonly used two-media approach.Comment: 32 pages (LaTeX), 5 figures (Encapsulated PostScript), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Proteins and their peptide motifs in acellular apatite mineralization of scaffolds for tissue engineering

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    Many proteins in the inorganic=organic matrix of bone induce or modulate or inhibit mineralization of apatite in vivo. Many attempts have been made to mimic and understand this mechanism as part of bone formation, and ectopic mineralization and control thereof. Many attempts have also been made to use such proteins or protein fragments to harness their potential for improved mineralization. Such proteins and peptide motifs have also been the inspiration for attempts of making mimics of their structures and motifs using chemical or biological synthesis. The aim of this review is to highlight how proteins and (poly)peptides themselves impact mineralization in the human body, and how those could be used and have been used for improving apatite mineralization, for example, on or in materials that by themselves do not induce apatite mineralization but otherwise have interesting properties for use as bone tissue engineering scaffolds.J. Benesch wishes to acknowledge the financial support from FCT, postdoctoral fellowship scholarship SFRH/BPD/17584/2004. This work was carried out under the scope of the European Union NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004500283) and partially funded by the European Union FP6 STREP Project HIPPOCRATES (NMP3-CT-2003-505758) and FCT project ProteoLight (PTDC/FIS/68517/2006)

    The Centurion 18 telescope of the Wise Observatory

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    We describe the second telescope of the Wise Observatory, a 0.46-m Centurion 18 (C18) installed in 2005, which enhances significantly the observing possibilities. The telescope operates from a small dome and is equipped with a large-format CCD camera. In the last two years this telescope was intensively used in a variety of monitoring projects. The operation of the C18 is now automatic, requiring only start-up at the beginning of a night and close-down at dawn. The observations are mostly performed remotely from the Tel Aviv campus or even from the observer's home. The entire facility was erected for a component cost of about 70k$ and a labor investment of a total of one man-year. We describe three types of projects undertaken with this new facility: the measurement of asteroid light variability with the purpose of determining physical parameters and binarity, the following-up of transiting extrasolar planets, and the study of AGN variability. The successful implementation of the C18 demonstrates the viability of small telescopes in an age of huge light-collectors, provided the operation of such facilities is very efficient.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, some figures quality was degraded, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Nuclear Octupole Correlations and the Enhancement of Atomic Time-Reversal Violation

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    We examine the time-reversal-violating nuclear ``Schiff moment'' that induces electric dipole moments in atoms. After presenting a self-contained derivation of the form of the Schiff operator, we show that the distribution of Schiff strength, an important ingredient in the ground-state Schiff moment, is very different from the electric-dipole-strength distribution, with the Schiff moment receiving no strength from the giant dipole resonance in the Goldhaber-Teller model. We then present shell-model calculations in light nuclei that confirm the negligible role of the dipole resonance and show the Schiff strength to be strongly correlated with low-lying octupole strength. Next, we turn to heavy nuclei, examining recent arguments for the strong enhancement of Schiff moments in octupole-deformed nuclei over that of 199Hg, for example. We concur that there is a significant enhancement while pointing to effects neglected in previous work (both in the octupole-deformed nuclides and 199Hg) that may reduce it somewhat, and emphasizing the need for microscopic calculations to resolve the issue. Finally, we show that static octupole deformation is not essential for the development of collective Schiff moments; nuclei with strong octupole vibrations have them as well, and some could be exploited by experiment.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures embedded in tex