389 research outputs found

    Demonstration of wetland vegetation mapping in Florida from computer-processed satellite and aircraft multispectral scanner data

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    The success of remotely mapping wetland vegetation of the southwestern coast of Florida is examined. A computerized technique to process aircraft and LANDSAT multispectral scanner data into vegetation classification maps was used. The cost effectiveness of this mapping technique was evaluated in terms of user requirements, accuracy, and cost. Results indicate that mangrove communities are classified most cost effectively by the LANDSAT technique, with an accuracy of approximately 87 percent and with a cost of approximately 3 cent per hectare compared to $46.50 per hectare for conventional ground survey methods

    The mapping of marsh vegetation using aircraft multispectral scanner data

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    A test was conducted to determine if salinity regimes in coastal marshland could be mapped and monitored by the identification and classification of marsh vegetative species from aircraft multispectral scanner data. The data was acquired at 6.1 km (20,000 ft.) on October 2, 1974, over a test area in the coastal marshland of southern Louisiana including fresh, intermediate, brackish, and saline zones. The data was classified by vegetational species using a supervised, spectral pattern recognition procedure. Accuracies of training sites ranged from 67% to 96%. Marsh zones based on free soil water salinity were determined from the species classification to demonstrate a practical use for mapping marsh vegetation

    A correlation analysis of percent canopy closure versus TMS spectral response for selected forest sites in the San Juan National Forest, Colorado

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    The correlation of canopy closure with the signal response of individual thematic mapper simulator (TMS) bands for selected forest sites in the San Juan National Forest, Colorado was investigated. Ground truth consisted of a photointerpreted determination of percent canopy closure of 0 to 100 percent for 32 sites. The sites selected were situated on plateaus at an elevation of approximately 3 km with slope or = 10 percent. The predominant tree species were ponderosa pine and aspen. The mean TMS response per band per site was calculated from data acquired by aircraft during mid-September, 1981. A correlation analysis of TMS response vs. canopy closure resulted in the following correlation coefficients for bands 1 through 7, respectively: -0.757, -0.663, -0.666, -0.088, -0.797, -0.763. Two model regressions were applied to the TMS data set to create a map of predicted percent forest canopy closure for the study area. Results indicated percent predictive accuracies of 71, 74, and 57 for percent canopy closure classes of 0-25, 25-75, and 75-100, respectively

    Nasa's Land Remote Sensing Plans for the 1980's

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    Research since the launch of LANDSAT-1 has been primarily directed to the development of analysis techniques and to the conduct of applications studies designed to address resource information needs in the United States and in many other countries. The current measurement capabilities represented by MSS, TM, and SIR-A and B, coupled with the present level of remote sensing understanding and the state of knowledge in the discipline earth sciences, form the foundation for NASA's Land Processes Program. Science issues to be systematically addressed include: energy balance, hydrologic cycle, biogeochemical cycles, biological productivity, rock cycle, landscape development, geological and botanical associations, and land surface inventory, monitoring, and modeling. A global perspective is required for using remote sensing technology for problem solving or applications context. A successful model for this kind of activity involves joint research with a user entity where the user provides a test site and ground truth and NASA provides the remote sensing techniques to be tested

    A technique for the determination of Louisiana marsh salinity zone from vegetation mapped by multispectral scanner data: A comparison of satellite and aircraft data

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    Vegetation in selected study areas on the Louisiana coast was mapped using low altitude aircraft and satellite (LANDSAT) multispectral scanner data. Fresh, brackish, and saline marshes were then determined from the remotely sensed presence of dominant indicator plant associations. Such vegetational classifications were achieved from data processed through a standard pattern recognition computer program. The marsh salinity zone maps from the aircraft and satellite data compared favorably within the broad salinity regimes. The salinity zone boundaries determined by remote sensing compared favorably with those interpolated from line-transect field observations from an earlier year

    A demonstration of wetland vegetation mapping in Florida from computer-processed satellite and aircraft multispectral scanner data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Major vegetative classes identified by the remote sensing technique were cypress swamp, pine, wetland grasses, salt grass, mixed mangrove, black mangrove, Brazilian pepper. Australian pine and melaleuca were not satisfactorily classified from LANDSAT. Aircraft scanners provided better resolution resulting in a classification of finer surface detail. An edge effect, created by the integration of diverse spectral responses within boundary elements of digital data, affected the wetlands classification. Accuracy classification for aircraft was 68% and for LANDSAT was 74%

    Temperature dependence of an AlInP 63Ni betavoltaic cell

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    In this paper, the performance of an Al0.52In0.48P 63 Ni radioisotope cell is reported over the temperature range of −20 °C to 140 °C. A 400 μm diameter p+-i-n+ (2 μm i-layer) Al0.52In0.48P mesa photodiode was used as a conversion device in a novel betavoltaic cell. Dark current measurements on the Al0.52In0.48P detector showed that the saturation current increased increasing the temperature, while the ideality factor decreased. The effects of the temperature on the key cell parameters were studied in detail showing that the open circuit voltage, the maximum output power, and the internal conversion efficiency decreased when the temperature was increased. At −20 °C, an open circuit voltage and a maximum output power of 0.52 V and 0.28 pW, respectively, were measured

    Gallium arsenide 55Fe X-ray-photovoltaic battery

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    The effects of temperature on the key parameters of a prototype GaAs 55Fe radioisotope X-ray microbattery were studied over the temperature range -20 °C to 70 °C. A p-i-n GaAs structure was used to collect the photons from a 254 Bq 55Fe radioisotope X-ray source. Experimental results showed that the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current decreased with increased temperature. The maximum output power and the conversion efficiency of the device decreased at higher temperatures. For the reported microbattery, the highest maximum output power (1 pW, corresponding to 0.4 μW/Ci) was observed at -20 °C. A conversion efficiency of 9% was measured at -20 °C

    A study of logarithmic corrections and universal amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional 4-state Potts model

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    Monte Carlo (MC) and series expansion (SE) data for the energy, specific heat, magnetization and susceptibility of the two-dimensional 4-state Potts model in the vicinity of the critical point are analysed. The role of logarithmic corrections is discussed and an approach is proposed in order to account numerically for these corrections in the determination of critical amplitudes. Accurate estimates of universal amplitude ratios A+/A−A_+/A_-, Γ+/Γ−\Gamma_+/\Gamma_-, ΓT/Γ−\Gamma_T/\Gamma_- and RC±R_C^\pm are given, which arouse new questions with respect to previous works

    New extended high temperature series for the N-vector spin models on three-dimensional bipartite lattices

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    High temperature expansions for the susceptibility and the second correlation moment of the classical N-vector model (O(N) symmetric Heisenberg model) on the sc and the bcc lattices are extended to order β19\beta^{19} for arbitrary N. For N= 2,3,4.. we present revised estimates of the critical parameters from the newly computed coefficients.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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