3 research outputs found

    ONE MOSQUE, TWO QIBLAHS: Understanding the Difference in Qiblah Direction of the Nagari Suayan Mosque in West Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The difference in qiblah direction found among the congregation of the Nagari Suayan Mosque in Lima Puluh Kota Regency of West Sumatera began as there was an initiative to remeasure the qiblah direction by a caretaker and imam of the mosque. The difference had turned into a conflict between the Straight Qiblah congregation and the Skewed Qiblah congregation due to the lack of communication and dissemination regarding the change in qiblah direction. While in fact, facing the direction of qiblah during salat is a belief that both groups distinctly hold. This article explains the various contexts that underlie the difference and the idea of intragroup tolerance, which is the most significant finding in this study. Intragroup tolerance in practicing religion refers to the ability or willingness to tolerate differences in the rituals/practices found among varying congregations of the same religion. The research indicates that tolerating differences is part of a journey toward peace between two differing parties, and it may have implication on developing the definition of tolerance

    Pengaruh Biblio Konseling Dengan Teknik Cinematherapy Terhadap Peningkatan Resiliensi Diri Siswa Di SMPN 2 Tanjung Emas Kabupaten Tanah Datar

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    Tujuan penenlitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh biblio konseling dengan teknik cinematheraphy dalam meningkatkan resiliensi diri siswa, resileinsi diri yang harus dimiliki seseorang. Siswa yang memiliki reseliensi diri yang positif, akan mampu menghadapi berbagai macam masalah, serta ketahanan diri  dalam pemecahan masalah di bidang sosial akan lebih baik. Dalam hal ini bimbingan dan konseling memberikan ataumenyediakan layanan yang menunjang perkembangan individual siswa, pada  teknik  bibliotherapy,  individu diarahkan  untuk  mampu  membaca  bahan  bacaan yang  terseleksi, terencana,  dan  terarah  sebagai  suatu  prosedur  treatment  dalamkonseling,  karena  diyakini  bahwa  membaca  dapat  mempengaruhi sikap,  perasaan,  dan  perilaku  individu  sesuai  dengan  hasil  yang diharapkan.  Informasi  dan  pengetahuan  yang  diperoleh  dari kegiatan  membaca  menjadi  masukan  untuk  memecahkan  masalah yang  dihadapi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan Pre-Exsperimental design dengan tipe “One Groups Pretest Posttest Design”, yaitu desain penelitian yang terdapat pretest sebelum diberi perlakuan dan posttest setelah diberi perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa biblio terapi konseling adalah  dukungan  psikoterapi melalui bahan bacaan untuk membantu seseorang yang mengalami permasalahan personal. Metode terapi ini sangat dianjurkan, terutama bagi para penderita yang sulit menggungkapkan  permasalahannya  secara  verbal, terapi  yang  pertama  kali ini  (biblio-therapy) dikenalkan  oleh  para  ahli  kesehatan Inggris, dan terutama digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penderita stres, depresi, dan kegelisahan

    ONE MOSQUE, TWO QIBLAHS: Understanding the Difference in Qiblah Direction of the Nagari Suayan Mosque in West Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The difference in qiblah direction found among the congregation of the Nagari Suayan Mosque in Lima Puluh Kota Regency of West Sumatera began as there was an initiative to remeasure the qiblah direction by a caretaker and imam of the mosque. The difference had turned into a conflict between the Straight Qiblah congregation and the Skewed Qiblah congregation due to the lack of communication and dissemination regarding the change in qiblah direction. While in fact, facing the direction of qiblah during salat is a belief that both groups distinctly hold. This article explains the various contexts that underlie the difference and the idea of intragroup tolerance, which is the most significant finding in this study. Intragroup tolerance in practicing religion refers to the ability or willingness to tolerate differences in the rituals/practices found among varying congregations of the same religion. The research indicates that tolerating differences is part of a journey toward peace between two differing parties, and it may have implication on developing the definition of tolerance