673 research outputs found

    UB CCD photometry of the old, metal rich, open clusters NGC 6791, NGC 6819 and NGC 7142

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    We report on a UV-oriented imaging survey in the fields of the old, metal-rich open clusters, NGC 6791, NGC 6819 and NGC 7142. These three clusters represent both very near and ideal stellar aggregates to match the distinctive properties of the evolved stellar populations, as in elliptical galaxies and bulges of spirals. The CMD of the three clusters is analyzed in detail, with special emphasis to the hot stellar component. We report, in this regard, one new extreme horizontal-branch star candidate in NGC 6791. For NGC 6819 and 7142, the stellar luminosity function points to a looser radial distribution of faint lower Main Sequence stars, either as a consequence of cluster dynamical interaction with the Galaxy or as an effect of an increasing fraction of binary stars toward the cluster core, as actually observed in NGC 6791 too.Comment: 12 pages with 15 Figures & 5 Tables. To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Galaxy Evolution in Local Group Analogs. I. A GALEX study of nearby groups

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    Understanding the astrophysical processes acting within galaxy groups and their effects on the evolution of the galaxy population is one of the crucial topic of modern cosmology, as almost 60% of galaxies in the Local Universe are found in groups. We imaged in the far (FUV 1539 A) and near ultraviolet (NUV 2316 A) with GALEX three nearby groups, namely LGG93, LGG127 and LGG225. We obtained the UV galaxy surface photometry and, for LGG225, the only group covered by the SDSS, the photometry in u, g, r, i, z bands. We discuss galaxy morphologies looking for interaction signatures and we analyze the SED of galaxies to infer their luminosity-weighted ages. The UV and optical photometry was also used to perform a kinematical and dynamical analysis of each group and to evaluate the stellar mass. A few member galaxies in LGG225 show a distorted UV morphology due to ongoing interactions. (FUV-NUV) colors suggest that spirals in LGG93 and LGG225 host stellar populations in their outskirts younger than that of M31 and M33 in the LG or with less extinction. The irregular interacting galaxy NGC3447A has a significantly younger stellar population (few Myr old) than the average of the other irregular galaxies in LGG225 suggesting that the encounter triggered star formation. The early-type members of LGG225, NGC3457 and NGC3522, have masses of the order of a few 10^9 Mo, comparable to the Local Group ellipticals. For the most massive spiral in LGG225, we estimate a stellar mass of ~4x1010^{10} Mo, comparable to M33 in the LG. Ages of stellar populations range from a few to ~7 Gyr for the galaxies in LGG225. The kinematical and dynamical analysis indicates that LGG127 and LGG225 are in a pre-virial collapse phase, i.e. still undergoing dynamical relaxation, while LGG93 is likely virialized. (Abridged)Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Dissecting Kinematics and Stellar Populations of Counter-Rotating Galaxies with 2-Dimensional Spectroscopy

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    We present a spectral decomposition technique and its applications to a sample of galaxies hosting large-scale counter-rotating stellar disks. Our spectral decomposition technique allows to separate and measure the kinematics and the properties of the stellar populations of both the two counter-rotating disks in the observed galaxies at the same time. Our results provide new insights on the epoch and mechanism of formation of these galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Contributed talk presented at the Conference "Multi-Spin galaxies", September 30 - October 3, 2013, INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy. To be published in ASP Conf. Ser., Multi-Spin Galaxies, ed. E. Iodice & E. M. Corsini (San Francisco: ASP

    The mid-UV population of the nucleus and the bulk of the post-merger NGC 3610

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    The very center of NGC~3610, a clearly disturbed giant elliptical generally assumed to be a post-merger remnant, appears dominated in the mid-UV (2500-3200 A spectral region) by a stellar population markedly different from that dominating the bulk of its stellar body. I want here to make use of the mid-UV spectra of NGC~3610 as seen through tiny (∌\sim1") and large (10"×\times20") apertures as a diagnostic population tool. I compare archive IUE/LWP large aperture and HST/FOS UV data of NGC 3610. The strength of mid-UV triplet (dominated by the turnoff population) shows a remarkable drop when switching from the galaxy central arcsec (FOS aperture) to an aperture size comparable to ∌\sim0.5 re_e (IUE). The sub-arsec (mid)-UV properties of this galaxy involved in a past merger reveal a central metal enrichment which left intact the bulk of its pre-existing population.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in astronomy and Astrophysic

    Early Type Galaxies in the Mid Infrared: a new flavor to their stellar populations

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    The mid infrared emission of early type galaxies traces the presence of intermediate age stellar populations as well as even tiny amounts of ongoing star formation. Here we discuss high S/N Spitzer IRS spectra of a sample of Virgo early type galaxies, with particular reference to NGC 4435. We show that, by combining mid infrared spectroscopic observations with existing broad band fluxes, it is possible to obtain a very clean picture of the nuclear activity in this galaxy.Comment: 4 pages; proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 241, "Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies", editors A. Vazdekis and R. Peletie

    Bimodality in low-luminosity E and S0 galaxies

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    Stellar population characteristics are presented for a sample of low-luminosity early-type galaxies (LLEs) in order to compare them with their more luminous counterparts. Long-slit spectra of a sample of 10 LLEs were taken with the ESO New Technology Telescope, selected for their low luminosities. Line strengths were measured on the Lick standard system. Lick indices for these LLEs were correlated with velocity dispersion (σ), alongside published data for a variety of Hubble types. The LLEs were found to fall below an extrapolation of the correlation for luminous ellipticals and were consistent with the locations of spiral bulges in plots of line strengths versus σ. Luminosity weighted average ages, metallicities and abundance ratios were estimated from χ2 fitting of 19 Lick indices to predictions from simple stellar population models. The LLEs appear younger than luminous ellipticals and of comparable ages to spiral bulges. These LLEs show a bimodal metallicity distribution, consisting of a low-metallicity group (possibly misclassified dwarf spheroidal galaxies) and a high-metallicity group (similar to spiral bulges). Finally, they have low α-element to iron peak abundance ratios indicative of slow, extended star formation

    Spitzer Observations of Transient, Extended Dust in Two Elliptical Galaxies: New Evidence of Recent Feedback Energy Release in Galactic Cores

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    Spitzer observations of extended dust in two optically normal elliptical galaxies provide a new confirmation of buoyant feedback outflow in the hot gas atmospheres around these galaxies. AGN feedback energy is required to prevent wholesale cooling and star formation in these group-centered galaxies. In NGC 5044 we observe interstellar (presumably PAH) emission at 8 microns out to about 5 kpc. Both NGC 5044 and 4636 have extended 70 microns emission from cold dust exceeding that expected from stellar mass loss. The sputtering lifetime of this extended dust in the ~1keV interstellar gas, ~10^7 yrs, establishes the time when the dust first entered the hot gas. Evidently the extended dust originated in dusty disks or clouds, commonly observed in elliptical galaxy cores, that were disrupted, heated and buoyantly transported outward. The surviving central dust in NGC 5044 and 4636 has been disrupted into many small filaments. It is remarkable that the asymmetrically extended 8 micron emission in NGC 5044 is spatially coincident with Halpha+[NII] emission from warm gas. A calculation shows that dust-assisted cooling in buoyant hot gas moving out from the galactic core can cool within a few kpc in about ~10^7 yrs, explaining the optical line emission observed. The X-ray images of both galaxies are disturbed. All timescales for transient activity - restoration of equilibrium and buoyant transport in the hot gas, dynamics of surviving dust fragments, and dust sputtering - are consistent with a central release of feedback energy in both galaxies about 10^7 yrs ago.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted by ApJ; minor typos correcte

    Galaxy evolution in nearby groups. II. Galaxy evolution in nearby loose groups. II. Photometric and kinematic characterization of USGC U268 and USGC U376 group members in the Leo cloud

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    We present the photometric and kinematic characterization of two groups, USGC U268 and USGC U376 located in different regions of the Leo cloud. U268, composed of 10 catalogued members and 11 new added members, has a small fraction (~24%) of early-type galaxies (ETGs). U376 has 16 plus 8 new added members, with ~38% of ETGs. We find the presence of significant substructures in both groups suggesting that they are likely accreting galaxies. U268 is located in a more loose environment than U376. For each member galaxy, broad band integrated and surface photometry have been obtained in far-UV and near-UV with GALEX, and in u,g, r, i, z (SDSS) bands. H_alpha imaging and 2D high resolution kinematical data have been obtained using PUMA Scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer at the 2.12 m telescope in San Pedro M\'artir, (Baja California, M\'exico). We improved the galaxy classification and we detected morphological and kinematical distortions that may be connected to either on-going and/or past interaction/accretion events or environmental induced secular evolution. U268 appears more active than U376, with a large fraction of galaxies showing interaction signatures (60% vs. 13%). The presence of bars among late-type galaxies is ~10% in U268 and ~$29% in U376. The cumulative distribution of (FUV - NUV) colours of galaxies in U268 is significantly different than that in U376 with galaxies in U268 bluer than those in U376. In the (FUV-r vs. M_r) and (NUV-r vs. M_r) planes no members of U268 are found in the `red sequence', even early-type galaxies lie in the `blue sequence' or in the `green valley'. Most (80%) of the early-type members in U376 inhabits the `red sequence, a large fraction of galaxies, of different morphological types, are located in the `green valley', while the `blue sequence' is under-populated with respect to U268.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS (abridged abstract
