112 research outputs found

    A Classroom Based Assessment in a High School Social Studies Classroom

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the use of brain-based pre-writing strategies will improve students’ abilities to support claims, with evidence, on a state-mandated, classroom-based, assessment. Specifically, the research evaluated the working hypothesis that using brain-based, pre-writing activity in the non-fiction, expository writing process will assist students in their performances, as assessed by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the state-approved You and the Economy CBA CBA Rubric. By using brain-based strategies as a pre-writing activity in the non-fiction, explanatory, secondary social studies writing process, I hypothesized that those students would demonstrate logical use of claims and evidence in their typed essays. The research questions were answered through an action-research data cycle. This research is guided by two overarching research questions: 1. As brain-based learning strategies are being implemented in real time, what is the nature of the process of using brain-based interventions? In documenting the brain-based interventions, what decision-making factors are considered when designing the unit of instruction? 2. What changes—if any—are demonstrated in student writing performances on a Classroom Based Assessment, when brain-based learning strategies are implemented over the span of the research cycle? These research questions were answered through a study design involving a cycle of instruction, culminating in an explanatory writing sample. The results of the CBA-related to claims and evidence outlined in EALRs 2.2.1 and 5.2.2, instructional practices to implement brain-based pre-writing strategies will be implemented. Using brain principles to increase visual, auditory and kinesthetic contact with the concepts presented may improve students’ abilities to make claims and provide proper evidence for those claims, as measured by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State approved You and the Economy Class Based Assessment (CBA) Rubric. The process of my decision making, as well as student writing, was examined to evaluate the effect of brain-based pre-writing strategies, which students use to complete the CBA

    Becoming a Yale Man: Intimacy among Yale Students in the Nineteenth Century

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    This essays demonstrates that relationships between men at Yale College in the nineteenth century were largely the product of the environment in which they occurred. The atmosphere on campus was such that intense intimacy between men was not an anomaly or a perversion, but rather a culmination of the deep bonds forged among all students. Behavior that in another time and place would have aroused suspicion was perfectly acceptable on campus grounds. The elite background of the students, the fact that the school was predominantly Christian, the nature of the college as an all-boys institution, the pressure on the students to succeed, and even the simple fact that it was the nineteenth century – all these factors created an environment where intimacy between youthful men flourished. After surveying the secondary literature on friendships between men, this essay examines the diaries kept by Albert Dodd (class of 1838) and Edward Sheffield (class of 1859) during their time at Yale. Though very different in temperament, both men rooted themselves in their close relationships with other Yale students

    Blurred Lines or Bright Line? Addressing the Demand for Sex Trafficking Under California Law

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    Like the Thirteenth Amendment, which made slavery punishable by law, additional statutes that protect victims and punish those involved in sex trafficking are needed in the United States to abolish modern-day slavery. This Comment focuses specifically on California\u27s laws relating to sex trafficking for two reasons. First, California\u27s laws fail to adequately address the demand for sex trafficking. Second, California has a unique relationship to pornography, which is intrinsically linked to sex trafficking. Part II explains the definition and realities of sex trafficking with a special focus on buyers creating demand for sex trafficking. Part III discusses the current state of both the United States federal law and California state law by examining existing human trafficking statutes and applicable case law. Part IV analyzes the impact of California law on sex trafficking and the need for California to address demand. Part V suggests ways California can amend its human trafficking and pandering statutes to better address the demand for sex trafficking. Part VI concludes


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    American sea power has diminished significantly since the end of the Cold War. The loss of sea power relative to rising great power competitors risks the ability of the United States to adequately advance or defend its national interests in war or in peace. The current rise of China as a sea power and resurgence of Russia as a growing undersea naval threat pose new challenges for the U.S. Navy. The purpose of this research was to determine if the Navy was prepared to meet this challenge and if not, to identify deficiencies and make recommendations for improvement. This research was conducted using a historical case study approach in which several eras were reviewed and analyzed for their lessons on sealift and naval power and their implications for today. World War II, the Tanker War of the 1980s, and the British Falkland Islands campaign were studied in regard to their implication on sealift and maritime logistics. World War II, the latter part of the Cold War, and the era of the Global War on Terror were then studied for lesson related to naval combat power. The study concluded that the United States was not prepared for the challenges of great power competition. Specific deficiencies were noted in the categories of readiness, fleet size, fleet composition, shore-based infrastructure, strategy, and doctrine and training. Lessons from the historical case studies were applied to develop a series of recommendations which, if implemented, could better prepare the United States for great power competition. Reinvigorating American sea power requires a significant national investment which is only possible through the political will of policy makers based on an engaged public

    Synthesis and analysis of the antimicrobial peptoid N-LfB6

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    The increasing presence of drug resistant bacteria has led to research of new methods to combat bacteria. A part of the natural peptide Lactoferricin, LfB6 (RRWQWR-NH2), has been shown to be effective against a variety of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. However, there are several problems associated with peptides. Peptides can quickly degrade in the body which causes larger doses to be effective. Large doses of some peptides are cytotoxic to the host. Peptoids are a class of compounds that can potentially mimic the function of peptides and circumvent the problems associated with them. The backbone of peptoids is similar to that of peptides but functional groups are bonded to nitrogen instead of the alpha-carbon. Peptoids are protease resistant, which allows for lower dosages while retaining equal effectiveness. This research strives to make the peptoid compliment of LfB6, N-LfB6, and determine the effectiveness of N-LfB6 as an antimicrobial agent. The peptoid N-LfB6 has been synthesized and purified. Future research will determine the effectiveness of the peptoid against bacteria. Research into N-LfB6 could prove to be valuable in terms of antimicrobial effectiveness, stability, and low cytotoxicity to the body

    Nurses\u27 Alumnae Association Bulletin, May 1963

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    President\u27s Letter Alumnae Meetings, 1962 Building Fund Mediocrity Hospital Report Alumnae Notes Social Committee Student Activities Marriages, New Arrivals and Necrology Annual Giving Fund Driv
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