1,354 research outputs found

    Feeling political in public administration: French bureaucracy between militancy and Sens de l’État, 1789-2019

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    Physical realizations of quantum operations

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    Quantum operations (QO) describe any state change allowed in quantum mechanics, such as the evolution of an open system or the state change due to a measurement. We address the problem of which unitary transformations and which observables can be used to achieve a QO with generally different input and output Hilbert spaces. We classify all unitary extensions of a QO, and give explicit realizations in terms of free-evolution direct-sum dilations and interacting tensor-product dilations. In terms of Hilbert space dimensionality the free-evolution dilations minimize the physical resources needed to realize the QO, and for this case we provide bounds for the dimension of the ancilla space versus the rank of the QO. The interacting dilations, on the other hand, correspond to the customary ancilla-system interaction realization, and for these we derive a majorization relation which selects the allowed unitary interactions between system and ancilla.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of quantum correlations in colored environments

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    We address the dynamics of entanglement and quantum discord for two non interacting qubits initially prepared in a maximally entangled state and then subjected to a classical colored noise, i.e. coupled with an external environment characterized by a noise spectrum of the form 1/fα1/f^{\alpha}. More specifically, we address systems where the Gaussian approximation fails, i.e. the sole knowledge of the spectrum is not enough to determine the dynamics of quantum correlations. We thus investigate the dynamics for two different configurations of the environment: in the first case the noise spectrum is due to the interaction of each qubit with a single bistable fluctuator with an undetermined switching rate, whereas in the second case we consider a collection of classical fluctuators with fixed switching rates. In both cases we found analytical expressions for the time dependence of entanglement and quantum discord, which may be also extended to a collection of flcutuators with random switching rates. The environmental noise is introduced by means of stochastic time-dependent terms in the Hamiltonian and this allows us to describe the effects of both separate and common environments. We show that the non-Gaussian character of the noise may lead to significant effects, e.g. environments with the same power spectrum, but different configurations, give raise to opposite behavior for the quantum correlations. In particular, depending on the characteristics of the environmental noise considered, both entanglement and discord display either a monotonic decay or the phenomena of sudden death and revivals. Our results show that the microscopic structure of environment, besides its noise spectrum, is relevant for the dynamics of quantum correlations, and may be a valid starting point for the engineering of non-Gaussian colored environments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum erasure of decoherence

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    We consider the classical algebra of observables that are diagonal in a given orthonormal basis, and define a complete decoherence process as a completely positive map that asymptotically converts any quantum observable into a diagonal one, while preserving the elements of the classical algebra. For quantum systems in dimension two and three any decoherence process can be undone by collecting classical information from the environment and using such an information to restore the initial system state. As a relevant example, we illustrate the quantum eraser of Scully et al. [Nature 351, 111 (1991)] as an example of environment-assisted correction. Moreover, we present the generalization of the eraser setup for d-dimensional systems, showing that any von Neumann measurement on a system can be undone by a complementary measurement on the environment.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Distilling entanglement from arbitrary resources

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    We obtain the general formula for the optimal rate at which singlets can be distilled from any given noisy and arbitrarily correlated entanglement resource, by means of local operations and classical communication (LOCC). Our formula, obtained by employing the quantum information spectrum method, reduces to that derived by Devetak and Winter, in the special case of an i.i.d. resource. The proofs rely on a one-shot version of the so-called "hashing bound," which in turn provides bounds on the one-shot distillable entanglement under general LOCC.Comment: 24 pages, article class, no figure. v2: references added, published versio

    A minimum-disturbing quantum state discriminator

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    We propose two experimental schemes for quantum state discrimination that achieve the optimal tradeoff between the probability of correct identification and the disturbance on the quantum state.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, OSID style. Submitted to the special issue of "Open Systems and Information Dynamics", Proceedings of the "38th Symposium on Mathematical Physics", Torun, Poland, June 200

    Entanglement dynamics of electron-electron scattering in low-dimensional semiconductor systems

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    We perform the quantitative evaluation of the entanglement dynamics in scattering events between two insistinguishable electrons interacting via Coulomb potential in 1D and 2D semiconductor nanostructures. We apply a criterion based on the von Neumann entropy and the Schmidt decomposition of the global state vector suitable for systems of identical particles. From the timedependent numerical solution of the two-particle wavefunction of the scattering carriers we compute their entanglement evolution for different spin configurations: two electrons with the same spin, with different spin, singlet, and triplet spin state. The procedure allows to evaluate the mechanisms that govern entanglement creation and their connection with the characteristic physical parameters and initial conditions of the system. The cases in which the evolution of entanglement is similar to the one obtained for distinguishable particles are discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Improving information/disturbance and estimation/distortion trade-offs with non universal protocols

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    We analyze in details a conditional measurement scheme based on linear optical components, feed-forward loop and homodyne detection. The scheme may be used to achieve two different tasks. On the one hand it allows the extraction of information with minimum disturbance about a set of coherent states. On the other hand, it represents a nondemolitive measurement scheme for the annihilation operator, i.e. an indirect measurement of the Q-function. We investigate the information/disturbance trade-off for state inference and introduce the estimation/distortion trade-off to assess estimation of the Q-function. For coherent states chosen from a Gaussian set we evaluate both information/disturbance and estimation/distortion trade-offs and found that non universal protocols may be optimized in order to achieve better performances than universal ones. For Fock number states we prove that universal protocols do not exist and evaluate the estimation/distortion trade-off for a thermal distribution.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; published versio
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