84 research outputs found

    SPECT and PET in Eating Disorders

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    Medical imaging techniques like PET and SPECT have been applied for investigation of brain function in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. Regional abnormalities have been detected in cerebral blood flow, glucose metabolism, the availability of several neurotransmitter receptors (serotonin 1A and 2A, dopamine D2/D3, histamine H1, mu-opioid, GABA(A)-benzodiazepine, and cannabinoid CB1), stimulant-induced dopamine release, presynaptic FDOPA influx, and the density of serotonin transporters. Different subtypes of eating disorders appear to be associated with specific functional changes. It is hard to judge whether such changes are a consequence of chronic dietary restrictions or are caused by a putative anorexia (or bulimia) nervosa endophenotype. Many abnormalities (particularly those of glucose metabolism) appear to be reversible after restoration of weight or normal patterns of food intake and may represent consequences of purging or starvation. However, some changes of regional flow and neurotransmitter systems persist even after successful therapy which suggests that these reflect traits that are independent of the state of the illness. Changes of the serotonergic system (altered activity of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors and 5-HT transporters) may contribute to dysregulation of appetite, mood, and impulse control in eating disorders and may represent a trait which predisposes to the development of anxiety, obsessionality, and behavioral inhibition. Assessment of functional changes in the brain with PET or SPECT may have prognostic value and predict neuropsychological status after several years of therapy

    Cognitive decline, cardiovascular risk factors, and neuroimaging abnormalities

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    Several research studies have shown associations between cardiovascular risk factors and the development of cognitive decline. There is also evidence of an increased rate of morbidity and mortality in subjects with cardiovascular diseases with concomitant cognitive decline. Congestive heart failure and hypertension, among all cardiovascular risk factors, have shown a strong relationship with the presence of cognitive deficits, but the brain mechanisms underlying such association have not yet been clarified. The cognitive decline associated with cardiac diseases is characterized mainly by impairments of memory (learning and fixation), attention and information processing. In this article, we review neuroimaging abnormalities that may be found in samples of subjects presenting with cardiovascular risk factors and cognitive decline, including regional brain volumetric changes, white matter hyperintensities, silent brain infarcts, lacunars infarcts, and functional deficits in global blood flow (associated to reduced cardiac output) or regional cerebral blood flow. We discuss the implications of these findings to the knowledge about the pathophysiology of cognitive deficits associated with cardiovascular risk factors, as well as their potential clinical applications. Finally, we discuss the potential use of novel imaging technologies in future studies evaluating abnormalities in brain structure and function related to cardiovascular risk factors, in large samples of elderly patients.Diversos estudos têm demonstrado associação entre fatores de risco cardiovascular e desenvolvimento de declínio cognitivo. Também há evidências do aumento das taxas de morbimortalidade em pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares e déficit cognitivo. Dentre os fatores de risco cardiovascular, hipertensão arterial e insuficiência cardíaca apresentaram forte associação com a presença de déficit cognitivo, entretanto os mecanismos cerebrais subjacentes não foram totalmente esclarecidos. Nos pacientes cardiopatas, o prejuízo cognitivo se dá principalmente nos aspectos de memória (fixação e aprendizado) e processamento das informações. Nesse artigo, revisa-se os achados de neuroimagem observados em amostras de pacientes com fatores de risco cardiovascular com declínio cognitivo, incluindo achados regionais de anormalidades volumétricas, hiperintensidade de substância branca, acidentes vasculares silenciosos, infartos lacunares e déficits funcionais na perfusão cerebral global (associada à redução do débito cardíaco) e perfusão cerebral regional. Discute-se, também, as implicações destes achados para a fisiopatologia do declínio cognitivo e suas aplicações clínicas. Finalmente, aborda-se o potencial de utilização de novas técnicas de imagem em estudos futuros na avaliação das alterações estruturais e funcionais associadas a fatores de riscos vasculares em amostras de base populacional

    Diagnosis of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Abnormalities Using Spect: Agreement between Individualized Statistical Parametric Maps and Visual Inspection by Nuclear Medicine Physicians with Different Levels of Expertise in Nuclear Neurology

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    INTRODUCTION: Visual analysis is widely used to interpret regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) SPECT images in clinical practice despite its limitations. Automated methods are employed to investigate between-group rCBF differences in research studies but have rarely been explored in individual analyses. OBJECTIVES: To compare visual inspection by nuclear physicians with the automated statistical parametric mapping program using a SPECT dataset of patients with neurological disorders and normal control images. METHODS: Using statistical parametric mapping, 14 SPECT images from patients with various neurological disorders were compared individually with a databank of 32 normal images using a statistical threshold of p<0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). Statistical parametric mapping results were compared with visual analyses by a nuclear physician highly experienced in neurology (A) as well as a nuclear physician with a general background of experience (B) who independently classified images as normal or altered, and determined the location of changes and the severity. RESULTS: Of the 32 images of the normal databank, 4 generated maps showing rCBF abnormalities (p<0.05, corrected). Among the 14 images from patients with neurological disorders, 13 showed rCBF alterations. Statistical parametric mapping and physician A completely agreed on 84.37% and 64.28% of cases from the normal databank and neurological disorders, respectively. The agreement between statistical parametric mapping and ratings of physician B were lower (71.18% and 35.71%, respectively). CONCLUSION: Statistical parametric mapping replicated the findings described by the more experienced nuclear physician. This finding suggests that automated methods for individually analyzing rCBF SPECT images may be a valuable resource to complement visual inspection in clinical practice

    Diagnosis of regional cerebral blood flow abnormalities using SPECT: agreement between individualized statistical parametric maps and visual inspection by nuclear medicine physicians with different levels of expertise in nuclear neurology

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    INTRODUCTION: Visual analysis is widely used to interpret regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) SPECT images in clinical practice despite its limitations. Automated methods are employed to investigate between-group rCBF differences in research studies but have rarely been explored in individual analyses. OBJECTIVES: To compare visual inspection by nuclear physicians with the automated statistical parametric mapping program using a SPECT dataset of patients with neurological disorders and normal control images. METHODS: Using statistical parametric mapping, 14 SPECT images from patients with various neurological disorders were compared individually with a databank of 32 normal images using a statistical threshold of

    Fisiopatologia da esquizofrenia: aspectos atuais

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    BACKGROUND: Schizophrenia is one of the most intriguing and studied psychiatric diseases and its physiopathology has advanced a lot in the last century. OBJECTIVE: To review the most important advances in the physiopathology of schizophrenia. METHOD: Review of the literature of each proposed topic by articles searched in Medline and/or chosen accordingly the authors experience. RESULTS: The dopaminergic hypothesis was one of the first ethiological theories and until today is among the ones that presents the most consistent evidences. However, it fails to explain important features found in schizophrenia, such as the natural history, the cognitive impairments and the structural abnormalities. Evidences provided by epidemiological studies of genetic and environmental risk factors, associated with the findings of neuropathological and neuroimaging studies, suggest an interactive model with several factors acting together to create a global alteration of the brain development. CONCLUSION: The physiophatology of schizophrenia has advanced a lot in the last century, evolving from unicausal theories towards more complex models that consider the interaction among several genetic and environmental factors.CONTEXTO: A esquizofrenia é uma das mais intrigantes doenças psiquiátricas e, talvez por isso, a mais pesquisada, com grandes avanços sobre sua fisiopatologia no último século. OBJETIVO: Revisar os principais avanços na compreensão fisiopatológica da esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura para cada tópico proposto a partir de artigos levantados no Medline e/ou considerados importantes a partir da experiência dos autores. RESULTADOS: A hipótese dopaminérgica representa uma das primeiras teorias etiológicas e permanece até os dias atuais como uma das que apresenta evidências mais consistentes. No entanto, essa teoria falha em explicar a história natural, os prejuízos cognitivos e as alterações estruturais encontradas na esquizofrenia. A demonstração de estudos epidemiológicos de fatores de risco genéticos e ambientais, somados aos estudos neuropatológicos e de neuroimagem, sugerem um modelo interativo em que inúmeros fatores atuam conjuntamente para alterações mais globais do desenvolvimento cerebral. CONCLUSÃO: A compreensão fisiopatológica da esquizofrenia avançou bastante no último século, evoluindo de teorias etiológicas unicausais para modelos mais complexos que consideram a interação de inúmeros fatores genéticos e ambientais

    New molecular targets for PET and SPECT imaging in neurodegenerative diseases

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    The pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases (ND) such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) has not yet been completely elucidated. However, in the past few years, there have been great knowledge advances about intra-and extracellular proteins that may display impaired function or expression in AD, PD and other ND, such as amyloid beta (AB), alpha-synuclein, tau protein and neuroinfiammatory markers. Recent developments in the imaging techniques of positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) now allow the non-invasive tracking of such molecular targets of known relevance to ND in vivo. This article summarizes recent findings of PET and SPECT studies using these novel methods, and discusses their potential role in the field of drug development for ND as well as future clinical applications in regard to differential diagnosis of ND and monitoring of disease progression.Brazilian Agency: CAPES (Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior)Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) Brazilian agenc

    Correlation between voxel based morphometry and manual volumetry in magnetic resonance images of the human brain

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    This is a comparative study between manual volumetry (MV) and voxel based morphometry (VBM) as methods of evaluating the volume of brain structures in magnetic resonance images. The volumes of the hippocampus and the amygdala of 16 panic disorder patients and 16 healthy controls measured through MV were correlated with the volumes of gray matter estimated by optimized modulated VBM. The chosen structures are composed almost exclusively of gray matter. Using a 4 mm Gaussian filter, statistically significant clusters were found bilaterally in the hippocampus and in the right amygdala in the statistical parametric map correlating with the respective manual volume. With the conventional 12 mm filter,a significant correlation was found only for the right hippocampus. Therefore,narrowfilters increase the sensitivity of the correlation procedure, especially when small brain structures are analyzed. The two techniques seem to consistently measure structural volume.Trata-se de estudo comparativo entre a volumetria manual(VM) e a morfometria baseada no vóxel (MBV), como métodos de avaliação do volume de estruturas cerebrais. Os volumes do hipocampo e da amídala de 16 pacientes de pânico e 16 controles sadios medidos através da VM foram correlacionados com os volumes de matéria cinzenta estimados pela MBV.As estruturas escolhidas são constituídas quase exclusivamente de matéria cinzenta. Utilizando um filtro Gaussiano de 4 mm, encontram-se, bilateralmente, aglomerados significativos de correlação nas duas estruturas no mapa estatístico paramétrico, correspondendo ao respectivo volume manual. Com o filtro convencional de 12 mm, apenas uma correlação significativa foi encontrada no hipocampo direito. Portanto, filtros estreitos aumentam a sensibilidade do procedimento de correlação,especialmente quando estruturas pequenas são analisadas. Ambas as técnicas parecem medir consistentemente o volume estrutural.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)(FAEPA) Hospital das Clínicas da FMRPUSP - Fundação de Apoio ao Ensino, Pesquisa e Asssistênci
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