340 research outputs found

    Are Birds a Manace to Outdoor Monuments?

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    Preliminary results of laboratory tests on real samples have shown that the uric acid which is found in bird droppings has a negative influence on metals. Results of experiments have confirmed that the damage is significant when considering the cultural heritage, statues or monuments

    История антифосфолипидного синдрома

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    History of the Antiphospholipid SyndromeEste prezentat reviul literaturii care include istoricul etapelor studierii patogeniei, manifestărilor clinice și evoluției metodelor de diagnostic ale sindromului antifosfolipidic. Aprecierea cronologiei progreselor în cunoștințele medicale oferă informații utile despre patogenia, evoluția clinică, diagnosticul și selectarea corectă a conduitei de tratament individualizat.История антифосфолипидного синдром

    Les cultes des eaux douces à Rome d’après les sources de la République tardive et du Haut-Empire : une idiosyncrasie culturelle?

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    Cette thèse de doctorat en histoire étudie les rapports religieux entre les Romains de l’Antiquité et les eaux douces avec lesquelles ils ont vécu en proximité. Cette étude part du constat que les Romains sont connus pour leurs savoirs techniques des eaux et leurs aqueducs. Toutefois, les croyances religieuses associées à l’eau n’ont pas encore été examinées dans leur ensemble et demeurent éparpillées à travers l’historiographie. Dans le but de combler cette lacune, cette étude présente une synthèse des cultes dédiés à l'eau par les Romains à partir des sources littéraires, archéologiques et épigraphiques, datant en majorité de la République tardive et du Haut-Empire (Ier siècle av. n. è au IIIe siècle).This doctoral thesis in history focuses on the religious relationship between the ancient Romans and the freshwater which they lived nearby as inhabitants of a river town. This study starts from the observation that Romans are known for their technical knowledge of water and their aqueducts. However, religious beliefs associated with water have yet to be fully examined and remain scattered throughout historiography. To fill this gap, this study presents a synthesis of the aquatic cultures of the Romans from literary, archaeological, and epigraphic sources, dating mostly from the Late Republic and the High Empire (1st century BC. 3rd century

    Aplicarea principiului subsidiarității în jurisprudența CEDO

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    Subsidiarity emerged in Europe in the practice of self-governing local communities. The subsidiarity principle is one of the most solid pillars of the societies’ organization. According to the dictionary of the Spanish Real Academy (Academia Real Española), subsidiarity is “a favorable trend in complementary participation (subsidiary) of the State in private or community support activities”. In recent studies on this principle it was concluded that subsidiarity is a polyhedral concept, taking into account its theological, philosophical, political, and not least, juridicial origins. Subsidiarity is a general principle applicable only to situations when it is recognized a shared competence between the Community and the Member States. Exclusive Community competence established by the Treaty is not recognized as being subject to subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is the level by which the society is released from the state’s tutelage, is the way in which citizens agree to articulate and monitor state power so that it will not be in a position to nurture itself and ambition to produce and control the citizen

    Development of a concept regarding the safety of the community pharmacist

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    Introduction. Daily, the pharmacist is subjected to stressful situations, caused by various reasons, including direct interaction with the patient, either for consultation or the release of drugs prescribed by the doctor. Thus, the environment created at work, sometimes represents an area of risk and insecurity, and the term "professional burning" is more and more common among pharmacists. Aim of study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the environment and conditions of activity of the pharmacist, with the assessment of the factors that condition the professional burning and the development of a new concept regarding the safety of the community pharmacist. Methods and materials. Assessment of bibliographic data on the safety of the Community pharmacist at work, evaluation of the working conditions and opinion of pharmacists by using the questionnaire, interview, and visit to the workplace to collect qualitative and quantitative data. Results. The assessment and analysis of the bibliographies shows the following data: the survey reveals that 61.2% of pharmacists report that they face stress and verbal and / or physical abuse at work, this being the highest rate of exposure to psycho-emotional health. Emotional exhaustion is most often reported through two statements such as "I feel emotionally exhausted at work" and "I feel tired at the end of the working day." This phenomenon is found in pharmacists who work more than 40 hours a week. In 2018, a study conducted by Zinurova and DeHart assessed the experience of resident pharmacists regarding individual stressors during the work schedule. An average score was obtained by those who had a schedule of less than 60 hours per week and a high score for those who had more than 60 hours per week. A similar study conducted by Le and Young in 2017, shows the presence of anxiety, dysphoria and depression of those who work more than 60 hours a week. In order to assess the stress factors in community pharmacies in the Republic of Moldova, a study similar to the subsequent development of recommendations for reducing burnout was initiated. Conclusion. Stress and psycho-emotional stability can affect the work of the community pharmacist. In order to ensure favorable working conditions, it is necessary to develop the concept of pharmacist safety at work, to set up internal rules and operational procedures to deal with unpredictable situations

    Aspecte clinice, hematologice şi imunohistochimice ale limfomului Non-Hodgkin din celulele zonei marginale

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    Au fost analizate datele clinice, hematologice şi imunohistochimice la 20 pacienţi cu limfoame non-Hodgkin (LNH) din celulele zonei marginale în vârstă de la 27 ani până la 74 ani, vârsta medie fi ind de 52 ani. Boala s-a dezvoltat preponderent la adulţi şi a predominat la persoanele de peste 50 de ani. Diagnosticul a fost stabilit histologic şi imunohistochimic la care au fost pozitive CD19 şi CD20 cu CD5, CD10 şi CD23 negative. La stabilirea diagnosticului au predominat stadiile generalizate ale bolii. Focarul tumoral primar s-a dezvoltat în ganglionii limfatici şi în alte organe (stomacul, glanda mamară, măduva oaselor cu leucemizare). IPI în majoritatea cazurilor a fost cu risc înalt negativ şi a corelat cu indicii supravieţuirii, care peste 3 ani au constituit 89,2%, iar peste 5 ani – 56,94%

    Problematica respectării dreptului la un proces echitabil la nivel european şi internaţional

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    Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an essential reference to human rights and freedoms. Both the Declaration and the Constitution obliges authorities, especially justice and therefore constitutional justice to respect fundamental rights and freedoms, including those through which is ensured protection of personality’s spiritual side. The right to a fair trial has a special place among the fundamental rights in a democratic society, whose level should be inherent in any system of law. The right to a fair trial in an independent and impartial court is recognised in customary international law so that those states that have not yet ratified the international instruments are also bound by law and the judicial system to adapt their legislation appropriately. The right to a fair trial has several components such as access to justice, a fair and public case in a reasonable time, examination of the case by an independent and impartial court, established by law, advertising delivery decisions. The right to be tried by an independent and impartial court is so elemental, exciting Human Rights Committee status as an "absolute right not bear any exception". The right to a fair trial also means a reasonable opportunity to expose any part of his case to the court in a manner that does not disadvantage the opposing party, which is achieved by ensuring its rights of defense. Parties have the right to be assisted by an attorney, elected or appointed by office. Realisation of the right to defense is ensured by the organisation and functioning of the judiciary, which is based on the principles of legality, equality of parties, gratuity, collegiality, publicity, immutability and the active role of the court. To enact a law the court as part of a fair trial takes into account the competence to hear the case, both materially and territorially. In this context, statutory legislation provisions are clear and precise, clearly delineating the powers of courts, the costs involved in the administration of justice. To understand and respect the provisions is of paramount importance in realisng the right - a prerequisite to the existence of balanced and harmonious society

    Современные требования идентификации морфологических вариантов неходжкинских лимфом

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    Department of Hematology and Oncology, Nicolae Testemitanu State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Oncologic Institute of the Republic of MoldovaThis manuscript describes the updated requirements for diagnosis of morphological types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, which are reflected in the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (2001). It is mentioned that the diagnosis of the tumor of lymphoid tissue should be based on histological and immunohistochemical assessments of the bioptic specimen. General principles of the immunohistochemical studies in the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas consist in the usage of panel of antibodies, which is composed according to the diagnostic hypothesis, resulted from the routine histological examination. The immunohistochemical assessment of the tumor of lymphoid tissue constitutes the selective modality in cases of differential diagnosis of histologically resembling types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.В этой работе изложены современные требования к диагностике морфологических вариантов неходжкинских лимфом, отраженных в Классификации опухолей кроветворной и лимфатической системы, предложенной ВОЗ в 2001 году. Подчеркивается, что диагноз опухолей лимфатической системы должен основываться на гистологических и иммуногистохимических исследованиях биоптата. Общие принципы иммуногистохимических исследований в диагностике неходжкинских лимфом заключаются в использовании в каждом случае панели антител, составленной в соответствии с гипотезой диагноза установленного в результате рутинного гистологического исследования. Иммуногистохимическое исследование опухолей лимфатической ткани является методом выбора в случаях дифференциальной диагностики гистологически похожих вариантов неходжкинских лимфом

    Rolul judecătorului naţional în promovarea respectării drepturilor omului în cadrul Uniunii Europene

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    The Judge plays a decisive role in promoting respect for human rights. His activity is governed by the fundamental principles of the "rule of law" concept. The principle of separation of powers is a principle that any democracy, that wants to be real, must necessarily take it into consideration and implement it. Delimitation of powers is, broadly speaking, a different jurisdiction to establish institutional authority, and to exclude other forms of mutual intrusion than those permitted by law. At European level, the criteria and conditions of the judicial domain, and the judges, receive a broader notion, more complex. The structure of today's European Union is based solely on the rules of law. Rule of law is ensured through creation of Community law that is independent and uniform for all Member States. To ensure judicial protection of individual rights conferred by Community law, transparency is indispensable to national procedural law. Therefore, the national legislation must be put in harmony with European law and the national legislator is obliged to respect the decisions of the EUCJ, which decided that, in principle, the conditions imposed by national law will not have to render virtually the rights conferred by Community law. Any judge, seized within its jurisdiction, is required to apply the provisions of Community law and protect rights which are conferred to individuals, leaving all provisions inapplicable, possibly contrary, the national law, either before or after the Community rule. European law clearly reinforces cultural and legal national judge. Community law isn’t a foreign law, it is an outside law. This law is proper to each of our States as its national law, but it also has this feature to be at the same time a common value for all