15,039 research outputs found

    The Sound of William Barnes's Dialect Poems: 3. Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect, third collection (1862)

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    "This is the third volume in a series that sets out to provide a phonemic transcript and an audio recording of each individual poem in Barnes’s three collections of Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect. With 96 poems in an astonishing variety of metrical forms, the volume includes some of those that are most loved and admired: poems of tragedy (“Woak Hill”, “The turnstile”) and comedy (“John Bloom in Lon’on”, “A lot o’ maĂŻdens a-runnĂšn the vields”); celebrations of love anticipated (“In the spring”) and love fulfilled (“Don’t ceĂ€re”); protests against injustice and snobbery (“The love child”); struggles to accept God’s will (“Grammer a-crippled”); and poems on numerous other subjects, with an emotional range stretching from the deepest of grief to the highest of joy.

    Six Eclogues from William Barnes's Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect (First Collection, 1844)

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    When William Barnes began publishing poems in the Dorset County Chronicle in the 1830s in the dialect of his native Blackmore Vale, the first poems that appeared were in the form of eclogues — dialogues between country people on country matters. Although an immediate success, the eclogues were in time overshadowed by the many lyric poems that Barnes published in the dialect. They are now perhaps the most undervalued works by this brilliant but neglected poet. Each eclogue is, effectively, a one-scene play, demanding performance for its potential to be realized. The phonemic transcripts in this book, based on the findings in T. L. Burton’s William Barnes’s Dialect Poems: A Pronunciation Guide (2010), show what the poems would have sounded like in Barnes’s own time; the accompanying audio recordings (made at the 2010 Adelaide Fringe) give living voice to the sounds noted in the transcripts

    Incorporation of Nitrogen into Organics Produced by Fischer-Tropsch Type Chemistry

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    Laboratory simulations have demonstrated that hydrothermal systems have the potential to produce a range of organic compounds through Fischer-Tropsch type (FTT) chemistry. The distribution of products depends on several factors, including the abundance and composition of feed-stock molecules, reaction temperature, and the physical and chemical characteristics of catalytic materials included in the reactions. The majority of studies per-formed to date have focused solely on inclusion of CO2 or CO and H2 as the carbon, oxygen and hydrogen sources, which limits the possible products to hydro-carbons, alcohols and carboxylic acids. A few studies have included nitrogen in the form of ammonia, which led to the production of amino acids and nitrogenous bases; and a separate suite of studies included sulfur as sulfide minerals or H2S, which yielded products such as thiols and amino acids. Although these demonstrations provide compelling evidence that FTT reactions can produce compounds of interest for the origins of life, such reactions have been conducted under a very limited range of conditions and the synthetic reaction mechanisms have generally not been well-characterized. As a consequence, it is difficult to extrapolate these results to geologic systems or to evaluate how variations in reactant compositions would affect the distribution of products over time. We have begun a series of laboratory experiments that will incorporate a range of precursor molecules in varying compositions to determine how these variables affect the relative amounts and speciation of life-essential elements in organic molecules produced under FTT conditions. In the present work, we focus on systems containing C, H, O and N

    Factors Influencing Consumer Likelihood of Purchasing a Flexible-Fuel or Hybrid Automobile

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    Developing fuels and vehicles that reduce our reliance on fossil fuels has become a priority due to the threat of global climate change and desire for reduced dependence on oil imports. Flexible-fuel vehicles that can run on ethanol/gasoline blends of up to 85% ethanol and hybrid electric vehicles present two such opportunities. While production of both flexible-fuel and hybrid vehicles is increasing, there is still a great deal of uncertainty about how consumers will respond to these products. To address this uncertainty, data was collected through an online survey of automobile owners that asked respondents how likely they were to choose either a flexible-fuel or hybrid vehicle as their next vehicle. A bivariate probit model was used to jointly analyze responses to these two questions. The results show that, while there was some overlap in the factors correlated with perceived likelihood of choosing one of these two types of automobiles, there were also clear differences. These results should benefit policymakers, marketers and academics seeking a better understanding of the respective markets for these vehicles.flexible-fuel vehicles, ethanol, E85, hybrid electric vehicles, Demand and Price Analysis, Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Infrared images of reflection nebulae and Orion's bar: Fluorescent molecular hydrogen and the 3.3 micron feature

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    Images were obtained of the (fluorescent) molecular hydrogen 1-0 S(1) line, and of the 3.3 micron emission feature, in Orion's Bar and three reflection nebulae. The emission from these species appears to come from the same spatial locations in all sources observed. This suggests that the 3.3 micron feature is excited by the same energetic UV-photons which cause the molecular hydrogen to fluoresce

    Beyond the New Jim Crow: Public Support for Removing and Regulating Collateral Consequences

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    In The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander drew national attention to the extensive imposition of collateral consequences on those convicted of a crime and to their racially disparate effects. Based on a 2017 national-level YouGov survey, supplemented by a second 2019 YouGov survey, the current study finds that the public is split on allowing ex-offenders to sit on juries, but supportive of removing barriers to voting and employment. The respondents also favored providing defendants with a list of restrictions linked to conviction as well as having lawmakers review and eliminate collateral consequences found to have no purpose and to not reduce crime

    Who Wears the MAGA Hat? Racial Beliefs and Faith in Trump

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    On the basis of a 2019 YouGov survey of white respondents (n = 734), the impact of racial beliefs on support for Donald Trump was explored. The analysis revealed that in addition to racial resentment, white nationalism—a desire to keep the United States white demographically and culturally—was strongly related to faith in Trump. Analyses based on a 2019 Amazon Mechanical Turk survey yielded similar results and also showed that white nationalism increased willingness to wear a MAGA hat. Future research on the political consequences of racial beliefs should focus on what whites think not only of blacks but also of themselves

    Redemption at a Correctional Turning Point: Public Support for Rehabilitation Ceremonies

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    The authors studied the extent to which the American public would support the implementation of rehabilitation ceremonies, including certificates. Using a national-level survey they commissioned YouGov to undertake, the authors examined public views about the redeemability of offenders--whether they believe that those convicted of felonies are intractably criminal or have the potential to change for the better. Results of the survey indicate substantial belief in offender redeemability and support for rehabilitation ceremonies and certificates
