6,324 research outputs found

    Quantum hierarchic models for information processing

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    Both classical and quantum computations operate with the registers of bits. At nanometer scale the quantum fluctuations at the position of a given bit, say, a quantum dot, not only lead to the decoherence of quantum state of this bit, but also affect the quantum states of the neighboring bits, and therefore affect the state of the whole register. That is why the requirement of reliable separate access to each bit poses the limit on miniaturization, i.e, constrains the memory capacity and the speed of computation. In the present paper we suggest an algorithmic way to tackle the problem of constructing reliable and compact registers of quantum bits. We suggest to access the states of quantum register hierarchically, descending from the state of the whole register to the states of its parts. Our method is similar to quantum wavelet transform, and can be applied to information compression, quantum memory, quantum computations.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figur

    New Ekpyrotic Cosmology

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    In this paper, we present a new scenario of the early Universe that contains a pre big bang Ekpyrotic phase. By combining this with a ghost condensate, the theory explicitly violates the null energy condition without developing any ghost-like instabilities. Thus the contracting universe goes through a non-singular bounce and evolves smoothly into the expanding post big bang phase. The curvature perturbation acquires a scale-invariant spectrum well before the bounce in this scenario. It is sourced by the scale-invariant entropy perturbation engendered by two ekpyrotic scalar fields, a mechanism recently proposed by Lehners et al. Since the background geometry is non-singular at all times, the curvature perturbation remains nearly constant on super horizon scales. It emerges from the bounce unscathed and imprints a scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations in the matter-radiation fluid at the onset of the hot big bang phase. The ekpyrotic potential can be chosen so that the spectrum has a ``red'' tilt, in accordance with the recent data from WMAP. As in the original Ekpyrotic scenario, the model predicts a negligible gravity wave signal on all observable scales. As such ``New Ekpyrotic Cosmology" provides a consistent and distinguishable alternative to inflation to account for the origin of the seeds of large scale structure.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figures. v2: minor corrections, references added. v3: small modifications in bounce section, references added. v4: version published in PR

    Stabilizing All Geometric Moduli in Heterotic Calabi-Yau Vacua

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    We propose a scenario to stabilize all geometric moduli - that is, the complex structure, Kahler moduli and the dilaton - in smooth heterotic Calabi-Yau compactifications without Neveu-Schwarz three-form flux. This is accomplished using the gauge bundle required in any heterotic compactification, whose perturbative effects on the moduli are combined with non-perturbative corrections. We argue that, for appropriate gauge bundles, all complex structure and a large number of other moduli can be perturbatively stabilized - in the most restrictive case, leaving only one combination of Kahler moduli and the dilaton as a flat direction. At this stage, the remaining moduli space consists of Minkowski vacua. That is, the perturbative superpotential vanishes in the vacuum without the necessity to fine-tune flux. Finally, we incorporate non-perturbative effects such as gaugino condensation and/or instantons. These are strongly constrained by the anomalous U(1) symmetries which arise from the required bundle constructions. We present a specific example, with a consistent choice of non-perturbative effects, where all remaining flat directions are stabilized in an AdS vacuum.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    A Lorentz-invariant look at quantum clock synchronization protocols based on distributed entanglement

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    Recent work has raised the possibility that quantum information theory techniques can be used to synchronize atomic clocks nonlocally. One of the proposed algorithms for quantum clock synchronization (QCS) requires distribution of entangled pure singlets to the synchronizing parties. Such remote entanglement distribution normally creates a relative phase error in the distributed singlet state which then needs to be purified asynchronously. We present a fully relativistic analysis of the QCS protocol which shows that asynchronous entanglement purification is not possible, and, therefore, that the proposed QCS scheme remains incomplete. We discuss possible directions of research in quantum information theory which may lead to a complete, working QCS protocol.Comment: 5 pages; typeset in RevTe

    Interface states in junctions of two semiconductors with intersecting dispersion curves

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    A novel type of shallow interface state in junctions of two semiconductors without band inversion is identified within the envelope function approximation, using the two-band model. It occurs in abrupt junctions when the interband velocity matrix elements of the two semiconductors differ and the bulk dispersion curves intersect. The in-plane dispersion of the interface state is found to be confined to a finite range of momenta centered around the point of intersection. These states turn out to exist also in graded junctions, with essentially the same properties as in the abrupt case.Comment: 1 figur

    Texas Livestock Auction Markets - Methods and Facilities.

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    Variation in antral follicle counts at different times in the menstrual cycle: does it matter?

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    Antral follicle count (AFC) variation was examined across the menstural cycle and its effect on clinical management assessed. In 79 women, AFC was documented in early (iAFC) and late follicular phase (sAFC). Absolute agreement between iAFC and sAFC and agreement for classification into categories of risk of extremes of ovarian response were examined. Ovarian stimulation protocols designed with iAFC and sAFC, and the predictive value of iAFC and sAFC for extremes of ovarian response, were compared in women undergoing ovarian stimulation. Significant differences were found between iAFC and sAFC (16 [IQR 9-24] versus 13 [IQR 7- 21]; P = 0.001), with moderate agreement for the classification into at risk of extremes of response (k = 0.525). Agreement for protocol selection based on either AFC (k = 0.750) and starting gonadotrophin dose was good (concordance correlation coefficient 0.970 [95% CI 0.951 to 0.982]). Predictive value for iAFC and sAFC was maintained for poor ovarian response and risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OR 0.634 [0.427 to 0.920], 0.467 [0.233 to 0.935]) and (OR 1.049 [0.974 to 1.131], 1.140 [1.011 to 1.285]). Across the cycle, AFC varies but does not significantly affect ovarian stimulation protocol design and prediction of extreme ovarian response

    The Exact MSSM Spectrum from String Theory

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    We show the existence of realistic vacua in string theory whose observable sector has exactly the matter content of the MSSM. This is achieved by compactifying the E_8 x E_8 heterotic superstring on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold with an SU(4) gauge instanton and a Z_3 x Z_3 Wilson line. Specifically, the observable sector is N=1 supersymmetric with gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y x U(1)_{B-L}, three families of quarks and leptons, each family with a right-handed neutrino, and one Higgs-Higgs conjugate pair. Importantly, there are no extra vector-like pairs and no exotic matter in the zero mode spectrum. There are, in addition, 6 geometric moduli and 13 gauge instanton moduli in the observable sector. The holomorphic SU(4) vector bundle of the observable sector is slope-stable.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX; v2: Hidden sector is unstable, symbol typesetting error corrected, clarifications and references added; v3: New discussion of hidden secto

    Social Cohesion, Structural Holes, and a Tale of Two Measures

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    EMBARGOED - author can archive pre-print or post-print on any open access repository after 12 months from publication. Publication date is May 2013 so embargoed until May 2014.This is an author’s accepted manuscript (deposited at arXiv arXiv:1211.0719v2 [physics.soc-ph] ), which was subsequently published in Journal of Statistical Physics May 2013, Volume 151, Issue 3-4, pp 745-764. The final publication is available at link.springer.com http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10955-013-0722-

    Tree-body loss of of trapped ultracold 87^{87}Rb atoms due to a Feshbach resonance

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    The loss of ultracold trapped atoms in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance is treated as a two-stage reaction, using the Breit-Wigner theory. The first stage is the formation of a resonant diatomic molecule, and the second one is its deactivation by inelastic collisions with other atoms. This model is applied to the analysis of recent experiments on 87^{87}Rb, leading to an estimated value of 7×10−117\times 10^{-11} cm3/^{3}/s for the deactivation rate coefficient.Comment: LaTeX, 4 pages with 1 figures, uses REVTeX4, uses improved experimental dat
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