149 research outputs found
The ecology of outdoor rape: The case of Stockholm, Sweden
The objective of this article is to report the results of an ecological study into the geography of rape in Stockholm, Sweden, using small area data. In order to test the importance of factors indicating opportunity, accessibility and anonymity to the understanding of the geography of rape, a two-stage modelling approach is implemented. First, the overall risk factors associated with the occurrence of rape are identified using a standard Poisson regression, then a local analysis using profile regression is performed. Findings from the whole-map analysis show that accessibility, opportunity and anonymity are all, to different degrees, important in explaining the overall geography of rape - examples of these risk factors are the presence of subway stations or whether a basomraÌde is close to the city centre. The local analysis reveals two groupings of high risk of rape areas associated with a variety of risk factors: city centre areas with a concentration of alcohol outlets, high residential population turnover and high counts of robbery; and poor suburban areas with schools and large female residential populations where subway stations are located and where people express a high fear of crime. The article concludes by reflecting upon the importance of these results for future research as well as indicating the implications of these results for policy
Ethnic Fragmentation and Police Spending: Social Identity and a Public Good
We present evidence that more ethnically fragmented communities spend, all else equal, more on police services than less fragmented communities. We introduce a model of spending on police services which we use to interpret the data. In this model, we assume that the decision to commit a crime is a rational consideration of the costs and benefits and that spending on police services reduces the attractiveness of committing a crime. We also assume that being a victim of crime affects a loss in utility. However this victimization cost, if victim and perpetrator are a different ethnicity, is greater than or equal to that if the perpetrator is the same ethnicity. A consequence of the model is that a higher level of spending on police services is associated with more ethnically fragmented communities only when agents suffer this differential cost of victimization. These results contribute to our understanding of the stylized fact that spending on police services is increasing at a time in which crime rates are falling. Further, our results provide empirical support for the contention that people have a larger cost of victimization when the perpetrator is a different ethnicity
Effects in Disguise: The Importance of Controlling for Constructs at Multiple Levels in MacroâLevel Immigration and Crime Research
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