2,424 research outputs found

    Emotions in the classroom

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    This study explores the classroom emotional experience of five teachers. It is based on the assumptions that teaching is an emotional enterprise; that teaching necessarily involves emotional labor, or the work of emotion management; that attending to and working through emotions (a form of emotion management) can influence how teachers teach; and that doing this emotional labor in a group setting can be useful to teachers. An additional assumption is that psychoanalytic concepts can help frame teachers\u27 emotional experiences. The study looks specifically at how teachers\u27 awareness and understanding of emotions affect their experience of teaching and what it is like for teachers to develop this awareness and understanding in a group setting. The study\u27s participants were five self-selected teachers ranging in professional experience from pre-service to 20 years, from the elementary through high school levels, who voluntarily joined a teacher support group. The support group\u27s express purpose was to explore the emotions involved in teaching. The support group met for 1.25 hours weekly for three months. Each participant answered a pre-group questionnaire and a postgroup evaluation and underwent four semi-structured interviews: three to collect stories of critical emotional incidents in their teaching and one to ask the research questions after the teacher support group had ended. In addition, the teachers kept an Emotion Diary in which they listed emotions they felt during the week, ranked the intensity of each emotion, and told the story of one or more of the emotional incidents

    Two techniques enable sampling of filtered and unfiltered molten metals

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    Filtered samples of molten metals are obtained by filtering through a plug of porous material fitted in the end of a sample tube, and unfiltered samples are obtained by using a capillary-tube extension rod with a perforated bucket. With these methods there are no sampling errors or loss of liquid

    Alfalfa for Summer Grazing

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    Alfalfa is most commonly used as a hay crop in the United States. However, with proper management, it can be utilized as a grazing crop with very good results. Liveweight gains per acre are quite high for grazing beef cattle with total season grains of 500 to 800 pounds per acre being reasonable. The authors realized 732 lb/acre of gains on 16 acres of alfalfa in 1991, with beef steers at Princeton

    Taking Another Look: Light n-Capture Element Abundances in Metal-Poor Halo Stars

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    Elements are produced in stars through a variety of processes; some are well known, others are still the object of active research. The elements Zirconium (Zr) and Yttrium (Y) are produced via neutron capture (ncapture). These elements reside in the mass range where there is uncertainty about the production mechanism at early time. The rapid n-capture process (r-process) was believed to be responsible for the production, but no study (Burris et al 2000, Gilroy et al 1988 and others) has been able to successfully use the r-process to reproduce the abundance signature for elements in this mass range for metal-poor halo stars. It has been suggested (Sneden and Cowan 2003) that there may be an undiscovered component to the rprocess. New abundance calculations for these elements have been conducted for a sample of metalpoor halo stars. Transition probabilities for Zr II from (Malcheva et al.2006) and for YII from (Hannaford et al.1982) were utilized in these calculations as well as new high quality observational data from the Keck telescope. The new laboratory and observational data resulted in improvement in the abundance determinations and uncertainty of the abundances

    Grazing Alfalfa — An Overview

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    Alfalfa is the most important forage legume grown in the United States. Grown over a wide range of soil and climatic conditions it has the highest yield potential and feeding value of all perennial forage legumes. This versatile crop can be used for hay, pasture, silage, green-chop, pellets, cubes and soil improvement. Because of its many merits, especially yield, quality and versatility, it can be used successfully in many animal feeding programs. Grazing alfalfa has not been practiced to any great extent in the U.S., but has been done extensively in other countries. Research and producer experience has shown excellent gains per animal and per acre without shortening the alfalfa stand\u27s life expectancy

    Maximizing Alfalfa Hay in Beef Feeding Programs

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    Beef cattle comprise the largest group of forage and hay users in Kentucky. Because of their ability to utilize large amounts of low quality roughage, they are sometimes relegated to that role exclusively. There are many instances in beef production when alfalfa hay can be utilized because of its high protein content. The value of alfalfa hay in a beef operation can be estimated by the protein and energy that it furnishes

    Conceptual Model-Based Reasoning for Knowledge-Based Software Project Management

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    This paper presents a conceptual model for software project management and the power derived from using a conceptual model-based reasoning approach in building intelligent decision-support systems. The Software Project Manager (SPM) has been prototyped in Inference Corporation\u27s Automated Reasoning Tool (ART) on Symbolics artificial intelligence (Al) workstations. This prototype conceptual model is an outgrowth of research con- ducted under the Knowledge-Based Software Project Management project at Lockheed Software Technology Center in Austin, Texas. In this paper, we present an overview of the management model underlying SPM and define the essential concepts and relationships needed to model the project management domain. We then describe the knowledge representation strategy used to implement this conceptual model. Finally, we illustrate the power of using conceptual model-based reasoning in building intelligent decision-support systems for the project management domain

    Grazing Alfalfa — State Perspective

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    Alfalfa has been grown in Kentucky for many years, but in the last decade, its acreage has increased dramatically- from 208,000 in 1978 to 350,000 in 1981 (Ky. Agri. Statistics Service). Alfalfa is generally thought of as a hay crop but the practice of grazing alfalfa has received considerable attention recently. Much of this interest was generated by Graze-More-Beef demonstrations which have been conducted in the state. Demonstrations in which alfalfa was grazed averaged 791 pounds per acre during 1986-1988. Alfalfa\u27s ability to withstand dry weather and its excellent nutritional qualities make it an attractive grazing alternative to fescue - especially during the mid-summer period. Grazing also requires less equipment than expensive conventional harvesting of hay. But ... it also requires intensive management for optimum results

    Interactions of heterologous nitrogenase components that generate catalytically inactive complexes.

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    Safe injection to prevent infection: Specific injection practices are associated with Hepatitis C exposure, suggesting opportunities for targeted harm reduction intervention for people who inject drugs in Maine

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    Background • The U.S. opioid epidemic has contributed to an increase in infections related to IDU, such as HCV • Transmission of HCV has been linked to unsafe injection practices • This study aims to characterize risk factors associated with HCV exposure amongst people who inject drugs in Maine Methodshttps://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2021/1044/thumbnail.jp
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