51 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding support at an Australian Breastfeeding Association drop-in service : a descriptive survey

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    Background: In Australia, during the early establishment phase of breastfeeding, women can access telephone peer support counselling provided by the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) however options for face-to-face peer support are limited. The known factors which improve ongoing and exclusive breastfeeding include face-to-face support, peer and/or professional support, and trained personnel. This study aimed to examine women’s experiences of accessing one breastfeeding drop-in peer support service provided by trained peer support volunteer counsellors from the ABA. Methods: Women who accessed the service were invited, in 2014, to participate in an anonymous online survey which collected both quantitative and qualitative data. Participants were asked about their experiences of breastfeeding support, as well as their experiences of the drop-in service. In total, 53 women completed the online survey, and subsequent analysis generated descriptive statistics and qualitative themes. Results: Responses to the survey revealed that women attended the drop-in service with infants ranging in age from less than 1 week through to 12 months of age. Most women reported attending with infants aged 0–8 weeks of age (72%). The predominant presenting problems identified were sore/damaged nipples, difficulties with infant latching to the breast, or concerns about using nipple shields. Analysis of the open text qualitative responses revealed one overarching theme ‘Support to continue breastfeeding’ and four subthemes: ‘feeling listened to and not judged’; ‘emotional support and confidence building’; ‘the importance of face-to-face, practical support’; and ‘the need for ongoing, free access’. Discussion: In this study many women were seeking support for ongoing breastfeeding difficulties. Health professionals who had limited breastfeeding knowledge and skills were identified as most unhelpful in providing support with ongoing breastfeeding difficulties. Women valued having access to trained peer counsellors, who had the capacity to provide non-judgemental, face-to-face support; who could sit through a feed; in a space that was ‘safe’; and who could enhance a woman’s confidence with breastfeeding over the course of her full breastfeeding journey. Conclusions: Reactive peer support, provided in response to need, at an Australian Breastfeeding Association drop-in service, was described by participants as pivotal to enabling their ongoing breastfeeding

    "Meeting the Mum Where She is at": Recommended Best Practice to Support Vulnerable New Mothers

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    Becoming a new mother can be a complicated life transition with physical, emotional, and psychological changes. Women with additional vulnerabilities are at greatest risk from physical and mental ill-health due to adversities faced when becoming a new mother. The impetus for the current White Paper arose from the desire to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of vulnerable new mothers, the perceived impact of the Early Years Support Service, and the best practice guidelines for how to support new mothers with additional vulnerabilities. This White Paper is based on the first empirical study of the Early Years Support Service, involving 47 stakeholders with direct experience including: 22 mothers who had or currently use the Early Years Support Service, 15 volunteers, 6 staff, 4 significant others. The Early Years Support Service is available to primary carers irrespective of gender. All of the service users who participated in this study identified as mothers and thus this White Paper discusses the experiences of mothers

    From coercion to respectful care : women’s interactions with health care providers when planning a VBAC

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    Background: In many countries caesarean section rates are increasing and this impacts on choices made around mode of birth in subsequent pregnancies. Having a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) can be a safe and empowering experience for women, yet most women have repeat caesareans. High caesarean section rates increase maternal and neonatal morbidity, health costs and burden on hospitals. Women can experience varied support from health care providers when planning a VBAC. The aim of this paper is to explore the nature and impact of the interactions between women planning a VBAC and health care providers from the women’s perspective. Methods: A national Australian VBAC survey was undertaken in 2019. In total 559 women participated and provided 721 open-ended responses to six questions. Content analysis was used to categorise respondents’ answers to the open-ended questions. Results: Two main categories were found capturing the positive and negative interactions women had with health care providers. The first main category, ‘Someone in my corner’, included the sub-categories ‘belief in women birthing’, ‘supported my decisions’ and ‘respectful maternity care’. The negative main category ‘Fighting for my birthing rights’ included the sub-categories ‘the odds were against me’, ‘lack of belief in women giving birth’ and ‘coercion’. Negative interactions included the use of coercive comments such as threats and demeaning language. Positive interactions included showing support for VBAC and demonstrating respectful maternity care. Conclusions: In this study women who planned a VBAC experienced a variety of positive and negative interactions. Individualised care and continuity of care are strategies that support the provision of positive respectful maternity care

    Australian foster carers' views and concerns regarding maternal drug use and the safety of breastmilk

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    Parental substance misuse and mental health issues are major factors associated with infant placement into out-of-home care. Such placements may result in disruption and/or cessation of breastfeeding. Provision of breastmilk to infants in out-of-home care (OOHC) is desirable in terms of infant health and development, and also in supporting maternal caregiving. However, little is known about how breastfeeding is supported for infants in out-of-home care. This study used an online survey to explore the facilitation of breastfeeding in the context of OOHC and foster carers’ management of expressed breastmilk (EBM). Foster carers were generally open to the idea of maternal breastfeeding and infants in their care receiving EBM from their mothers. However, the majority of respondents expressed concern regarding the safety of EBM for infant consumption due to the possibility of harmful substances in the milk. Concerns regarding the safety of handling EBM were also prevalent. These concerns caused foster carers to discard EBM. Findings suggest foster carers’ may lack knowledge related to maternal substance use and breastmilk. Better integration between health care and social service systems, where the voices of mothers, foster carers and child protection workers are heard, is necessary to develop solutions enabling infants living in OOHC access to their mother’s breastmilk

    Women's experiences of planning a vaginal birth after caesarean in different models of maternity care in Australia

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    Background: Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) is a safe mode of birth for most women but internationally VBAC rates remain low. In Australia women planning a VBAC may experience different models of care including continuity of care (CoC). There are a limited number of studies exploring the impact and influence of CoC on women’s experiences of planning a VBAC. Continuity of care (CoC) with a midwife has been found to increase spontaneous vaginal birth and decrease some interventions. Women planning a VBAC prefer and benefit from CoC with a known care provider. This study aimed to explore the influence, and impact, of continuity of care on women’s experiences when planning a VBAC in Australia. Methods: The Australian VBAC survey was designed and distributed via social media. Outcomes and experiences of women who had planned a VBAC in the past 5 years were compared by model of care. Standard fragmented maternity care was compared to continuity of care with a midwife or doctor. Results: In total, 490 women completed the survey and respondents came from every State and Territory in Australia. Women who had CoC with a midwife were more likely to feel in control of their decision making and feel their health care provider positively supported their decision to have a VBAC. Women who had CoC with a midwife were more likely to have been active in labour, experience water immersion and have an upright birthing position. Women who received fragmented care experienced lower autonomy and lower respect compared to CoC. Conclusion: This study recruited a non-probability based, self-selected, sample of women using social media. Women found having a VBAC less traumatic than their previous caesarean and women planning a VBAC benefited from CoC models, particularly midwifery continuity of care. Women seeking VBAC are often excluded from these models as they are considered to have risk factors. There needs to be a focus on increasing shared belief and confidence in VBAC across professions and an expansion of midwifery led continuity of care models for women seeking a VBAC

    Taking the path of least resistance : a qualitative analysis of return to work or study while breastfeeding

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    Background: In order to meet World Health Organization recommendations for breastfeeding, many women need to combine breastfeeding with return to work or study. Barriers are often encountered when returning to work or study, which can lead to premature cessation of breastfeeding. This study aimed to explore Australian women's experiences of breastfeeding at one multi-campus university. Method: This paper draws on the qualitative findings from a mixed-methods study conducted between April and November 2017. An online survey was used to explore women's experiences of breastfeeding at university. In total, 108 people participated in the survey. After the deletion of incomplete surveys, 79 staff and students survey responses were analysed. In-depth interviews were also carried out with 10 staff and students. Open text responses and in-depth interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The analysis revealed four themes. The first theme, University as a positive and progressive environment for breastfeeding, explores staff and students' experiences of maternity leave, flexible work arrangements, and on-campus childcare, and their relationships with tutors, supervisors, managers and colleagues. The second theme, Finding private and safe spaces for breastfeeding, presents staff and students' experiences of using designated rooms, car parks, corridors, classrooms, and offices to breastfeed and express breast milk, and their experiences related to storage of breast milk. The third theme, Feeling self-conscious and unprofessional, reflects women's experiences of mixing their professional and personal lives, and feeling guilty for taking time out to breastfeed. The fourth theme, Developing resilience to judgement, captures women's realisation that breastfeeding on campus requires the development of a "thick skin" and the capacity to not be offended easily. Conclusions: Sustaining breastfeeding requires time and commitment on behalf of the mother, as well as a supportive workplace or study environment. Transforming university campuses into breastfeeding friendly environments is long overdue and requires organisational commitment to achieve genuine reform

    Breastfeeding Friendly Communities at WSU: Vice Chancellor's Gender Equality Fund, Final Report 2017

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    As an ‘Employer of Choice for Gender Equality’ for over a decade Western Sydney University (WSU) has an excellent track record in gender equality initiatives. As part of the ‘Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020’ the university intends to role model best practice in fairness and equity in the workplace and higher education environment. Returning to work or study whilst breastfeeding can put women at a disadvantage compared to other workers. Navigating the system to enable continued work or study, alongside maintaining breastmilk supply, can be challenging. Successfully combining work or study with breastfeeding an infant requires time, commitment and perseverance, on behalf of the mother, as well as a supportive work/study environment. The ‘Breastfeeding Friendly Communities at WSU’ project was funded as part of the university’s commitment to supporting initiatives that further enhance gender equality at WSU

    'The right help at the right time' : positive constructions of peer and professional support for breastfeeding

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    Problem or issue: Support during the early establishment phase of breastfeeding is important but women report that health professionals can undermine their confidence with breastfeeding. What is already known: Breastfeeding support provided in fragmented hospital based models of care predominantly reflect authoritative expert advice-giving which women describe as conflicting and unsupportive. Women show a preference for support from a known midwife, or a peer supporter, or a combination of the two. What this paper adds: Peer support counsellors and privately practicing midwives approached breastfeeding support in a similar way. They interacted with women as a ‘knowledgeable friend’ and normalised breastfeeding challenges which enhanced women’s confidence with breastfeeding

    [In Press] "Paper, face-to-face and on my mobile please" : a survey of women's preferred methods of receiving antenatal education

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    Background: Antenatal education prepares women for childbirth and can be delivered face-to-face, in hard-copy and electronically. Smartphones allow access to online learning and internet searching is common among pregnant women. It is unclear which mode of health information delivery women prefer. Aim: This study aimed to investigate how women at one Local Health District (LHD) preferred to receive health information during pregnancy and the early postnatal period. Methods: We developed a survey to gather data on women’s preferences for educational information. Women who were discharged from one LHD, in NSW Australia, were invited, in 2019, to participate in a simple 14 question survey, either online or in hard copy format. Findings: In total, 685 women completed the survey which represented a 40% response rate over a period of two months. The survey revealed women commonly used smart phones, or other devices, to source information. Despite this, most women preferred to receive antenatal education via non-electronic methods. Of note many participants felt underprepared for the post-birth period. The method of survey completion, whether hardcopy or online, aligned with individuals’ preferences for information delivery. Conclusion: Non-electronic methods of education delivery were the preferred method for most women, and this was consistent across all educational, cultural and socioeconomic levels. Women sought information online, or through apps, but these options did not always meet their knowledge needs, especially regarding the postnatal period. We recommend that hospitals continue to provide information in a variety of modes, as exclusively electronic methods may marginalise groups of women

    Midwives and women's experiences of Sterile Water Injections for back pain during labour : an integrative review

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    Background: Objective: This integrative review summarises original research that explores the experiences and perceptions of midwives and women using sterile water injections (SWI’s) during labour. Design: Integrative review. Methods: A robust search strategy was conducted using the following databases: Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), Ovid Medline and PubMed. All articles were assessed for quality using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools (2017) scoring. Whittemore and Knafl’s (2005) five stage approach was used to analyse the primary literature related to midwives and women’s experiences of sterile water injections (SWI’s) for back pain during labour. Findings: A total of 291 articles were retrieved and 13 papers were included in this review (four qualitative including one case report and nine quantitative) that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Three overarching themes were identified: ‘Assessment, perception and communication of pain’, ‘Techniques of administration of SWI’s’ and ‘Barriers and resistance to using SWI’s’. The ‘Assessment, perception and communication of pain’ theme included four subthemes: ‘balancing the expectation of the injection pain against pain relief’; ‘using appropriate language to prepare women’; ‘rapid onset and increased pain relief with SWI’s in comparison to saline’; and ‘midwives high considerations for using SWI’s as a form of pain relief’. The ‘Techniques of administration of SWI’s’ theme included two subthemes: ‘intradermal is better than subcutaneous injections’; and, ‘four injections is better than one’. The ‘Barriers and facilitators to using SWI’s’ theme included four subthemes: ‘guidelines and evidence’; ‘level of experience’; ‘midwifery philosophy challenges’; and ‘resistance from colleagues’. For example, ‘midwifery philosophy challenges’ included midwives being conflicted about providing an invasive, painful procedure as counter-intuitive to supporting women through the pain of labour. Midwives need opportunities to learn and develop skills for using SWI’s. Women described feeling more empowered during their labour and appreciated the use of SWI’s including the rapid onset of pain relief and the absence of side effects. The ability for women to exert some control over their pain whilst still being able to experience the physical sensations of labour and birth was important. Conclusions and implications for practice: The review supports the evidence for the use of SWI’s however, there is limited evidence available and more information needs to be provided about the benefits of this nonpharmacological technique for back pain during labour. Generalised guidelines are needed to ensure consistent practice in the provision of care for women experiencing back pain during labour
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