88 research outputs found

    Association between clinical presentation, biogroups and virulence attributes of Yersinia enterocolitica strains in human diarrhoeal disease

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    Traditionally the enteric pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica has been differentiated into biogroups. Despite being considered as non-pathogenic, biogroup 1A isolates have constituted a sizeable fraction of strains from patients with gastroenteritis in many reports. To establish a potential clinical significance for biogroup 1A isolates of Y. enterocolitica, clinical disease in patients with gastroenteritis excreting such isolates was compared with symptoms among patients found infected with pathogenic biogroups. Clinical data and isolates of 66 patients from whom Y. enterocolitica had been isolated by direct plating were available for study. There was an association between patient age below 3 years and infection with ‘pathogenic' Y. enterocolitica. The severity of gastroenteritis and other symptoms, however, did not depend on the biogroup, or the presence of the virulence plasmid in the yersinia strain isolated from the patients. Strains belonging to biogroup 1A of Y. enterocolitica showed two clusters of ribotypes, one of which encompassed most isolates recovered from humans, the other being associated with environmental isolates. This might indicate the existence of human-adapted and potentially pathogenic strains among biogroup 1A of Y. enterocolitic

    Association between clinical presentation, biogroups and virulence attributes of Yersinia enterocolitica strains in human diarrhoeal disease

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    Traditionally the enteric pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica has been differentiated into biogroups. Despite being considered as non-pathogenic, biogroup 1A isolates have constituted a sizeable fraction of strains from patients with gastroenteritis in many reports. To establish a potential clinical significance for biogroup 1A isolates of Y. enterocolitica, clinical disease in patients with gastroenteritis excreting such isolates was compared with symptoms among patients found infected with pathogenic biogroups. Clinical data and isolates of 66 patients from whom Y. enterocolitica had been isolated by direct plating were available for study. There was an association between patient age below 3 years and infection with ‘pathogenic’ Y. enterocolitica. The severity of gastroenteritis and other symptoms, however, did not depend on the biogroup, or the presence of the virulence plasmid in the yersinia strain isolated from the patients. Strains belonging to biogroup 1A of Y. enterocolitica showed two clusters of ribotypes, one of which encompassed most isolates recovered from humans, the other being associated with environmental isolates. This might indicate the existence of human-adapted and potentially pathogenic strains among biogroup 1A of Y. enterocolitica

    Restriction fragment length polymorphisms among the flagellar genes of the Lior heat-labile serogroup reference strains and field strains of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli

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    Several typing systems have been described for Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, to assess the complex epidemiology of these important enteric pathogens. In the present study two typing methods, slide agglutination according to the Lior scheme, and the demonstration of restriction-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) of flagellar genes, have been used in parallel on a set of 194 strains. This set comprised 118 sero-reference strains of C. jejuni and C. coli of the Lior scheme, as well as 76 clinical isolates. All isolates were serotyped and subjected to PCR for amplification of flagellar genes, and the PCR product was restricted with Alu I. Flagellar genes could be amplified in 152 strains. Among 85 seroreference strains, 74 different RFLP patterns were observed, and among 67 clinical isolates, there were 36 patterns. There was only limited correlation between flagellar RFLP and the Lior serogroup, and the variability of patterns in serogroups HL2 and HL4 were as marked as the variability between serogroups. Flagellar gene RFLP patterns are shown to be stable, highly discriminatory epidemiologic marker

    Genetic relationships among strains of Salmonella enteritidis in a national epidemic in Switzerland

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    A collection of Salmonella enteritidis strains isolated in Switzerland (1965-90) was characterized. The phage type and plasmid profile of isolates were compared with the copy number and insertion loci of the DNA insertion element IS200. Three clonal lines of S. enteritidis were identified by IS200 profile; the various phage types were subtypes reproducibly associated with one of these lines. All human and poultry isolates contained a 38 Mda plasmid which hybridized with a mouse virulence-associated gene probe. In S. enteritidis, the IS200 profile is a race-specific molecular marker of the chromosome, and may be particularly applicable for studying the epidemiology of less common serovar

    Examination of the role of Mycoplasma bovis in bovine pneumonia and a mathematical model for its evaluation

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    The authors screened 34 large cattle herds for the presence of Mycoplasma bovis infection by examining slaughtered cattle for macroscopic lung lesions, by culturing M. bovis from lung lesions and at the same time by testing sera for the presence of antibodies against M. bovis. Among the 595 cattle examined, 33.9% had pneumonic lesions, mycoplasmas were isolated from 59.9% of pneumonic lung samples, and 10.9% of sera from those animals contained antibodies to M.bovis. In 25.2% of the cases M. bovis was isolated from lungs with no macroscopic lesions. The proportion of seropositive herds was 64.7%. The average seropositivity rate of individuals was 11.3% but in certain herds it exceeded 50%. A probability model was developed for examining the relationship among the occurrence of pneumonia, the isolation of M. bovis from the lungs and the presence of M. bovis specific antibodies in sera

    Identification by PCR of Non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica Serovars Associated with Invasive Infections among Febrile Patients in Mali

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    The genus Salmonella has more than 2500 serological variants (serovars), such as Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A and B, that cause, respectively, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers (enteric fevers), and a large number of non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars that cause gastroenteritis in healthy hosts. In young infants, the elderly and immunocompromised hosts, NTS can cause severe, fatal invasive disease. Multiple studies of pediatric patients in sub-Saharan Africa have documented the important role of NTS, in particular Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis (and to a lesser degree Salmonella Dublin), as invasive bacterial pathogens. Salmonella spp. are isolated from blood and identified by standard microbiological techniques and the serovar is ascertained by agglutination with commercial antisera. PCR-based typing techniques are becoming increasingly popular in developing countries, in part because high quality typing sera are difficult to obtain and expensive and H serotyping is technically difficult. We have developed a series of polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) to identify Salmonella Typhimurium and variants, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Dublin. We successfully identified 327 Salmonella isolates using our multiplex PCR. We also designed primers to detect Salmonella Stanleyville, a serovar found in West Africa. Another PCR generally differentiated diphasic Salmonella Typhimurium and monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium variant strains from other closely related strains. The PCRs described here will enable more laboratories in developing countries to serotype NTS that have been isolated from blood
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