456 research outputs found

    Improvement in steel smelting by studying melt behavior

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    Analysis shows that the disequilibrium of melts may be used to characterize metal quality and to optimize smelting technology. For the production of pipe steel by means of a superpowerful DSP-135 arc furnace, a ladle-furnace unit, a vacuum-treatment system, and a continuous-casting machine, the sources of melt disequilibrium are studied in relation to the properties of the final steel. That provides the basis for the development of parameters characterizing different stages of the process. The proposed improvements in smelting technology are shown to be very efficient. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Исследование физико-химических характеристик расплавов коррозионностойких сталей, легированных азотом

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    Physicochemical characteristics of the melt of nitrogen-alloyed steel of 04Kh20N6G11M2AFB grade (nitrogen content 0.47 0.49 %) were investigated by the method of torsional vibrations of a crucible with a metal in the atmosphere providing a stable nitrogen content during the experiment (80 % nitrogen and 20 % helium). Using sensitivity of the method to aggregate state of the test substance, at a heating rate of 0.0033 0.0050 K/s, the liquidus temperatures were experimentally determined for 04Kh20N6G11M2AFB steel (1660 1666 K) and lownitrogen steel ([N] = 0.063 %) with identical content of other elements (1685 1690 K). This made it possible to recommend the value of the coefficient - 60 K/% [N] for the calculated assessment of the effect of nitrogen on liquidus temperature of complex and high-alloy steels. It is shown that the viscosity of the melt of 04Kh20N6G11M2AFB steel has a relatively high level ((11.5 ± 0.7) 10-7 m2/s) in comparison with the traditional ((8.2 ± 0.2) 10-7 m2/s) austenitic steels with a relatively small partial effect of nitrogen. A significant non-equilibrium of the melt structural state of this steel was established by high-temperature viscometry methods. Comparative analysis of polytherms and isotherms of the melt kinematic viscosity for 04Kh20N6G11M2AFB steel and its low nitrogenous ([N] = 0.063 %) analogue made it possible to conclude that the presence of nitrogen at concentrations close to saturation plays a decisive role in the level of non-equilibrium of the melt and low rate of its relaxation. It was confirmed as a result of special experiments on the saturation of low-nitrogen steel with nitrogen, during which a sharp increase in non-equilibrium of the melt structural state was recorded with achievement of nitrogen concentration in the metal of limiting values (0.45 0.50 %). The principal possibility of increasing and stabilizing the operational properties of corrosion resistant nitrogen-alloyed steels is indicated by reducing non-equilibrium of the melt structural state by eliminating the excess of nitrogen concentration limits for the considered chemical composition. © 2020 National University of Science and Technology MISIS. All rights reserved

    Accessing the strong interaction between Λ baryons and charged kaons with the femtoscopy technique at the LHC

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    The interaction between Λ baryons and kaons/antikaons is a crucial ingredient for the strangeness S=0 and S=-2 sector of the meson–baryon interaction at low energies. In particular, the Lambda-Kbar might help in understanding the origin of states such as the Csi(1620), whose nature and properties are still under debate. Experimental data on Lambda-K and Lambda-Kbar systems are scarce, leading to large uncertainties and tension between the available theoretical predictions constrained by such data. In this Letter we present the measurements of Λ–KK− and Λ–KK+ correlations obtained in the high-multiplicity triggered data sample in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV recorded by ALICE at the LHC. The correlation function for both pairs is modeled using the Lednický–Lyuboshits analytical formula and the corresponding scattering parameters are extracted. The Λ–KK+ correlations show the presence of several structures at relative momenta k* above 200 MeV/c, compatible with the Ω baryon, the , and resonances decaying into Λ–K− pairs. The low k* region in the Λ–KK+ also exhibits the presence of the state, expected to strongly couple to the measured pair. The presented data allow to access the ΛK+ and ΛK− strong interaction with an unprecedented precision and deliver the first experimental observation of the decaying into ΛK−

    Enabling Remote Direct Memory Access in XRootD

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    Over the last years both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments and the High Performance Computing (HPC) community showed an increasing interest to accommodate High Energy Physics (HEP) workloads on HPC facilities. This project is a part of a broader initiative for enabling HPC resources for HEP software. The project was carried in the context of the XRootD software framework, a storage technology widely used in the HEP community

    Transfer Data over RDMA with librdmacm

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    The project aims at enabling the use of HPC (High Performance Computing) resources for HEP (High Energy Physics) software and will be carried out in the context of XRootD, a software framework widely used in the HEP community. In particular, we explore the possibility of using RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) as a transport layer for the xroot protocol. As a case study we will exchange data between two nodes of a RDMA enabled cluster. Two possible implementation approaches will be investi-gated, namely the use of the libfabric and librdmacm libraries. This report explains the basics about the XRootD protocol, RDMA and librdmacm library, and discusses a source code for transfering data over RDMA

    Feasibility study of tau-lepton anomalous magnetic moment measurements with ultra-peripheral collisions at the LHC

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    Precision measurements of the anomalous electromagnetic moment of leptons (al) may serve as one of the most promising directions in the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. While the experimental value of the electron magnetic moment agrees with theoretical predictions with up to 11 significant digits, the muon magnetic moment shows deviations from the Standard Model value at the level of 4.2 sigma, indicating the possible occurrence of new physics effects. Although the aτ of the tau lepton with its heavy mass is expected to be {{m_\tau ^2} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{m_\tau ^2} {m_\mu ^2}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {m_\mu ^2}} \approx 280 times more sensitive to new physics effects than aμ, measurements of this quantity are rare. This is because the standard spin precession methods are not suitable for aτ measurements due to the very short tau lifetime. Ultra-peripheral collisions of heavy ions at the LHC may serve as an alternative tool to measure aτ. In ultra-peripheral collisions, hadronic interactions are strongly suppressed and long-distance electromagnetic processes dominate, providing an environment to study the electromagnetic properties of the tau lepton. The di-tau production process PbPb → PbPbγγ → PbPbττ contains two gamma-tau vertices and hence provides enhanced sensitivity to the anomalous magnetic and electric moments. In this contribution we discuss the feasibility of the aτ measurement in ultraperipheral collisions with the ALICE experiment and present projections of the sensitivity of the measurement for the upcoming heavy ion run in 2022 at LHC

    On the question of optimization of mutual influence of channels for receiving of information and channels of antenna self-direction operating on the basic information signal

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    At use of mirror aerials mutual influence of channels of reception of the information and channels of self-direction can be shown through mutual communication of the irradiators, taking place in a near zone of each one, and through elements of microwave devices realizing total-differentiated processing, etc. In the work the optimization of the circuit is considered in view of minimization of mutual influence of channels of reception of the information and the channels of self-direction operating on the basic information signal

    Linear phased antenna array with low level of side radiation

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    Technical solution of design of linear phased antenna array consisting of speaking-trumpet radiating elements with controlled phase-rotators and uniform amplitude distribution along the array is proposed. Low level of side radiation is provided by special shift of phase-rotators phases, which does not require any changes in grid design