130 research outputs found

    Single-photon detection timing jitter in a visible light photon counter

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    Visible light photon counters (VLPCs) offer many attractive features as photon detectors, such as high quantum efficiency and photon number resolution. We report measurements of the single-photon timing jitter in a VLPC, a critical performance factor in a time-correlated single-photon counting measurement, in a fiber-coupled closed-cycle cryocooler. The measured timing jitter is 240 ps full-width-at-half-maximum at a wavelength of 550 nm, with a dark count rate of 25 000 counts per second. The timing jitter increases modestly at longer wavelengths to 300 ps at 1000 nm, and increases substantially at lower bias voltages as the quantum efficiency is reduced

    Dissociative Adsorption of H2 on the H/Si(100) Surface: The Effect of Intradimer pi-Bonding Disruption

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    We have studied dissociative H2 adsorption on the H/Si(100) surface by means of pseudopotential density functional theory calculations. This work is directly motivated by the observations of Biederman et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett., 83, 1810 (1999)]: "H2 adsorption is significantly promoted in an interdimer configuration of two adjacent singly occupied dimers." We find that there is no adsorption barrier on the local site where two quasi-free dangling bonds are available; the adsorption energy is estimated to be 2.6 eV per H2 within the local density approximation. We present maximally localized Wannier functions that clearly illustrate the behavior of dangling orbitals upon the approach of H2. The results suggest that intradimer pi-bonding disruption is crucial for the significant promotion of H2 adsorption on Si(100)

    Generation of degenerate, factorizable, pulsed squeezed light at telecom wavelengths

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    We characterize a periodically poled KTP crystal that produces an entangled, two-mode, squeezed state with orthogonal polarizations, nearly identical, factorizable frequency modes, and few photons in unwanted frequency modes. We focus the pump beam to create a nearly circular joint spectral probability distribution between the two modes. After disentangling the two modes, we observe Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a raw (background corrected) visibility of 86 % (95 %) when an 8.6 nm bandwidth spectral filter is applied. We measure second order photon correlations of the entangled and disentangled squeezed states with both superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors and photon-number-resolving transition-edge sensors. Both methods agree and verify that the detected modes contain the desired photon number distributions

    Transcriptional profiling of macaque microglia reveals an evolutionary preserved gene expression program

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    Microglia are tissue-resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), and important for CNS development and homeostasis. In the adult CNS, microglia monitor environmental changes and react to tissue damage, cellular debris, and pathogens. Here, we present a gene expression profile of purified microglia isolated from the rhesus macaque, a non-human primate, that consists of 666 transcripts. The macaque microglia transcriptome was intersected with the transcriptional programs of microglia from mouse, zebrafish, and human CNS tissues, to determine (dis)similarities. This revealed an extensive overlap of 342 genes between the transcriptional profile of macaque and human microglia, and showed that the gene expression profile of zebrafish is most distant when compared to other species. Furthermore, an evolutionair core based on the overlapping gene expression signature from all four species was identified. This study presents a macaque microglia transcriptomics profile, and identifies a gene expression program in microglia that is preserved across species, underscoring their CNS-tailored tissue macrophage functions as innate immune cells with CNS-surveilling properties

    Fungal diversity notes 929–1035: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungi

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    This article is the ninth in the series of Fungal Diversity Notes, where 107 taxa distributed in three phyla, nine classes, 31 orders and 57 families are described and illustrated. Taxa described in the present study include 12 new genera, 74 new species, three new combinations, two reference specimens, a re-circumscription of the epitype, and 15 records of sexualasexual morph connections, new hosts and new geographical distributions. Twelve new genera comprise Brunneofusispora, Brunneomurispora, Liua, Lonicericola, Neoeutypella, Paratrimmatostroma, Parazalerion, Proliferophorum, Pseudoastrosphaeriellopsis, Septomelanconiella, Velebitea and Vicosamyces. Seventy-four new species are Agaricus memnonius, A. langensis, Aleurodiscus patagonicus, Amanita flavoalba, A. subtropicana, Amphisphaeria mangrovei, Baorangia major, Bartalinia kunmingensis, Brunneofusispora sinensis, Brunneomurispora lonicerae, Capronia camelliaeyunnanensis, Clavulina thindii, Coniochaeta simbalensis, Conlarium thailandense, Coprinus trigonosporus, Liua muriformis, Cyphellophora filicis, Cytospora ulmicola, Dacrymyces invisibilis, Dictyocheirospora metroxylonis, Distoseptispora thysanolaenae, Emericellopsis koreana, Galiicola baoshanensis, Hygrocybe lucida, Hypoxylon teeravasati, Hyweljonesia indica, Keissleriella caraganae, Lactarius olivaceopallidus, Lactifluus midnapurensis, Lembosia brigadeirensis, Leptosphaeria urticae, Lonicericola hyaloseptispora, Lophiotrema mucilaginosis, Marasmiellus bicoloripes, Marasmius indojasminodorus, Micropeltis phetchaburiensis, Mucor orantomantidis, Murilentithecium lonicerae, Neobambusicola brunnea, Neoeutypella baoshanensis, Neoroussoella heveae, Neosetophoma lonicerae, Ophiobolus malleolus, Parabambusicola thysanolaenae, Paratrimmatostroma kunmingensis, Parazalerion indica, Penicillium dokdoense, Peroneutypa mangrovei, Phaeosphaeria cycadis, Phanerochaete australosanguinea, Plectosphaerella kunmingensis, Plenodomus artemisiae, P. lijiangensis, Proliferophorum thailandicum, Pseudoastrosphaeriellopsis kaveriana, Pseudohelicomyces menglunicus, Pseudoplagiostoma mangiferae, Robillarda mangiferae, Roussoella elaeicola, Russula choptae, R. uttarakhandia, Septomelanconiella thailandica, Spencermartinsia acericola, Sphaerellopsis isthmospora, Thozetella lithocarpi, Trechispora echinospora, Tremellochaete atlantica, Trichoderma koreanum, T. pinicola, T. rugulosum, Velebitea chrysotexta, Vicosamyces venturisporus, Wojnowiciella kunmingensis and Zopfiella indica. Three new combinations are Baorangia rufomaculata, Lanmaoa pallidorosea and Wojnowiciella rosicola. The reference specimens of Canalisporium kenyense and Tamsiniella labiosa are designated. The epitype of Sarcopeziza sicula is re-circumscribed based on cyto- and histochemical analyses. The sexual-asexual morph connection of Plenodomus sinensis is reported from ferns and Cirsium for the first time. In addition, the new host records and country records are Amanita altipes, A. melleialba, Amarenomyces dactylidis, Chaetosphaeria panamensis, Coniella vitis, Coprinopsis kubickae, Dothiorella sarmentorum, Leptobacillium leptobactrum var. calidus, Muyocopron lithocarpi, Neoroussoella solani, Periconia cortaderiae, Phragmocamarosporium hederae, Sphaerellopsis paraphysata and Sphaeropsis eucalypticola

    Supplementary files : Preoperative thoracic muscle mass predicts bone density change after parathyroidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Supplementary tables and figures for manuscript titled "Preoperative thoracic muscle mass predicts bone density change after parathyroidectomy in primary hyperparathyroidism"THIS DATASET IS ARCHIVED AT DANS/EASY, BUT NOT ACCESSIBLE HERE. TO VIEW A LIST OF FILES AND ACCESS THE FILES IN THIS DATASET CLICK ON THE DOI-LINK ABOV