312 research outputs found

    Loop analysis of blood pressure/volume homeostasis

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    We performed a mathematical analysis of the dynamic control loops regulating the vasomotor tone of vascular smooth muscle, blood volume, and mean arterial pressure, which involve the arginine vasopressin (AVP) system, the atrial natriuretic peptide system (ANP), and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Our loop analysis of the AVP-ANP-RAAS system revealed the concurrent presence of two different regulatory mechanisms, which perform the same qualitative function: one affects blood pressure by regulating vasoconstriction, the other by regulating blood volume. Both the systems are candidate oscillators consisting of the negative-feedback loop of a monotone system: they admit a single equilibrium that can either be stable or give rise to oscillatory instability. Also a subsystem, which includes ANP and AVP stimulation of vascular smooth muscle cells, turns out to be a candidate oscillator composed of a monotone system with multiple negative feedback loops, and we show that its oscillatory potential is higher when the delays along all feedback loops are comparable. Our results give insight into the physiological mechanisms ruling long-term homeostasis of blood hydraulic parameters, which operate based on dynamical loops of interactions

    Critical and Near-Critical Branching Processes

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    Scale-free dynamics in physical and biological systems can arise from a variety of causes. Here, we explore a branching process which leads to such dynamics. We find conditions for the appearance of power laws and study quantitatively what happens to these power laws when such conditions are violated. From a branching process model, we predict the behavior of two systems which seem to exhibit near scale-free behavior--rank-frequency distributions of number of subtaxa in biology, and abundance distributions of genotypes in an artificial life system. In the light of these, we discuss distributions of avalanche sizes in the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model.Comment: 9 pages LaTex with 10 PS figures. v.1 of this paper contains results from non-critical sandpile simulations that were excised from the published versio

    Local-scale forcing effects on wind flows in an urban environment: Impact of geometrical simplifications

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    Wind flow in urban areas is strongly affected by the urban geometry. In the last decades most of the geometries used to reproduce urban areas, both in wind-tunnel (WT) tests and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations, were simplified compared to reality in order to limit experimental effort and computational costs. However, it is unclear to which extent these geometrical simplifications can affect the reliability of the numerical and experimental results. The goal of this paper is to quantify the deviations caused by geometrical simplifications. The case under study is the district of Livorno city (Italy), called \ue2\u80\u9cQuartiere La Venezia\ue2\u80\u9d. The 3D steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations are solved, first for a single block of the district, then for the whole district. The CFD simulations are validated with WT tests at scale 1:300. Comparisons are made of mean wind velocity profiles between WT tests and CFD simulations, and the agreement is quantified using four validation metrics (FB, NMSE, R and FAC1.3). The results show that the most detailed geometry provides improved performance, especially for wind direction \uce\ub1 = 240\uc2\ub0 (22% difference in terms of FAC1.3)

    Polyphenol characterization and skin-preserving properties of hydroalcoholic flower extract from Himantoglossum robertianum (Orchidaceae)

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    Himantoglossum robertianum (Loisel.) P. Delforge is a Mediterranean orchid whose propagation in vitro has been achieved, making it eligible as a source of bioactive substances. Flowers were analyzed by light and SEM microscopy and used to obtain a polyphenol-rich, hydroalcoholic flower extract (HFE). HFE was characterized for total phenols, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, and for polyphenol profile by RP-LC-DAD. Antioxidant assays, in vitro collagenase and elastase inhibition, and MTT and cell motility assays on HaCaT keratinocytes were done. Microscopy showed epidermal cells containing anthocyanins in the flower labellum. Flavonoids (flavones and flavan-3-ols) represented the most abundant compounds (42.91%), followed by scopoletin (33.79%), and phenolic acids (23.3%). Antioxidant assays showed strong activities, rating ORAC > FRAP > TEAC > \u3b2-carotene bleaching > DPPH > iron-chelation. Biological assays showed elastase and collagenase inhibition (up to 42% and 78%, respectively), improvement of HaCaT cell viability after treatment with 500 \u3bcM H2O2 (from 30% to 84% of control), and stimulation of cell migration rate up to 210% of control. In summary, HFE counteracted different free radicals, while protective properties were shown by cell-free and cell-based bioassays, suggesting the possible use of H. robertianum flowers for skin-preserving, repair, and anti-aging applications

    A multistationary loop model of ALS unveils critical molecular interactions involving mitochondria and glucose metabolism

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a poor-prognosis disease with puzzling pathogenesis and inconclusive treatments. We develop a mathematical model of ALS based on a system of interactive feedback loops, focusing on the mutant SOD1G93A mouse. Misfolded mutant SOD1 aggregates in motor neuron (MN) mitochondria and triggers a first loop characterized by oxidative phosphorylation impairment, AMP kinase over-activation, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase (PFK3) rise, glucose metabolism shift from pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) to glycolysis, cell redox unbalance, and further worsening of mitochondrial dysfunction. Oxidative stress then triggers a second loop, involving the excitotoxic glutamatergic cascade, with cytosolic Ca2+ overload, increase of PFK3 expression, and further metabolic shift from PPP to glycolysis. Finally, cytosolic Ca2+ rise is also detrimental to mitochondria and oxidative phosphorylation, thus closing a third loop. These three loops are overlapped and positive (including an even number of inhibitory steps), hence they form a candidate multistationary (bistable) system. To describe the system dynamics, we model the interactions among the functional agents with differential equations. The system turns out to admit two stable equilibria: the healthy state, with high oxidative phosphorylation and preferential PPP, and the pathological state, with AMP kinase activation, PFK3 over expression, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity and MN degeneration. We demonstrate that the loop system is monotone: all functional agents consistently act toward the healthy or pathological condition, depending on low or high mutant SOD1 input. We also highlight that molecular interactions involving PFK3 are crucial, as their deletion disrupts the system\u2019s bistability leading to a single healthy equilibrium point. Hence, our mathematical model unveils that promising ALS management strategies should be targeted to mechanisms that keep low PFK3 expression and activity within MNs

    Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: A Matter of Loops?

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    Introduction: Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is a poorly understood neurological disorder affecting mostly perimenopausal women. MdDS has been hypothesized to be a maladaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex, a neuroplasticity disorder, and a consequence of neurochemical imbalances and hormonal changes. Our hypothesis considers elements from these theories, but presents a novel approach based on the analysis of functional loops, according to Systems and Control Theory. Hypothesis: MdDS is characterized by a persistent sensation of self-motion, usually occurring after sea travels. We assume the existence of a neuronal mechanism acting as an oscillator, i.e., an adaptive internal model, that may be able to cancel a sinusoidal disturbance of posture experienced aboard, due to wave motion. Thereafter, we identify this mechanism as a multi-loop neural network that spans between vestibular nuclei and the flocculonodular lobe of the cerebellum. We demonstrate that this loop system has a tendency to oscillate, which increases with increasing strength of neuronal connections. Therefore, we hypothesize that synaptic plasticity, specifically long-term potentiation, may play a role in making these oscillations poorly damped. Finally, we assume that the neuromodulator Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide, which is modulated in perimenopausal women, exacerbates this process thus rendering the transition irreversible and consequently leading to MdDS. Conclusion and Validation: The concept of an oscillator that becomes noxiously permanent can be used as a model for MdDS, given a high correlation between patients with MdDS and sea travels involving undulating passive motion, and an alleviation of symptoms when patients are re-exposed to similar passive motion. The mechanism could be further investigated utilizing posturography tests to evaluate if subjective perception of motion matches with objective postural instability. Neurochemical imbalances that would render individuals more susceptible to developing MdDS could be investigated through hormonal profile screening. Alterations in the connections between vestibular nuclei and cerebellum, notably GABAergic fibers, could be explored by neuroimaging techniques as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation. If our hypothesis were tested and verified, optimal targets for MdDS treatment could be found within both the neural networks and biochemical factors that are deemed to play a fundamental role in loop functioning and synaptic plasticity

    Thalamocortical bistable switch as a theoretical model of fibromyalgia pathogenesis inferred from a literature survey

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is an unsolved central pain processing disturbance. We aim to provide a unifying model for FM pathogenesis based on a loop network involving thalamocortical regions, i.e., the ventroposterior lateral thalamus (VPL), the somatosensory cortex (SC), and the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). The dynamics of the loop have been described by three differential equations having neuron mean firing rates as variables and containing Hill functions to model mutual interactions among the loop elements. A computational analysis conducted with MATLAB has shown a transition from monostability to bistability of the loop behavior for a weakening of GABAergic transmission between TRN and VPL. This involves the appearance of a high-firing-rate steady state, which becomes dominant and is assumed to represent pathogenic pain processing giving rise to chronic pain. Our model is consistent with a bulk of literature evidence, such as neuroimaging and pharmacological data collected on FM patients, and with correlations between FM and immunoendocrine conditions, such as stress, perimenopause, chronic inflammation, obesity, and chronic dizziness. The model suggests that critical targets for FM treatment are to be found among immunoendocrine pathways leading to GABA/glutamate imbalance having an impact on the thalamocortical system

    Fractal geometry of spin-glass models

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    Stability and diversity are two key properties that living entities share with spin glasses, where they are manifested through the breaking of the phase space into many valleys or local minima connected by saddle points. The topology of the phase space can be conveniently condensed into a tree structure, akin to the biological phylogenetic trees, whose tips are the local minima and internal nodes are the lowest-energy saddles connecting those minima. For the infinite-range Ising spin glass with p-spin interactions, we show that the average size-frequency distribution of saddles obeys a power law ∌w−D \sim w^{-D}, where w=w(s) is the number of minima that can be connected through saddle s, and D is the fractal dimension of the phase space

    More green and less blue water in the Alps during warmer summers

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    Climate change can reduce surface-water supply by enhancing evapotranspiration in forested mountains, especially during heatwaves. We investigate this ‘drought paradox’ for the European Alps using a 1,212-station database and hyper-resolution ecohydrological simulations to quantify blue (runoff) and green (evapotranspiration) water fluxes. During the 2003 heatwave, evapotranspiration in large areas over the Alps was above average despite low precipitation, amplifying the runoff deficit by 32% in the most runoff-productive areas (1,300–3,000 m above sea level). A 3 °C air temperature increase could enhance annual evapotranspiration by up to 100 mm (45 mm on average), which would reduce annual runoff at a rate similar to a 3% precipitation decrease. This suggests that green-water feedbacks—which are often poorly represented in large-scale model simulations—pose an additional threat to water resources, especially in dry summers. Despite uncertainty in the validation of the hyper-resolution ecohydrological modelling with observations, this approach permits more realistic predictions of mountain region water availability

    Scaling properties of protein family phylogenies

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    One of the classical questions in evolutionary biology is how evolutionary processes are coupled at the gene and species level. With this motivation, we compare the topological properties (mainly the depth scaling, as a characterization of balance) of a large set of protein phylogenies with a set of species phylogenies. The comparative analysis shows that both sets of phylogenies share remarkably similar scaling behavior, suggesting the universality of branching rules and of the evolutionary processes that drive biological diversification from gene to species level. In order to explain such generality, we propose a simple model which allows us to estimate the proportion of evolvability/robustness needed to approximate the scaling behavior observed in the phylogenies, highlighting the relevance of the robustness of a biological system (species or protein) in the scaling properties of the phylogenetic trees. Thus, the rules that govern the incapability of a biological system to diversify are equally relevant both at the gene and at the species level.Comment: Replaced with final published versio
