23 research outputs found

    Eastern Orthodoxy and European Unioun;A Clash of Norms (An Orthodox Approach)

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    Religion is a subject of controversial importance in the field of international relations. Even though Europe has Christian roots, and European Union concept was based on Christian Democracy, the genuine Christian values are not of great importance for the EU integration. The aim of this study is to examine which are the historical and political factors that provoked the Christian dogma‟s transformation and led to a Europe shaped by modern religious features. Orthodoxy‟s values are different from the ones of EU, in some aspects the two doctrines do not correspond to each other, and the differences conduct to a clash of norms. Eastern Orthodox Church is still firm in promoting the true Christian moral values and Eastern Orthodoxy is the only remained part of the Christian dogma that did not degenerated from the original tradition. The study explains that Christianity underwent an immense transformation under the history, and its latest form of pluralistic churches dominated by Protestant values, is the shape that fits better the EU values

    Virales Marketing über Soziale Netzwerke - Chancen und Risiken

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    Virales Marketing und Soziale Netzwerke stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Bevor auf diese Themen eingegangen wird, wurde eine Basis erstellt, indem auf diese Bereiche einleitend zugegangen wird. Anfänglich setzt sich die Arbeit mit dem Internet und der computervermittelten Kommunikation auseinander. Weiters wird das Internet in der Funktion als soziales Medium erklärt. Hierbei spielt besonders das Web 2.0 eine wichtige Rolle sowie das soziale Netzwerk Facebook. Nach eingehender Auseinandersetzung mit der Werbung im Zeitalter des Web 2.0 und vor allem dem Viralem Marketing, widmet sich die die Arbeit der Kombination des viralen Marketings und sozialen Netzwerken. Weiters wird auch auf die Erfolgsfaktoren und Risiken des viralen Marketings eingegangen. Bevor der empirische Teil folgt, werden die Theorien, die rund um die zwei Hauptthemen – Virales Marketing und Soziale Netzwerke – betrachtet werden können, behandelt. Im sozialen Netzwerk Facebook werden besonders die Fan-Seiten zum viralen Marketing genutzt. User können diesen beitreten und übernehmen die Rolle des Werbeträgers. Weiters können beispielsweise Videos eingebettet werden. Diese Option wird besonders zur Unterhaltung gerne in Anspruch genommen. Damit sorgen Nutzer einer Online Community sogar für eine hohe Zuschauerzahl. Immer mehr Unternehmen bauen auch eine virtuelle Beziehung zu ihren Kunden auf, indem sie auf den Internet-Erfolg setzen. Daher stellte sich die Frage, ob soziale Netzwerke tatsächlich ein gutes Sprungbrett für virales Marketing sind. Anhand der Recherchen und Untersuchungen kann als Ergebnis gesagt werden, dass soziale Netzwerke auf jeden Fall einen guten Ausgangspunkt für virales Marketing darstellen. Hier werden sowohl Unternehmen als auch den Konsumenten neue Möglichkeiten geboten. Das virale Marketing lebt nicht von der massenhaften Ein-Weg-Kommunikation. Im Internet kann jeder zeitgleich Sender und Empfänger sein. Dadurch haben Menschen die Möglichkeit ihre Meinung online kund zu tun. Somit geht den Anbietern die Kontrolle verloren, denn die Konsumenten haben bessere Möglichkeiten sich in virtuellen Gemeinschaften auszutauschen. Daher liegt es bei den Unternehmen die Gelegenheit zu nutzen und der Öffentlichkeit eine gute Kundenbetreuung zu präsentieren

    The structure optimization of cereal grains culture in Iasi county (case study in suburban area of Iasi)

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    Crop structure is determined according to market requirements and pedo climatic conditions of the area. Depending on the optimization criteria, the crops will be optimal when it ensures the achievement of maximum profitability, in terms of assure quantity and assortment, to meet the requirements of the national economy for agricultural products, the full use of land and other means of production and also in the conditions of respect the plant culture restrictions regarding the share in crop rotation. Critical in optimizing the structure of crops is the economic efficiency, and made profits. The economic efficiency is in continuously changing due to raw materials and production goods changing prices. From here is the necessity of optimizing the structure of crops in each cycle of agricultural production.The main indicators used in optimizing the structure of crops are yield per hectare, cost of production to the surface unit, gross profit per hectare, the unit cost, of costs in 1000 lei income rate of return. Linear programming method presents the great advantage that allows choosing the optimal structure variant of a multitude of possible variations. Given the large volume of calculations, the linear programming technique involves mandatory, the use of electronic computing.Optimizing the structure of crop through linear programming requires drawing up the economic-mathematical model, including variables, restrictions, the purpose function and free terms.The purpose function can be represented by maximizing the effectiveness (gross profit or economy expenditure) or minimize the effort (total spending or intermediate spending).The considered restrictions are: the total area cultivated with cereals, minimum and maximum area occupied by grains, the average obtained production.The case study was conducted in suburban area of Iaşi, which includes the following communes: Valea Lupului, Leţcani, Bîrnova, Ungheni, Tomeşti,Victoria, Aroneanu, Rediu, Popricani, Miroslava, Ciurea, Schitul Duca, Holboca. The average bonity note of arable land is 55 points AETA, which corresponds to an area favorable for grain culture

    Research on economic and technical evolution of the main indicators for the cereal grains in the suburban areas of Iaşi

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    Consumption needs for agricultural and food products evolve with the economic and social development. Providing optimum standards of food consumption is a difficult problem because of influences of different factors, including diversity and mobility needs of the consumer and the great variety of possibilities to meet them. For local producers to compete with producers of other districts and particularly those of foreign markets with competitive bidding, local producers must be to develop new elements of competitiveness (Brands, marketing innovations, supply services, adapting to the single market, major investment efforts, etc.). And adapt quality standards in production and marketing. This paper aims to analyze the results of the production of cereal grains in related communities perirbane area of Iasi in the period 2009-2011 as well as highlighting research on culture and territorial distribution of cereal grains in the same area.The analyze of the indicator’ system pointed out that in Iaşi, corn is the best profitable culture, fallowed by: barley, wheat, rye and oat

    Some principles of therapeutic conduct in direct restoration with composites and glassionomer cements

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    Catedra Stomatologie terapeutică, FPM. USMF „N. Testemiţanu”An analysis of 150 clinical cases of direct restorative treatment with composites and glassionomer cements is made. The main principles of therapeutic conduct are listed. Este făcută analiza a 150 cazuri clinice de terapie restaurativă directă cu compozite şi cementuri glasionomere, enumerându-se principiile de bază ale conduitei terapeutice

    Aspects biomechanical of therapeutic in direct restoration with composites and glassionomer cements

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    Rezumat. Este făcută analiza a 450 cazuri clinice de terapie restaurativă directă cu compozite şi cementuri glasionomere, enumerându‑se principiile de bază ale conduitei terapeutice. Marele Leonardo da Vinci menţionează „…Cei ce preferă practica fără ştiinţă sunt asemănător celor ce mânuiesc corabia fără compas. Ei nici odată nu ştiu unde se duc…“. Este cunoscut faptul, că pentru a selecta un material de refacere va fi necesar de luat în evidenţa câteva momente cheie: 1.Situaţia clinică concretă; 2.Prezenţa materialului de refacere în instituţia curativă; 3.Calificativul profesional al medicului stomatolog în terapia de refacere; 4.Cerinţele estetice şi posibilităţile financiare ale pacientului. Vom duce contul, că răşinile compoziţionale nu se îmbină cu eugenate, fenolul şi iodoformul, deoarece ele deranjează procesul de polimerizare a refacerii.Summary. An analysis of 450 clinical cases of direct restorative treatment with composites and glassionomer cements is made. The main principles of therapeutic conduct are listed

    Improving transient gene expression in CHO-EBNA1 cells

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    For pre-clinical evaluation of biotherapeutic candidates, protein production by transient gene expression (TGE) in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells offers important advantages, including the capability of rapidly generating recombinant proteins that are highly similar to those produced in stable CHO clones used for biomanufacturing. The higher cost of reagents necessary for TGE, specifically the requirement for large amounts of purified DNA and transfection agent for each production, means that improving the performance of CHO TGE could substantially augment the method’s utility. In the current study, we have established a novel CHO clone (CHO-3E7) expressing a form of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1). Transfection of EBNA-1-expressing cells with plasmid vectors encoding the Epstein-Barr virus OriP sequence boosted TGE productivity relative to parental CHO cells. Taking advantage of a new transfection-compatible media formulation that permits prolonged, high-density culture in shake flasks, we optimized transfection parameters (plasmid vector and polyethylenimine concentrations) and post-transfection culture conditions to establish a new, high-performing process for rapid protein production. The growth media is chemically defined, and a single hydrolysate feed is added at 24 h post-transfection, followed by periodic glucose supplementation. This method gave a maximum yield of 900 mg/L (for the chimeric IgG4 B72-3 mAb), with an average of 570 mg/L (standard deviation: 250 mg/L) for a panel of six mAbs and 320 mg/L (standard deviation: 140 mg/L) for five His-tagged recombinant proteins at 14 days post-transfection. Compared to our current low-density TGE process using CHO-3E7 cells and different culture medium, the new procedure gave on average 3-fold higher yields; purified mAbs produced using the two methods had distinct glycosylation profiles (by HILIC analysis) but showed identical target binding kinetics by SPR. Key advantages of the improved CHO-3E7-based protein production platform include the cost-effectiveness of the transfection reagent, the commercial availability of the culture media and the ability to perform high-cell-density transfection without media change

    Microorganisme benefice plantelor cu efect de solubilizare a siliciului

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    Silicon is the second abundant element on Earth. Commonly, it is found as silica and silicates, or in biology as mineral constituent of microorganisms, protozoa and plants. Although silicon it is not considered an essential nutrient for plants, it has been noticed that available silicon positively influences plants’ growth, mechanical strength, and resistance to several biotic and abiotic unfavorable conditions, such as fungal phytopathogens, herbivores and adverse chemicals. Our study presents several microbial strains able to solubilize silicon from different biological and mineral substrates. Some of these microorganisms were isolated from plant material with high content of mineral silicon like horsetail, wheat straw, rosemary and nettle. Moreover, microbial supernatant obtainedon horsetail broth increased hypocotyl and roots length of cowpea Vignaunguiculata (L.) Walp

    Particularităţile ecologice şi epizootologice ale mamiferelor mici şi rolul lor în formarea şi menţinerea focarelor naturale şi antropurgice de leptospiroză în zona de nord a Republicii Moldova

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    Cercetările privind particularităţile ecologice şi epizootologice ale mamiferelor mici, şi rolul lor în formarea şi menţinerea focarelor naturale şi antropurgice de leptospiroză au fost efectuate în perioada 2014-2016 în diverse tipuri de ecosisteme din zona de nord a ţării. Diversitatea faunistică a fost prezentată de 13 specii de mamifere mici; speciile A.agrarius, A.flavicollis şi A.sylvaticus fiind euritope şi cele mai abundente în toate ecosistemele studiate. În majoritatea biotopurilor s-a stabilit o diversitate mare a speciilor de mamifere mici – de la 6 până la 12. În procesul epizootic la leptospiroze sunt implicate 8 specii de rozătoare (C.glareolus, A.terrestris, Microtus sp., A.uralensis, A.sylvaticus, A.flavicollis, A.agrarius, M.spicilegus), ponderea majoră a portajului de leptospire în dinamica anuală fiind determinată la speciile din genul Apodemus. Circulaţia leptospirelor la rozătoare s-a determinat în 4 biotopuri – agrocenoză, palustru, ecoton şi interiorul pădurii, unde este înalt şi indicele mediu de capturare a mamiferelor mici. Speciile din genul Apodemus au un rol important ca rezervor al leptospirelor în natură şi participă activ în formarea, menţinerea şi extinderea hotarelor focarelor naturale şi antropizate de leptospiroză în zona de nord a ţări

    Preventing aquaplaning phenomenon through technical solutions

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    The aquaplaning of a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water appears between the wheels of the vehicle and the road surface. The aquaplaning causes loss of wheel adherence, and results in a reduced vehicle control capability. The efficiency of technical solutions applied on standard roads is analysed using a dedicated computer software called the Pavement Surface Runoff Model. The paper places emphasis on the significance of constructing a good quality pavement-structure wearing course, its influence on traffic safety, and the correlation between geometric properties of road elements and the aquaplaning phenomenon