56 research outputs found

    Coyotes Go “Bridge and Tunnel”: A Narrow Opportunity to Study the Socio-ecological Impacts of Coyote Range Expansion on Long Island, NY Pre- and Post-Arrival

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    Currently, Long Island, NY is without a breeding population of northeastern coyote (Canis latras var.), yet recent evidence of dispersing individuals on the island, coupled with the “dogged” momentum of coyote range expansion across North America, suggests a Long Island coyote population is close at hand. We highlighted the fleeting opportunity to takes advantage of this natural experiment by developing a multidisciplinary research framework to investigate the ecological and social impacts of the coyote, pre- and post- range expansion. We reviewed coyote spatial ecology, community ecology, and human dimensions research and identified three components of future investigation: predicting future occupancy, monitoring colonization, testing hypotheses of trophic cascades by leveraging and expanding existing ecological data, and exploring attitudes towards coyotes to better understand and mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. Each proposed component will integrate for a comprehensive investigation to advance theory and applied management of northeastern coyotes

    Unforgettable film music: The role of emotion in episodic long-term memory for music

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Specific pieces of music can elicit strong emotions in listeners and, possibly in connection with these emotions, can be remembered even years later. However, episodic memory for emotional music compared with less emotional music has not yet been examined. We investigated whether emotional music is remembered better than less emotional music. Also, we examined the influence of musical structure on memory performance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Recognition of 40 musical excerpts was investigated as a function of arousal, valence, and emotional intensity ratings of the music. In the first session the participants judged valence and arousal of the musical pieces. One week later, participants listened to the 40 old and 40 new musical excerpts randomly interspersed and were asked to make an old/new decision as well as to indicate arousal and valence of the pieces. Musical pieces that were rated as very positive were recognized significantly better.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Musical excerpts rated as very positive are remembered better. Valence seems to be an important modulator of episodic long-term memory for music. Evidently, strong emotions related to the musical experience facilitate memory formation and retrieval.</p

    Prazer e dor na docência: revisão bibliográfica sobre a Síndrome de Burnout

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    Os transtornos mentais, atualmente, são os principais responsáveis pelo afastamento do trabalho por longos períodos de tempo. São eles que conferem riscos para a manutenção da saúde mental, através do comportamento e da emoção. Burnout é o resultado ao estresse crônico, incrementado na interação com outras pessoas. Esta pesquisa objetiva apresentar algumas reflexões acerca dos principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da Síndrome de Burnout entre os docentes, a fim de compreendê-los dentro de um processo de desgaste físico-emocional em decorrência do trabalho. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica, de natureza qualitativa, na base de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS/BIREME), de artigos sobre a temática em questão. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram a carência de pesquisas nessa área. É necessário aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a manifestação do estresse ocupacional entre os docentes, a fim de se compreender e elucidar alguns problemas enfrentados por essa atividade, como a insatisfação profissional, o baixo rendimento no trabalho, o absenteísmo e algumas doenças ocupacionais, dentre elas o Burnout.Today, the mental disorders are mainly responsible ones for the absence from work for long periods of time. They are who confer risks for the maintenance of the mental health, through the behavior and of the emotion. Burnout is a reply of one stress chronic, caused by the interaction with other people. This research aims to present some reflections on the main risk factors for the development of Syndrome of Burnout between teachers, in order to understand them within a physical and emotional wear as a result of the work. For such, a bibliographic search, of qualitative nature, was made in the Virtual Health Library (BVS/BIREME), articles on the topic in question. The results of this study demonstrate the lack of research in this area. It is necessaryto increase knowledge about the manifestation occupational stress between teachers, in order to understand and elucidate some problems faced by this activity, such as dissatisfaction, low work performance, absenteeism and some occupational diseases, among them Burnout