18 research outputs found

    Increase in the value added of land due to the establishment of industrial parks

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    Industrial parks (IPs) are a frequently used regional policy tool to increase economic via-bility and social equality. Successful functioning of such areas can increase land use efficiency and, by attracting investment, create high added value nationwide. However, the creation of IPs requires significant initial investments in the installation of their infrastructure and the preparation of plots of land, which is often realized through public financial instruments. The overall objective of the research is to present the different strategies for IP development in three different countries’ econ-omies, to discuss the outputs and added value created by such areas, and to provide insights and suggestions for the planning and development of efficient industrial land as well as to increase its value in the developing and middle-income countries. To achieve these aims, the authors of the research present and analyze IP development practices and policy tools in the developed countries of Lithuania and Portugal, and provide suggestions for the developing country of Ukraine. In this study, the authors use statistical and spatial GIS and economic data, and analyze and compare them. The results show that IPs are being developed all over Europe and the world, but each country is creating its own legal framework and appropriate incentives for companies operating in these areas, so the performance of such areas varies a great deal


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    The aim of this paper is to propose an attribute recognition model, so that it can be used to simultaneously estimate the public transit network system. Based on the analysis of a variety of factors influencing the public transit network, quantitative research has been conducted with reference to the attribute recognition theory in order to make scientific decision-making. On the basis of defining attribute measure, this paper presents the attribute recognition model suggesting the attribute recognition theory that can be used to evaluate the public transit network. The reliability of the new method can be explained using real data of the survey on the public transit network in China. The applied results offer scientific reference for instructing and controlling urban traffic by the Government. The main advantages of the new model are in contexts where internal linkage and shared inputs between activities can be considered. The structure of this mode is more realistic than that of the conventional one