90 research outputs found

    On a Boltzmann mean field model for knowledge growth

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    In this paper we analyze a Boltzmann type mean field game model for knowledge growth, which was proposed by Lucas and Moll. We discuss the underlying mathematical model, which consists of a coupled system of a Boltzmann type equation for the agent density and a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for the optimal strategy. We study the analytic features of each equation separately and show local in time existence and uniqueness for the fully coupled system. Furthermore we focus on the construction and existence of special solutions, which relate to exponential growth in time - so called balanced growth path solutions. Finally we illustrate the behavior of solutions for the full system and the balanced growth path equations with numerical simulations.Comment: 6 figure

    Balanced growth path solutions of a Boltzmann mean field game model for knowledge growth

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    In this paper we study balanced growth path solutions of a Boltzmann mean field game model proposed by Lucas et al [13] to model knowledge growth in an economy. Agents can either increase their knowledge level by exchanging ideas in learning events or by producing goods with the knowledge they already have. The existence of balanced growth path solutions implies exponential growth of the overall production in time. We proof existence of balanced growth path solutions if the initial distribution of individuals with respect to their knowledge level satisfies a Pareto-tail condition. Furthermore we give first insights into the existence of such solutions if in addition to production and knowledge exchange the knowledge level evolves by geometric Brownian motion

    Cross-diffusion systems with excluded volume effects and asymptotic gradient flows

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    In this paper we discuss the analysis of a cross-diffusion PDE system for a mixture of hard spheres, which was derived by Bruna and Chapman from a stochastic system of interacting Brownian particles using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The resulting cross-diffusion system is valid in the limit of small volume fraction of particles. While the system has a gradient flow structure in the symmetric case of all particles having the same size and diffusivity, this is not valid in general. We discuss local stability and global existence for the symmetric case using the gradient flow structure and entropy variable techniques. For the general case, we introduce the concept of an asymptotic gradient flow structure and show how it can be used to study the behavior close to equilibrium. Finally we illustrate the behavior of the model with various numerical simulations

    Lane formation by side-stepping

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    In this paper we study a system of nonlinear partial differential equations, which describes the evolution of two pedestrian groups moving in opposite direction. The pedestrian dynamics are driven by aversion and cohesion, i.e. the tendency to follow individuals from the own group and step aside in the case of contraflow. We start with a 2D lattice based approach, in which the transition rates reflect the described dynamics, and derive the corresponding PDE system by formally passing to the limit in the spatial and temporal discretization. We discuss the existence of special stationary solutions, which correspond to the formation of directional lanes and prove existence of global in time bounded weak solutions. The proof is based on an approximation argument and entropy inequalities. Furthermore we illustrate the behavior of the system with numerical simulations

    On a Boltzmann mean field model for knowledge growth

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    In this paper we analyze a Boltzmann type mean field game model for knowledge growth, which was proposed by Lucas and Moll [15]. We discuss the underlying mathematical model, which consists of a coupled system of a Boltzmann type equation for the agent density and a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation for the optimal strategy. We study the analytic features of each equation separately and show local in time existence and uniqueness for the fully coupled system. Furthermore we focus on the construction and existence of special solutions, which relate to exponential growth in time - so called balanced growth path solutions. Finally we illustrate the behavior of solutions for the full system and the balanced growth path equations with numerical simulations

    Boltzmann mean-field game model for knowledge growth: limits to learning and general utilities

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    In this paper we investigate a generalisation of a Boltzmann mean field game (BMFG) for knowledge growth, originally introduced by the economists Lucas and Moll. In BMFG the evolution of the agent density with respect to their knowledge level is described by a Boltzmann equation. Agents increase their knowledge through binary interactions with others; their increase is modulated by the interaction and learning rate: Agents with similar knowledge learn more in encounters, while agents with very different levels benefit less from learning interactions. The optimal fraction of time spent on learning is calculated by a Bellman equation, resulting in a highly nonlinear forward-backward in time PDE system. The structure of solutions to the Boltzmann and Bellman equation depends strongly on the learning rate in the Boltzmann collision kernel as well as the utility function in the Bellman equation. In this paper we investigate the monotonicity behavior of solutions for different learning and utility functions, show existence of solutions and investigate how they impact the existence of so-called balanced growth path solutions, that relate to exponential growth of the overall economy. Furthermore we corroborate and illustrate our analytical results with computational experiments
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