11,079 research outputs found

    Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the SAURON Early-type Galaxies

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    We present the results of a survey of CO emission in 43 of the 48 representative E/S0 galaxies observed in the optical with the SAURON integral-field spectrograph. The CO detection rate is 12/43 or 28%. This is lower than previous studies of early-types but can probably be attributed to different sample selection criteria. As expected, earlier type, more luminous and massive galaxies have a relatively lower molecular gas content. We find that CO-rich galaxies tend to have higher H\beta but lower Fe5015 and Mgb absorption indices than CO-poor galaxies. Those trends appear primarily driven by the age of the stars, an hypothesis supported by the fact that the galaxies with the strongest evidence of star formation are also the most CO-rich. In fact, the early-type galaxies from the current sample appear to extend the well-known correlations between FIR luminosity, dust mass and molecular mass of other galaxy types. The star formation interpretation is also consistent with the SAURON galaxies' radio continuum and FIR flux ratios, and their inferred star formation efficiencies are similar to those in spiral galaxies. It thus appears that we have identified the material fueling (residual) star formation in early-type galaxies, and have demonstrated that it is actively being transformed. Nevertheless, the lack of strong correlations between the CO content and most stellar parameters is compatible with the idea that, in a significant number of sample galaxies, the molecular gas has been accreted from the outside and has properties rather independent from the old, pre-existing stellar component.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted in MNRA

    HI and Hot Gas in the Outskirts of the M81 Group

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    Results are presented from a wide area, high resolution HI synthesis survey of the outer regions of the nearby M81 group, where internal (galactic) and external (group-related) evolution processes can be studied simultaneously in great detail. The survey encompasses the star forming dwarf galaxies M81dwA, UGC4483, and HoII, where evidence of ram pressure stripping was recently discovered. The data do not reveal any intergalactic HI, but the outer parts of HoII are reminiscent of tidal tails. We argue however that those structures are equally consistent with the latest ram pressure models including cooling. The case for a hot intergalactic medium in this poor, spiral-only group is thus still open. The survey also puts tight constraints on possible counterparts to the local high velocity cloud population in an external group, reaching a 3 sigma column density of 10^19 atom/cm^2 and a 6 sigma limiting mass of 1.5x10^5 M_sun.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in "Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter," eds. P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, & E. Brinks (ASP: San Francisco

    Size matters: the value of small populations for wintering waterbirds

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    Protecting systematically selected areas of land is a major step towards biodiversity conservation worldwide. Indeed, the identification and designation of protected areas more often than not forms a core component of both national and international conservation policies. In this paper we provide an overview of those Special Protection Areas and Ramsar Sites that have been classified in Great Britain as of 1998/99 for a selection of wintering waterbird species, using bird count data from the Wetland Bird Survey. The performance of this network of sites is remarkable, particularly in comparison with published analyses of networks elsewhere in the world. Nevertheless, the current site-based approach, whilst having the great benefit of simplicity, is deliberately biased towards aggregating species at the expense of the more dispersed distribution species. To ensure that the network continues successfully to protect nationally and internationally important waterbird populations, efforts now need to concentrate on the derivation of species-specific representation targets and, in particular, the ways in which these can be incorporated into the site selection process. Although these analyses concern the performance of protected areas for waterbirds in Great Britain, the results have wide-ranging importance for conservation planning in general and the design of protected area networks

    Non-Schlesinger Deformations of Ordinary Differential Equations with Rational Coefficients

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    We consider deformations of 2×22\times2 and 3×33\times3 matrix linear ODEs with rational coefficients with respect to singular points of Fuchsian type which don't satisfy the well-known system of Schlesinger equations (or its natural generalization). Some general statements concerning reducibility of such deformations for 2×22\times2 ODEs are proved. An explicit example of the general non-Schlesinger deformation of 2×22\times2-matrix ODE of the Fuchsian type with 4 singular points is constructed and application of such deformations to the construction of special solutions of the corresponding Schlesinger systems is discussed. Some examples of isomonodromy and non-isomonodromy deformations of 3×33\times3 matrix ODEs are considered. The latter arise as the compatibility conditions with linear ODEs with non-singlevalued coefficients.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Gap Probabilities for Edge Intervals in Finite Gaussian and Jacobi Unitary Matrix Ensembles

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    The probabilities for gaps in the eigenvalue spectrum of the finite dimension N×N N \times N random matrix Hermite and Jacobi unitary ensembles on some single and disconnected double intervals are found. These are cases where a reflection symmetry exists and the probability factors into two other related probabilities, defined on single intervals. Our investigation uses the system of partial differential equations arising from the Fredholm determinant expression for the gap probability and the differential-recurrence equations satisfied by Hermite and Jacobi orthogonal polynomials. In our study we find second and third order nonlinear ordinary differential equations defining the probabilities in the general NN case. For N=1 and N=2 the probabilities and thus the solution of the equations are given explicitly. An asymptotic expansion for large gap size is obtained from the equation in the Hermite case, and also studied is the scaling at the edge of the Hermite spectrum as N N \to \infty , and the Jacobi to Hermite limit; these last two studies make correspondence to other cases reported here or known previously. Moreover, the differential equation arising in the Hermite ensemble is solved in terms of an explicit rational function of a {Painlev\'e-V} transcendent and its derivative, and an analogous solution is provided in the two Jacobi cases but this time involving a {Painlev\'e-VI} transcendent.Comment: 32 pages, Latex2

    Evidence of boosted 13CO/12CO ratio in early-type galaxies in dense environments

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    We present observations of 13^{13}CO(1-0) in 17 Combined Array for Research in Millimeter Astronomy (CARMA) Atlas3D early-type galaxies (ETGs), obtained simultaneously with 12^{12}CO(1-0) observations. The 13^{13}CO in six ETGs is sufficiently bright to create images. In these 6 sources, we do not detect any significant radial gradient in the 13^{13}CO/12^{12}CO ratio between the nucleus and the outlying molecular gas. Using the 12^{12}CO channel maps as 3D masks to stack the 13^{13}CO emission, we are able to detect 15/17 galaxies to >3σ>3\sigma (and 12/17 to at least 5σ\sigma) significance in a spatially integrated manner. Overall, ETGs show a wide distribution of 13^{13}CO/12^{12}CO ratios, but Virgo cluster and group galaxies preferentially show a 13^{13}CO/12^{12}CO ratio about 2 times larger than field galaxies, although this could also be due to a mass dependence, or the CO spatial extent (RCO/ReR_{\rm CO}/R_{\rm e}). ETGs whose gas has a morphologically-settled appearance also show boosted 13^{13}CO/12^{12}CO ratios. We hypothesize that this variation could be caused by (i) the extra enrichment of gas from molecular reprocessing occurring in low-mass stars (boosting the abundance of 13^{13}C to 12^{12}C in the absence of external gas accretion), (ii) much higher pressure being exerted on the midplane gas (by the intracluster medium) in the cluster environment than in isolated galaxies, or (iii) all but the densest molecular gas clumps being stripped as the galaxies fall into the cluster. Further observations of 13^{13}CO in dense environments, particularly of spirals, as well as studies of other isotopologues, should be able to distinguish between these hypotheses.Comment: 13 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Bar Diagnostics in Edge-On Spiral Galaxies. II. Hydrodynamical Simulations

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    We develop diagnostics based on gas kinematics to identify the presence of a bar in an edge-on spiral galaxy and determine its orientation. We use position-velocity diagrams (PVDs) obtained by projecting edge-on two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the gas flow in a barred galaxy potential. We show that when a nuclear spiral is formed, the presence of a gap in the PVDs, between the signature of the nuclear spiral and that of the outer parts of the disk, reliably indicates the presence of a bar. This gap is due to the presence of shocks and inflows in the simulations, leading to a depletion of the gas in the outer bar region. If no nuclear spiral signature is present in a PVD, only indirect arguments can be used to argue for the presence of a bar. The shape of the signature of the nuclear spiral, and to a lesser extent that of the outer bar region, allows to determine the orientation of the bar with respect to the line-of-sight. The presence of dust can also help to discriminate between viewing angles on either side of the bar. Simulations covering a large fraction of parameter space constrain the bar properties and mass distribution of observed galaxies. The strongest constraint comes from the presence or absence of the signature of a nuclear spiral in the PVD.Comment: 25 pages (AASTeX, aaspp4.sty), 11 jpg figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Online manuscript with PostScript figures available at: http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~bureau/pub_list.htm

    The algebraic and Hamiltonian structure of the dispersionless Benney and Toda hierarchies

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    The algebraic and Hamiltonian structures of the multicomponent dispersionless Benney and Toda hierarchies are studied. This is achieved by using a modified set of variables for which there is a symmetry between the basic fields. This symmetry enables formulae normally given implicitly in terms of residues, such as conserved charges and fluxes, to be calculated explicitly. As a corollary of these results the equivalence of the Benney and Toda hierarchies is established. It is further shown that such quantities may be expressed in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions, the simplest example involving Legendre polynomials. These results are then extended to systems derived from a rational Lax function and a logarithmic function. Various reductions are also studied.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    A SAURON look at galaxy bulges

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    Kinematic and population studies show that bulges are generally rotationally flattened systems similar to low-luminosity ellipticals. However, observations with state-of-the-art integral field spectrographs, such as SAURON, indicate that the situation is much more complex, and allow us to investigate phenomena such as triaxiality, kinematic decoupling and population substructure, and to study their connection to current formation and evolution scenarios for bulges of early-type galaxies. We present the examples of two S0 bulges from galaxies in our sample of nearby galaxies: one that shows all the properties expected from classical bulges (NGC5866), and another case that presents kinematic features appropriate for barred disk galaxies (NGC7332).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publishing in AN (refereed conf. proc. of the Euro3D Science workshop, IoA Cambridge, May 2003

    OASIS High-Resolution Integral Field Spectroscopy of the SAURON Ellipticals and Lenticulars

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    We present a summary of high-spatial resolution follow-up observations of the elliptical (E) and lenticular (S0) galaxies in the SAURON survey using the OASIS integral field spectrograph. The OASIS observations explore the central 8x10" regions of these galaxies using a spatial sampling four times higher than SAURON, often revealing previously undiscovered features. Around 75% (31/48) of the SAURON E/S0s with central velocity dispersion >= 120 km/s were observed with OASIS, covering well the original SAURON representative sample. We present here an overview of this follow-up survey, and some preliminary results on individual objects, including a previously unreported counter-rotating core in NGC 4382; the decoupled stellar and gas velocity fields of NGC 2768; and the strong age gradient towards the centre of NGC 3489.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astron. Nachr. as refereed proceedings of Euro3D Science Workshop, IoA Cambridge, May 200