72 research outputs found

    Does Personality Matter When We Are Approaching The Subjective Perception Of Overtraining Among Adolescents?

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    This article deals with the issue of overtraining among elite adolescent athletes. The aim of our study was to examine the relationship between certain personality traits, perfectionism, extraversion, neuroticism and subjective perception of training load (which is one of the best indicators of overtraining syndrome). We also focused on the relationship between a perceived training difficulty and perceived training load to find out, if there is some kind of integral relationship. To collect data we used a questionnaire, which was given to adolescent elite athletes playing team sports in a mid-season period. The results showed a significant relationship between perceived training load and overall perfectionism (r=0.189, p<0.001), extraversion (r=-0.241, p<0.001), neuroticism (r=0.343, p<0.001) and consciousness (r=-0.287, p<0.001). After the closer examination we found an interesting relation between single dimension of perfectionism and perceived training load, suggesting the contribution of maladaptive perfectionism on the development of overtraining syndrome. Besides that, we differentiated athletes into two groups, according to the level of perceived training difficulty. Those, who perceived training as difficult to exhausting (M=2,19, SD=0.50) were significantly higher than the low to medium group (M=1.99, SD=0.47) in the perceived training load t(178)=-0.894, p=0.007. Those results extend our knowledge of overtraining topic and can be used in coaching practice to help identify athletes with higher risk of overtraining, or even prevent these states among young athletes before they occur. Hereby results suggest the importance of psychological aspects in sport preparation

    Comparison of gluten-free dough ability to produce leavening gas during baking and its impact on crumb characteristics

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    Dough ability to produce leavening gas and its impact on bread crumb characteristics was evaluated on wheat, buckwheat and rice dough. The ability to produce leavening gas was recorded as thermally-dependent changes of dough volume; curve gradient, area under curve and the temperature range of leavening gas production were evaluated. Wheat dough reached the highest curve gradient a (28 center dot 10(-3) mm center dot s(-1)), contributing to the large area under curve (7,169 mm center dot s). Significantly lower curve increase (10 center dot 10-3 mm center dot s(-1); 5 center dot 10(-3) mm center dot s(-1)) as well as area under curve (6,291 mm center dot s; 53 mm center dot s) were obtained in buckwheat and rice doughs. The rising values of curve characteristics increased crumb quality. Even if gas retention ability was not evaluated, gas production ability signifi cantly impacted crumb quality

    Characteristics of flour and dough from purple and blue wheat grain

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    The characteristics of flours and doughs prepared from wheat grains containing purple pericarp (variety PS Karkulka and Jumiko) and wheat grain containing blue aleurone (variety Skorpion) were tested and compared with commercial wheat to evaluate the applicability of colored wheat in bread making. The fine flours prepared from colored wheat grains significantly differed in the activity of the amylase enzyme, expressed as Hagberg falling number. Zeleny sedimentation volume of flour prepared from grains of the PS Karkulka variety (36 mL) was significantly higher than the values of AF Jumiko and Skropion (34 mL) varieties. The results of uniaxial deformation test indicated that doughs prepared from wheat varieties PS Karkulka and Skropion can be elongated; the dough is, however, weak and can be expected to rupture more easily than dough prepared from variety AF Jumiko, as well as commercial flour. Even if some variations in the values of farinographic dough development time and stability were also observed, clear differences in the behavior of doughs prepared from colored and commercial flours were not found. The differences in dough behavior during heating test were also negligible. It can be concluded that none of the tested colored wheat grains exhibited characteristics completely different from the others or the commercial one. The results may indicate the applicability of all tested colored wheat grains in yeast-leavened bread production. © 2019 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

    Personality Characteristic of Adolescent Self-harmers

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    AbstractThe study, a part of a large-scale project “Validation of tools for screening of self-harm in early adolescents”, explored the associations between the occurrence of self-harm and adolescent personality. Out of the large sample of 1,026 respondents, 43.2% (n = 443) reported at least one experience with self-harm. The prevalence was somewhat larger in girls (n = 139, 31.4%) than boys (n = 102, 23.0%). The average age at the first experience with self-harm was 12.6 years.The questionnaire, administered in a single session, contained the Self-Harm Behavior Questionnaire (Gutierrez, 1998), the Self-Harm Inventory (Sansone, Sansone & Wiederman, 1995), and a Czech adaptation of Eysenck's personality inventory for children B-JEPI (Senka, 1994). The results suggested intriguing gender differences in the associations between self-harm and teenagers’ personalities. Girls scored significantly higher on neuroticism than boys in all self-harm frequency groups. Conversely, boys showed higher levels of psychoticism, regardless of self-harm experience. Both neuroticism and psychoticism correlated positively with the occurrence self-harm, which means that children's personality may play an important role in transition from episodic to recurring self-harm. The interaction effects of either neuroticism or psychoticism and gender on self-harm were not significant, suggesting that the two traits are positively associated with self-harm behaviour in boys and girls more-or-less equally. Although the direction of causality cannot be inferred from the present data, levels of neuroticism and psychoticism can serve as important risk indicators and help target prevention and intervention strategies at young adolescents who are at the highest risk of developing self-harm

    Health-related Behavior over the Course of Life in the Czech Republic

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    AbstractThis study presents partial results of an extensive research project (Grant Agency n. 13-19808S). The aim is to map health-related behaviour over the course of life in the Czech Republic and to examine how four age groups (20 – 35, 36-50, 51 – 65, 65 and older) differ in components of their health-related behaviour. The research sample consisted of 1,268 respondents (69% women) between 20 and 93 years of age. For rating, our research used the Health-related Behaviour Scale (Dosedlová, Slováčková, Klimusová, 2013). Via Principal Component Analysis (with Varimax rotation), we extracted five factors of health-related behaviour. The means of factor scores of health-related behaviour in the individual age groups were compared via General Linear Model.The five factors explaining 44% of the total variance of the 34 initial items of health-related behaviour are as follows: healthy diet, mental health, daily regimen, physical activity, and avoidance of addictive/harmful substances. The four age groups (20 – 35, 36 – 50, 51 – 65, 65+) differ significantly in all health-related behaviour factors with the exception of mental hygiene. With increasing age, individuals tend to increase their healthy food intake, keep daily regimen and avoid addictive substances; however, the amount of physical activity decreases with age

    Intersection of mycotoxins from grains to finished baking

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    This work is focused on the evaluation of the content of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in samples of winter wheat of the following varieties: Sultan, Cubus, Akteur, Seladon, Mulan, Chevalier, Evina, Hewitt, Bohemia, Baletka. The total amount of 10 samples harvested in 2011 and 2012 was evaluated and included variants both treated and untreated against fungal diseases. The samples were adjusted for mycotoxicological determination and subsequently measured by the ELISA method. The content of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZEA) was measured in grain, flour and breadrolls in all samples. Out of all samples 43% were found to have positive content of DON and 75% of ZEA. In the treated variants, the average DON content was found to be 115 μg.kg-1 in grain, 77 μg.kg-1 in flour and 97 μg.kg-1 in pastries. In the untreated variants, the average DON content was found to be 208 μg.kg-1 in grain, 103 μg.kg-1 in flour and 128 μg.kg-1 in pastries. Moreover, the average ZEA content in the treated variant was 4.95 μg.kg-1 in grain, 3.38 μg.kg-1 in flour and 4.51 μg.kg-1 in pastries, in the non-treated variant average ZEA content in grain was 3.07 μg.kg-1, 4.97 μg.kg-1 in flour and 2.81 μg.kg-1 in pastries. The maximal acceptable limits given by the valid legislation were not exceeded in any analysed sample. It can be concluded wheat grain grown in the Czech Republic, whether it is treated or untreated by fungicides, is not dangerous for consumers. The content of both mycotoxins is not dependent on each other, and the untreated variant has a slightly higher dependency between DON and ZEA. © 2016 Potravinarstvo. All rights reserved

    Rheological characteristics of model gluten-free dough with plantago seeds and husk incorporation

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    The seeds and husk of Plantago origin are rich source of dietary fiber known for its medicinal use. Despite the use of both Plantago psyllium and Plantago ovata products due to their physicochemical and nutritional properties, only the effects of Plantago ovata husk have been studied. Their structure-forming properties may positively affect gluten-free bread quality only if an adequate dough hydration is used. The aim of the work is to analyze the effect of different Plantago products: Plantago psyllium seeds and Plantago ovata seeds and husk in quantities of 3, 6 and 9% share on the rheological profile of model gluten-free dough and bread and bread's technological quality and shelf-life. The rheological parameters of the dough were determined with Mixolab protocols and uniaxial deformation test. Bread quality and its textural profile analysis after cooling and storage were determined. The addition of Plantago psyllium seeds weakened the dough. All additives contributed to a reduction in starch retrogradation, bread hardness and water loss during baking, and to the improvement of the doughs' resistance to extension, dough energy and bread yield. This influence is strongest when the Plantago ovata husk was used. However, the consumer acceptance of the tested breads was low and, in this respect, the breads with the addition of seeds of both Plantago psyllium and ovata were considered to be better than the husk.Polish National Agency for Academic ExchangePolish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) [PPN/BIL/2018/1/3/CZE/UMOWA/1]; Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science

    Czech Adaptation Of The Brunel Mood States For Adolescent Athletes

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    The Brunel Mood States is a 24-item long questionnaire (formerly referred to as the Profile of Mood States for Adolescents POMS-A) used to capture the emotional profile of an individual. It has been used in various settings including sport psychology, where it is considered a valid indicator for overtraining syndrome. The aim of this study was to develop the Czech adaptation of BRUMS and verify its psychometric properties in adolescent athletes. The data was collected from a sample of 246 participant (50.8% females; age range 14-19 years). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate original six-dimensional structure (with factors of Depression, Tension, Confusion, Anger, Fatigue, and Vigor). Even though this model shows an acceptable fit to the data, Depression and Tension factors were empirically indistinguishable. Therefore, we proposed and verified alternative five-factor model with these two factors collapsed. Measurement invariance across gender was assessed using the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. Although three items showed signs of differential item functioning, the Czech adaptation of the instrument can in general be considered a measurement invariant

    The effect of added pumpkin flour on sensory and textural quality of rice bread

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    The impact of added pumpkin flour (1-10 g/100 g) on sensory and textural quality of rice bread was studied on rice biologically leavened rice bread. Specific volume, baking loss, crumb springiness, cohesiveness and resilience decreased with increasing amount of pumpkin flour. The opposite trend was found in crumb hardness and chewiness. Color measurements revealed that the lightness decreased and the greenness increased with increasing amount of pumpkin flour. Bread crumb and crust characteristics were not significantly impacted by the amount of added pumpkin flour. Additionally, the bread taste and flavor were decreased in breads with 8-10 g/100 g of added pumpkin flour, resulting in their lower overall acceptability. Weak impact of added pumpkin flour on sensory evaluation of rice bread may be related to a reduced amount of the panelists involved in this study. The addition of 1-7 g/100 g of pumpkin flour seems to be applicable to rice bread production. More extensive study will, however, be performed to describe the impact of added pumpkin flour on sensory quality of rice bread in more details.[IGA/FT/2017/004

    Evaluation of selected physicochemical parameters of extra virgin olive oil commercialized in the Czech market and stored during a period of 5 months

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    The scope of this work was to evaluate the development of selected physicochemical parameters (free acidity, peroxide value and specific extinction coefficients in ultraviolet) of extra virgin olive oil, commercialized in the Czech market and stored for a time period of 5 months (at 20 ±5 °C). The tested extra virgin olive oil samples were stored under conditions simulating domestic and commercial storage environment, in which the impact of light and headspace volume were also examined. Moreover, all the analyzed samples fell within the established "extra virgin olive oil category", thus proving their legitimacy, authentication and excellent quality. Furthermore, all the monitored physicochemical parameters were affected by the progress of the storage period, the rising volume of headspace (due to more available oxygen in the container) and exposition to light, resulting in decreasing quality of the examined extra virgin olive oil samples. In addition, the storage of extra virgin olive oil samples in dark containers reported sufficient resistance to oxidation processes up to a period of 3 months, however, after this period signs of oil quality deterioration were reported. Nevertheless, if exposition to light occurred, accelerated decrease in the quality of the extra virgin olive oil samples was observed. © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, License