3 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance

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    Corporate Governance. Relationships between the Owners (Shareholders) and Managers, Stakeholders. Function, Structure and Models of Corporate Governance, Risk Management. World Practice of Corporate Governance. Characteristics of field of Technical Gases. The Ownership Structure of Linde Gas a.s. a description and analysis of the Roles and Functions of Enterprise Management, Structure of Supervisory Bodies, evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of Corporate Governance. Financial analysis of Linde Gas a.s., Market Share, Risk Management, application of the Principles of Corporate Governance OECD. Comparison of Systems of Corporate Governance Linde Gas a.s. and Linde Gas RUS. Conclusion and recommendations for Management

    Statistics and its Utilization in Gaining Information

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    This thesis discusses not only the potentials of the modern statistics, but also the pitfalls that accompany an interpretation of a statistical investigation. We describe some of the possible dangers that can appear during an interpretation of a statistical analysis and that can confuse readers without a statistical education or readers with insufficient insight. In the introduction, we briefly mention the evolution of the scientific statistics to its present form. The main part of the thesis then describes many practical examples of the pitfalls which occur during a statistical analysis and interpretation of the corresponding results. We present also a number of illustrations of possible distortions or misinterpretations of statistical results which can be done in order to influence the public opinion. Finally, the last chapter contains an own "discovery" made by the author of this thesis during his study of literature. We show that a particular statistician, who points out the risk of possible misinterpretation of statistical results, also "borrowed" in his book some ideas from one of his predecessors in the field of popular scientific works about statistics

    Corporate Governance

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    Corporate Governance. Relationships between the Owners (Shareholders) and Managers, Stakeholders. Function, Structure and Models of Corporate Governance, Risk Management. World Practice of Corporate Governance. Characteristics of field of Technical Gases. The Ownership Structure of Linde Gas a.s. a description and analysis of the Roles and Functions of Enterprise Management, Structure of Supervisory Bodies, evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of Corporate Governance. Financial analysis of Linde Gas a.s., Market Share, Risk Management, application of the Principles of Corporate Governance OECD. Comparison of Systems of Corporate Governance Linde Gas a.s. and Linde Gas RUS. Conclusion and recommendations for Management.Správa a řízení společností (Corporate Governance). Vztahy mezi vlastníky-akcionáři a manažery, zájmové skupiny (Stakeholders). Funkce, struktura a modely správních orgánů společností, řízení rizik. Světová praxe Corporate Governance. Charakteristika průmyslového oboru technických plynů. Vlastnická struktura společnosti Linde Gas a.s., popis a analýza rolí a funkcí správních orgánů, model správy společnosti, zhodnocení účinnosti a efektivnosti správy a řízení společnosti. Finanční analýza společnosti Linde Gas a.s., tržní podíl, řízení rizik, aplikace zásad Corporate Governance OECD. Porovnání systémů správy a řízení společností Linde Gas a.s. a Linde Gas RUS. Závěr a doporučení pro management