838 research outputs found

    Adaptive networks of trading agents

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    Multi-agent models have been used in many contexts to study generic collective behavior. Similarly, complex networks have become very popular because of the diversity of growth rules giving rise to scale-free behavior. Here we study adaptive networks where the agents trade ``wealth'' when they are linked together while links can appear and disappear according to the wealth of the corresponding agents; thus the agents influence the network dynamics and vice-versa. Our framework generalizes a multi-agent model of Bouchand and Mezard, and leads to a steady state with fluctuating connectivities. The system spontaneously self-organizes into a critical state where the wealth distribution has a fat tail and the network is scale-free; in addition, network heterogeneities lead to enhanced wealth condensation.Comment: 7 figure

    Resonance parameters of the first 1/2+ state in 9Be and astrophysical implications

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    Spectra of the 9Be(e,e') reaction have been measured at the S-DALINAC at an electron energy E_0 = 73 MeV and scattering angles of 93{\deg} and 141{\deg} with high energy resolution up to excitation energies E_x = 8 MeV. The astrophysically relevant resonance parameters of the first excited 1/2+ state of 9Be have been extracted in a one-level approximation of R-matrix theory resulting in a resonance energy E_R = 1.748(6) MeV and width Gamma_R = 274(8) keV in good agreement with the latest 9Be(gamma,n) experiment but with considerably improved uncertainties. However, the reduced B(E1) transition strength deduced from an extrapolation of the (e,e') data to the photon point is a factor of two smaller. Implications of the new results for a possible production of 12C in neutron-rich astrophysical scenarios are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Network of inherent structures in spin glasses: scaling and scale-free distributions

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    The local minima (inherent structures) of a system and their associated transition links give rise to a network. Here we consider the topological and distance properties of such a network in the context of spin glasses. We use steepest descent dynamics, determining for each disorder sample the transition links appearing within a given barrier height. We find that differences between linked inherent structures are typically associated with local clusters of spins; we interpret this within a framework based on droplets in which the characteristic ``length scale'' grows with the barrier height. We also consider the network connectivity and the degrees of its nodes. Interestingly, for spin glasses based on random graphs, the degree distribution of the network of inherent structures exhibits a non-trivial scale-free tail.Comment: minor changes and references adde

    E2 strengths and transition radii difference of one-phonon 2+ states of 92Zr from electron scattering at low momentum transfer

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    Background: Mixed-symmetry 2+ states in vibrational nuclei are characterized by a sign change between dominant proton and neutron valence-shell components with respect to the fully symmetric 2+ state. The sign can be measured by a decomposition of proton and neutron transition radii with a combination of inelastic electron and hadron scattering [C. Walz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 062501 (2011)]. For the case of 92Zr, a difference could be experimentally established for the neutron components, while about equal proton transition radii were indicated by the data. Method: Differential cross sections for the excitation of one-phonon 2+ and 3- states in 92Zr have been measured with the (e,e') reaction at the S-DALINAC in a momentum transfer range q = 0.3-0.6 fm^(-1). Results: Transition strengths B(E2;2+_1 -> 0+_1) = 6.18(23), B(E2; 2+_2 -> 0+_1) = 3.31(10) and B(E3; 3-_1 -> 0+_1) = 18.4(11) Weisskopf units are determined from a comparison of the experimental cross sections to quasiparticle-phonon model (QPM) calculations. It is shown that a model-independent plane wave Born approximation (PWBA) analysis can fix the ratio of B(E2) transition strengths to the 2+_(1,2) states with a precision of about 1%. The method furthermore allows to extract their proton transition radii difference. With the present data -0.12(51) fm is obtained. Conclusions: Electron scattering at low momentum transfers can provide information on transition radii differences of one-phonon 2+ states even in heavy nuclei. Proton transition radii for the 2+_(1,2) states in 92Zr are found to be identical within uncertainties. The g.s. transition probability for the mixed-symmetry state can be determined with high precision limited only by the available experimental information on the B(E2; 2+_1 -> 0+_1) value.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C, revised manuscrip

    From simple to complex networks: inherent structures, barriers and valleys in the context of spin glasses

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    Given discrete degrees of freedom (spins) on a graph interacting via an energy function, what can be said about the energy local minima and associated inherent structures? Using the lid algorithm in the context of a spin glass energy function, we investigate the properties of the energy landscape for a variety of graph topologies. First, we find that the multiplicity Ns of the inherent structures generically has a lognormal distribution. In addition, the large volume limit of ln/ differs from unity, except for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Second, we find simple scaling laws for the growth of the height of the energy barrier between the two degenerate ground states and the size of the associated valleys. For finite connectivity models, changing the topology of the underlying graph does not modify qualitatively the energy landscape, but at the quantitative level the models can differ substantially.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figs, slightly improved presentation, more references, accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Further support for the alignment of cattle along magnetic field lines: reply to Hert et al.

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    Hert et al. (J Comp Physiol A, 2011) challenged one part of the study by Begall et al. (PNAS 105:13451–13455, 2008) claiming that they could not replicate the finding of preferential magnetic alignment of cattle recorded in aerial images of Google Earth. However, Hert and co-authors used a different statistical approach and applied the statistics on a sample partly unsuitable to examine magnetic alignment. About 50% of their data represent noise (resolution of the images is too poor to enable unambiguous measurement of the direction of body axes, pastures are on slopes, near settlements or high voltage power-lines, etc.). Moreover, the authors have selected for their analysis only ~ 40% of cattle that were present on the pastures analyzed. Here, we reanalyze all usable data and show that cattle significantly align their body axes in North–South direction on pastures analyzed by Hert and co-authors. This finding thus supports our previous study. In addition, we show by using aerial Google Earth images with good resolution, that the magnetic alignment is more pronounced in resting than in standing cattle


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    Introduction. Amino acids are a physiologically important group of compounds, involved in the synthesis and metabolism of many substances, able to maintain the normal functioning of organs and systems of the body. Amino acids and their derivatives have long been used effectively in medicine. Plants synthesize all the amino acids they need. The human body cannot synthesize all the amino acids it needs, some of which it gets from food. Therefore, the study of the amino acid composition of plants is relevant. The aim of the study – to learn the qualitative composition and determine the quantitative content of amino acids in the raw material of the Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. & Sm.) DC. Queen of the Night cultivar. Research Methods. The objects of the study were threshed grass, stems, roots and seeds of Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. & Sm.) DC. Queen of the Night cultivar. The amino acid composition of the studied types of raw materials was determined by ion-exchange liquid column chromatography on an automatic amino acid analyzer. Results and Discussion. In the raw material of Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. & Sm.) DC. Queen of the Night cultivar, taken for research, the presence of 18 amino acids was established: 7 essential, 3 semi-essential and 8 essential. The highest content of amino acids was observed in seeds and threshed grass, the lowest – in the roots. Proline dominated the number in the aboveground part of the plant. Glutamic acid accumulated the most in roots and seeds. Cystine in threshed grass and stems was found in the smallest amount, histidine – in the roots, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) – in the seeds. The amount of essential amino acids in the studied types of raw materials of Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. & Sm.) DC. Queen of the Night cultivar was almost 1/3 of the total amount of amino acids (31.28 %, 24.69 %, 28.63 % and 29.77 %, respectively). Among the essential amino acids in threshed grass, stems and roots, leucine and lysine predominated in content, and leucine and phenylalanine in seeds. Methionine and phenylalanine were present in the smallest amounts in the roots, and methionine and isoleucine in the threshed grass, stems and seeds. Conclusions. The obtained results will be used for standardization of raw materials and development of new drugs of plant origin based on the amino acid complex of Matthiola bicornis (Sibth. & Sm.) DC.Вступление. Аминокислоты – физиологически важная группа соединений, которая участвует в синтезе и метаболизме многих веществ, способна поддерживать нормальное функционирование органов и систем организма. Аминокислоты и их производные давно и эффективно применяют в медицине. Растения синтезируют все необходимые им аминокислоты. Организм человека не может синтезировать все аминокислоты, в которых нуждается, часть из них он получает с пищей. Поэтому актуальным является исследование аминокислотного состава растений. Цель исследования – изучить качественный состав и определить количественное содержание аминокислот в сырье маттиолы двурогой сорта Царица ночи. Методы исследования. Объектами исследования были обмолоченная трава, стебли, корни и семена маттиолы двурогой сорта Царица ночи. Аминокислотный состав исследуемых видов сырья определяли методом ионообменной жидкостно-колоночной хроматографии на автоматическом анализаторе аминокислот. Результаты и обсуждение. В сырье маттиолы двурогой сорта Царица ночи, взятом для исследования, установлено наличие 18 аминокислот: 7 незаменимых, 3 полузаменимых и 8 заменимых. Самое высокое содержание аминокислот наблюдали в семенах и обмолоченной траве, самое низкое – в корнях. По количеству в надземной части растения доминировал пролин. В корнях и семенах больше всего накапливалась глутаминовая кислота. Цистин в обмолоченной траве и стеблях был обнаружен в наименьшем количестве, гистидин – в корнях, а γ-аминомасляная кислота – в семенах. Сумма незаменимых аминокислот в исследуемых видах сырья маттиолы двурогой сорта Царица ночи составляла почти 1/3 от общей суммы аминокислот (31,28, 24,69, 28,63 и 29,77 % соответственно). Среди незаменимых аминокислот в обмолоченной траве, стеблях и корнях по содержанию преобладали лейцин и лизин, в семенах – лейцин и фенилаланин. В наименьшем количестве в корнях содержались метионин и фенилаланин, а в обмолоченной траве, стеблях и семенах – метионин и изолейцин. Вывод. Полученные результаты будут использованы для стандартизации сырья и разработки новых лекарственных препаратов растительного происхождения на основе комплекса аминокислот маттиолы двурогой.Вступ. Амінокислоти – фізіологічно важлива група сполук, що бере участь у синтезі й метаболізмі багатьох речовин, здатна підтримувати нормальне функціонування органів і систем організму. Амінокислоти та їх похідні давно й ефективно застосовують у медицині. Рослини синтезують усі необхідні їм амінокислоти. Організм людини не може синтезувати всі амінокислоти, яких потребує, частину з них він одержує з їжею. Тому актуальним є дослідження амінокислотного складу рослин. Мета дослідження – вивчити якісний склад та визначити кількісний вміст амінокислот у сировині матіоли дворогої сорту Цариця ночі. Методи дослідження. Об’єктами дослідження були обмолочена трава, стебла, корені та насіння матіоли дворогої сорту Цариця ночі. Амінокислотний склад досліджуваних видів сировини визначали методом іонообмінної рідинно-колонкової хроматографії на автоматичному аналізаторі амінокислот. Результати й обговорення. У сировині матіоли дворогої сорту Цариця ночі, взятої для дослідження, встановлено наявність 18 амінокислот: 7 незамінних, 3 напівзамінних та 8 замінних. Найвищий вміст амінокислот спостерігали в насінні та обмолоченій траві, найнижчий – у коренях. За кількістю в надземній частині рослини домінував пролін. У коренях та насінні найбільше накопичувалася глутамінова кислота. Цистин у обмолоченій траві й стеблах було виявлено в найменшій кількості, гістидин – у коренях, а γ-аміномасляну кислоту – в насінні. Сума незамінних амінокислот у досліджуваних видах сировини матіоли дворогої сорту Цариця ночі становила майже 1/3 від загальної суми амінокислот (31,28, 24,69, 28,63 та 29,77 % відповідно). Серед незамінних амінокислот у обмолоченій траві, стеблах та коренях за вмістом переважали лейцин і лізин, у насінні – лейцин та фенілаланін. У найменшій кількості в коренях містилися метіонін та фенілаланін, а в обмолоченій траві, стеблах і насінні – метіонін та ізолейцин. Висновок. Одержані результати буде використано для стандартизації сировини та розробки нових лікарських препаратів рослинного походження на основі комплексу амінокислот матіоли дворогої

    Grand-Canonical Ensemble of Random Surfaces with Four Species of Ising Spins

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    The grand-canonical ensemble of dynamically triangulated surfaces coupled to four species of Ising spins (c=2) is simulated on a computer. The effective string susceptibility exponent for lattices with up to 1000 vertices is found to be γ=0.195(58)\gamma = - 0.195(58). A specific scenario for c>1c > 1 models is conjectured.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages + 1 postscript figure appended, preprint LPTHE-Orsay 94/1