35 research outputs found

    Anatomic and craniometric factors in differentiating roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus) skulls

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    This study was carried out to investigate the bony structures relevant to skull of roe deer, sheep and goat. The skull of five sheep weighing 45-50 kg, three goat weighing 50-60 kg and five roe deer weighing 20-25 kg were used in this study. Macerations of the cranium were performed by the boiling method. The skull of the roe deer was notably similar to that of sheep with the presence of external lacrimal fossa, and to the goat with due to the presence of two points (lateral and medial) on the septal process and a significant fissure formed between the nasal, lacrimal, frontal and maxillary bones. In addition to these similarities, the formations which were specific to the roe deer were structures such as the number and position of the lacrimal foramen and presence of an uncertain muscular tubercle in the basilar portion of the occipital bone. In addition, the craniometric parameters specific to the roe deer’s skull were determined as the zygomatic, interorbital, neurocranium and nasal lengths

    Macroanatomic, light, and electron microscopic examination of pecten oculi in the seagull (Larus canus)

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    The present study was conducted to determine macroanatomic characteristic as well as light and electron microscopic examination (SEM) of pecten oculi and totally 20 bulbus oculi belonging to 10 seagulls (Larus canus) were used. Pecten oculi formations consisted of 18 to 21 pleats and their shape looked like a snail. Apical length of the pleats forming pecten oculi were averagely measured as 5.77 +/- 0.56 mm, retina-dependent base length was 9.01 +/- 1.35 mm and height was measured as 6.4 +/- 0.62 mm. In pecten oculi formations which extend up to 1/3 of the bulbus oculi, two different vascular formations were determined according to thickness of the vessel diameter. Among these, vessels with larger diameters which are less than the others in count were classified as afferent and efferent vessels, smaller vessels which are greater in size were classified as capillaries. Furthermore, the granules which were observed intensely in apical side of the pleats of pecten oculi were observed to distribute randomly along the plica

    Macroanatomıc, light and electron microscopy examınation of pecten oculi in larus canus

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    Pecten oculi yapısının makroanatomik, ışık ve electron mikroskobik (SEM) olarak belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada 10 martıya (Larus canus) ait toplam 20 bulbus oculi kullanıldı. 18-21 plicadan oluşan pecten oculi’nin şekli salyangoza benzemekteydi. Pecten oculi’yi oluşturan plicaların düz bir bant görünümündeki apical kısımlarının uzunluğu ortalama olarak 5,77±0,56 mm, retinaya bağlı taban uzunluğu 9,01±1,35 mm, yüksekliği ise 6,4±0,62 mm olarak ölçüldü. Bulbus oculi’nin 1/3 üne kadar uzanan pecten oculi’de damar çaplarının kalınlığına göre 2 farklı damar yapısı belirlendi. Bunlardan çapları büyük olan ve sayıca diğerlerinden az olan damarlar afferent ve efferent, daha küçük çaptaki ve çok sayıdaki damarlar ise kapillar damar olarak sınıflandırıldı. Ayrıca pecten oculi’de plikaların apical’inde oldukça yoğun olarak görülen granüllerin, plika boyunca gelişi güzel dağıldığı gözlend

    Saanen keçilerinde pylorus ve duodenum un histolojik scanning elektron mikroskobik yapısı ile bezlerinin histokimyasal özellikleri

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, saanen keçilerinde duodenum ile pylorusun histolojik ve scanningelektron mikroskopik yapısı ile Brunner ve pylorus bezlerinin histokimyasal özelliklerininbelirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Materyal-Metot: Çalışmada toplam 4 adet erişkin Saanen keçisi kullanıldı. Alınan dokuörneklerine rutin histolojik prosedürü takiben genel yapıyı belirlemek için Crossman’ın üçlüboyaması, Brunner ve pylorus bezlerindeki musinlerin histokimyasal özelliklerini belirlemedeise AB-PAS ve AF-AB teknikleri uygulandı. SEM incelemelerinde kullanılacak dokular,doku takibi işlemleri ardından Au-Pd kaplanarak farklı büyütmelerde incelendi.Bulgular: Histolojik olarak pylorus ve duodenum yüzey epiteli tek katlı prizmatiközelliğindeydi. Histokimyasal olarak incelendiğinde pylorusun yüzey epitelinde nötralmüsinler, pylorus bezlerinde ise asidik müsinler (çoğunlukla sülfatlı müsinler) daha fazla idi.Duodenum yüzey epitelinde bulunan kadeh hücrelerinde ve Brunner bez epitel hücrelerindenötral ve mikst karakterde müsinler belirlendi. SEM incelemelerinde pylorus yüzeyindefoveola gastrikalann lumene açılan delikleri 5 pım çapında iken, duodenum yüzeyindeyüksekliği yaklaşık 100-150 |xm uzunluğunda villus intestinalislere rastlandı.Sonuç: Pylorus ve duodenumun genel yapısının diğer memeli türleri ile benzer olduğunu vebu bölgelerde yerleşen bezlerin salgılarının nötral ve asidik (karboksilli ve sülfat grupları)müsinleri içerdiği gösterilmiştir. Dolayısıyla bileşeni müsin olan bu mukus katmanının,saanen keçisinde mukoza ile mikrobial patojenler arasında bir bariyer oluşturarak mukozayıkuruma ve toksinlerle bulaşık gıdalara karşı koruduğu düşünülebilir.Anahtar kelimeler: Saanen keçisi, pylorus, duodenum, histokimya, müsinAim: In this study, the histological and scanning electron microscopic structures of pylorusand duodenum in Saanen goat and the determination of histochemical features of pylorus andBrunner’s glands were aimed.Material and Method: In the study, totally 4 adult saanen goat were used. In the tissuesamples, Crossman's trichrome stain were applied for the determination of the overallstructure followed by routine histological procedures. AB-PAS and AF-AB techniques wereused for the determination of histochemical features of mucins in pylorus and Brunner’sglands. In SEM analysis, tissue samples were examined at different magnifications followedby Au-Pd coating after tissue processing.Results: Histologically, the pylorus and duodenum epithelium were the single stratifiedcolumnar epithelium. When examined histochemically, neutral and mixed mucins werepresent in surface epithelium of pylorus, Brunner’s gland cells and in goblet cell of theduodenum, while acidic mucins (mostly sulfated mucins) were higher in pylorus glands. InSEM analysis, while the diameter of the openings of foveola gastrica to lumen in pylorussurface were about 5 mm, villus intestinalis whose height in the surface of duodenum werefound approximately 100-150 |amConclusion: The general structures of pylorus and duodenum were resemble to the othermammals and the secretions of glands localized in this region that included neutral and acidic(carboxylic and sulphate groups) musins were demonstrated. Therefore, we suggest that themucin component of the mucus layer creating a barrier between mucosa and microbialpathogens in Saanen goats protect against mucosal drying and washing food with toxins.Key words: Duodenum, Histochemistry, Mucin, Pylorus, Saanen goats.</p

    Light and electron microscopic studies on the pecten oculi showing blood-retina barrier properties in Turkey's native Gerze chicken

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    The pecten oculi is a highly vascularized and pigmented organ that projects from the optic disc into the vitreous body in the avian eye. In this study, the pecten oculi of Turkey's native Gerze chicken was examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the localization of some adherens junction components (E-cadherin and pan-cadherin) in intact vessels of the blood-retina barrier was investigated by immunohistochemistry. In the Gerze chicken, the pecten oculi was a thin structure, which was located over the head of the discus nervi optici and projected from the retina into the corpus vitreum. The pecten oculi consisted of 18-21 highly vascularized pleats, joined apically by a bridge and resembled an accordion in appearance. Hyalocytes and melanocytes were observed around the small and large vessels. The morphometric data of the pecten oculi showed that there were no statistical differences in terms of sex. The immunohistochemical analysis of the pecten oculi, which is used as a model for the investigation of the formation and maturation of the barrier properties in the central nervous system, revealed cytoplasmic E-cadherin and pan-cadherin immunoreactivity in the endothelial cells of the small, large and capillary vessels. These observations suggest that while the morphological and histological structure of the Gerze chicken's pecten oculi was generally similar to that of other diurnal domestic birds, the pecten oculi, a model system for vascular differentiation and the blood-retina barrier, expressed different cadherins