87 research outputs found

    Generation of electrical energy at gas pipelines using a transported natural gas technological pressure drop

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    The article discusses the possibilities of generating electricity without burning fuel by expanding high-pressure natural gas at gas distribution stations with lower specific capital costs. It is proposed to reduce the pressure of the transported natural gas using expander-generator units instead of traditional throttle devices. Document type: Articl

    Characterization of crop residues from false banana/Ensete ventricosum/in Ethiopia in view of a full-resource valorization

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    Research ArticleFalse banana /Ensete ventricosum [Welw.] Cheesman/ is exploited as a food crop in Ethiopia where it represents an important staple food. The plant is harvested and large amounts of biomass residues are originated, mainly from the pseudo stem (i.e., fiber bundles obtained from the leaf sheaths after being scrapped to produce starchy food) and the inflorescence stalk. These materials were studied in relation to their summative chemical composition, composition of lignin, lipophilic and polar extracts. Moreover, their structural characteristics, in view of their valorization, were scrutinized. The analytical studies were performed with the aid of FTIR, GC/MS, Py-GC/MS and SEM. The fiber bundles are aggregates of mainly long and slender fibers with low ash, extractives and lignin contents (3.8%. 4.4% and 10.5% respectively) and high holocellulose and α-cellulose contents (87.5% and 59.6% respectively). The hemicelluloses in the fibers are mostly highly acetylated xylans and the lignin is of the H-type (H:G:S, 1:0.7:0.8). This lignin composition is in line with the FTIR peaks at 1670 cm-1 and 1250 cm-1.The inflorescence stalk has high ash content (12.3% in the main stalk and 24.6% in fines) with a major proportion of potassium, high extractives (25.9%), and low lignin and α-cellulose contents (5.8% and 17.9% respectively). The stalk includes numerous starch granules in the cellular structure with the predominant presence of parenchyma. The potential valorization routes for these materials are clearly different. The fiber bundles could be used as a fiber source for paper pulp production with the possibility of a prior hemicelluloses removal while the inflorescence stalk has nutritional value for food and fodder. Furthermore, it can also be used for sugar fermentation productsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Воздействие высокой концентрации оксида азота на оксигенаторы аппаратов искусственного кровообращения (экспериментальное исследование)

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    The aim of the study. To study the effect of high nitric oxide concentrations on hollow polypropylene fibers of oxygenators.Materials and methods. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, we evaluated the stability of oxygenator membrane made of hollow polypropylene fibers after six hours of exposure to air-oxygen mixture containing NO at 500 parts per million, or 500 pro pro mille (ppm) concentration, using mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. At the second stage, an experiment with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was conducted on 10 pigs. In the study group (n=5) animals sweep gas was supplied to the oxygenator as an air-oxygen mixture with NO at 100 ppm. In the control group animals (n=5) an air-oxygen mixture was used without NO. The CPB lasted for 4 hours, followed by observation for 12 hours. NO, NO2 (at the inlet and outlet of the oxygenator), and the dynamics of methemoglobin were evaluated. After weaning of animals from CPB, the oxygenators were tested for leakproofness, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed.Results. The oxygenator made of polypropylene hollow fibers retained its gas transfer parameters after six hours of exposure to air-oxygen mixture containing NO at 500 ppm. Based on IR-Fourier spectroscopy findings, NO did not affect structural integrity of polypropylene membranes. NO added to gas mixture at 100 ppm did not increase NO2 to toxic level of 2 ppm in 91% of control tests during 4 hours CPB in pigs; mean value was 1.58 ± 0.28 ppm. Methemoglobin concentration did not exceed the upper limit of permissible level (3%), and there were no statistically significant differences with the control group. All tested oxygenators have passed the leakproofness test. According to SEM findings, larger amounts of fibrin deposits were found in the control group oxygenators vs study group.Conclusion. There were no negative effects of NO at 500 ppm concentration on the oxygenator membrane made of hollow polypropylene fibers. NO at 100 ppm in a gas-mixture supplied to oxygenators did not lead to an exceedance of safe NO2 and methemoglobin concentrations in an animal model. Reduced fibrin deposits on hollow fibers of polypropylene oxygenator membranes were observed when with NO at a level of 100 ppm was added to a gas mixture.  Цель исследования. Изучить воздействие высоких концентраций оксида азота на полипропиленовые полые волокна оксигенаторов.Материалы и методы. Исследование провели в два этапа. На первом этапе с помощью масс-спектрометрии и инфракрасной спектроскопии выполнили оценку стабильности мембраны оксигенатора из полых волокон полипропилена после шестичасового воздействия воздушно-кислородной смеси, содержащей NO в концентрации 500 пропромилле, или 500 частей на миллион – parts per million (ppm). На втором этапе провели эксперимент на 10 свиньях с подключением аппарата искусственного кровообращения (ИК). Животным основной группы (n=5) в оксигенатор подавали воздушно-кислородную смесь, содержащую NO в концентрации 100 ppm. Животным контрольной группы (n=5) в оксигенатор подавали воздушно-кислородную смесь без NO. Процедура ИК длилась 4 часа, затем следовало наблюдение в течение 12 часов. Оценивали NO, NO2 (на входе и выходе из оксигенатора), динамику метгемоглобина. После отключения от ИК оксигенаторы тестировали на герметичность, а также выполняли сканирующую электронную микроскопию (СЭМ).Результаты. Оксигенатор из полипропиленовых полых волокон сохранял свои газотранспортные характеристики после шестичасового воздействия воздушно-кислородной смеси с добавлением NO в концентрации 500 ppm. По данным ИК-Фурье спектроскопии показали, что NO не влияет на структуру мембран из полипропилена. Добавление NO в дозировке 100 ppm во время 4 часов ИК у свиней не сопровождалось повышением концентрации NO2 до токсичного уровня 2 ppm в 91% измерений: среднее значение составило 1,58 ± 0,28 ppm. Концентрация метгемоглобина не превышала верхнего  предела  допустимых  значений  (3%),  не  обнаружили  каких-либо статистически значимых различий при сравнении с группой контроля. Все исследуемые оксигенаторы выдержали тестирование на герметичность. По результатам СЭМ оксигенаторы группы контроля характеризовались большим количеством отложений фибрина, чем оксигенаторы основной группы.Заключение. Негативного воздействия NO в концентрации 500 ppm на мембраны оксигенаторов из полых волокон полипропилена не обнаружили. Подача в оксигенатор NO в концентрации 100 ppm NO2 не приводила к превышению безопасного содержания NO2 и метгемоглобина в эксперименте на животных. Выявили снижение образования отложений фибрина на полых волокнах мембран оксигенаторов из полипропилена при подаче NO в концентрации 100 ppm

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