111 research outputs found

    Some food toxic for pets

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    According to world statistics, dogs and cats are the species that owners most frequently seek assistance with potential poisonings, accounting 95–98% of all reported animal cases. Exposures occur more commonly in the summer and in December that is associated with the holiday season. The majority (>90%) of animal poisonings are accidental and acute in nature and occur near or at the animal owner's home. Feeding human foodstuff to pets may also prove dangerous for their health


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    Attivit\ue0 di SIBioC - Medicina di Laboratorio e soddisfazione dei soci: Risultati di un questionario

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    This report presents the results of a survey performed on Oct-Nov 2015 on SIBioC member satisfaction. The survey addressed event attendance/received value, networking opportunities and overall benefit of SIBioC membership. An on-line questionnaire was sent to all SIBioC members through the web-based SurveyMonkey platform and the resulting database was statistically analyzed. The respondents (514 out of 2000 members) can be considered a representative sample of the associates, since different professional branches were represented proportionally. The large majority of respondents were familiar with SIBioC Newsletter and expressed a positive opinion on it. 71% of the respondents declared to access the official website from 1 to 5 times per month. Finally, 50,8% of respondents declared that they were aware of the existence of Lab Tests Online (LTO) website, with the majority of them (78.2%) being satisfied with it. Overall, the survey data showed a good level of satisfaction with SIBioC educational offer. The only aspect not completely positive was the limited knowledge of LTO, despite the large investment made on it by the society. Regarding the current scenario of reorganization of the laboratory network, many respondents addressed specific requests related to both enhancing the ad hoc education and improving the dialogue with institutions and other scientific societies. In these two fields, SIBioC is currently putting large efforts. Overall, the survey gave a positive feed-back stimulating the SIBioC management to further ameliorate the service to members, with the aim of contributing in continuously improving the quality of laboratory services and then the patient care
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