518 research outputs found

    Risk of Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) introduction and spread in CCHF-free countries in southern and Western Europe: A semi-quantitative risk assessment

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a severe tick-borne viral zoonotic disease caused by Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV). The disease is usually asymptomatic in domestic and wild animals, both of which may act as reservoirs of the virus. CCHF is endemic in parts of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. During the last decade, the emergence or re-emergence of CCHF was described in several countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, with an increasing risk of extension into new areas. Given the public health importance, this study undertakes a semi-quantitative risk assessment to analyse the likelihood of entry and exposure of CCHFV into 9 CCHF-free countries in Southern and Western Europe. Based on a framework outlining the probability of the virus entry and exposure, the risk estimates were assessed for each individual country. The risk assessment was performed using information from public databases and the available scientific literature. The likelihood of entry was conducted considering 3 main pathways: infected tick vectors, wildlife and livestock. The likelihood of exposure was assessed considering the probability of survival of the infected ticks once introduced in CCHF-free countries (depending on abiotic and biotic factors), and the exposure of resident uninfected susceptible ticks to infected imported wildlife and livestock. The risk estimates (combined CCHFV introduction and exposure) were low for the majority of the countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia and Switzerland) and medium for France and Italy, if accounting only for animal health consequences. Considering the public health consequences only, the risks were rated low for all the countries, except for Italy where it was assessed to be medium

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in wild boars

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    This systematic review and meta-analysis summarize the available information on Hepatitis E virus (HEV) -specific antibody seroprevalence and HEV RNA prevalence in wild boar, one of the most abundant game species worldwide. A literature search (CAB Abstracts, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus) was performed to find relevant peer-reviewed works published during the period 1990–2020. A random-effect model was carried out to calculate the pooled HEV-specific antibody seroprevalence and HEV RNA prevalence estimates with 95% confidence intervals, and I2 statistic was used to assess the heterogeneity of the data. Values by subgroups were compared according to the geographical area, age class (≤ 12 months old and > 12 months old), and sample type (bile, faeces, liver, meat/muscle, serum). Sixty-nine publications were selected, with the majority of the studies from Southern Europe (n = 27). The pooled HEV-specific antibody seroprevalence in wild boar was 28% (CI95% 23–34) and the HEV RNA prevalence 8% (CI95% 6–10). The analysis highlighted a significant heterogeneity among the estimates from the included studies (I2 = 98% and I2 = 95% for HEV-specific antibody seroprevalence and viral prevalence respectively). The moderator analysis indicated a statistically significant difference (p-value = 0.03) for the HEV RNA prevalence according to the sample type, with the highest value in bile (17%, CI95% 9–27), followed by liver (10%, CI95% 7–14), serum (7%, CI95% 4–10), faeces (5%, CI95% 2–9), and meat/muscle (3%, CI95% 0.04–10). Finally, the HEV RNA prevalence in Europe (8.7, CI95% 6.7–11) was significantly (p-value = 0.04) higher than in Asia (4, CI95% 0.6–8). The analysis highlights the important role of wild boar in the epidemiology of HEV

    Seroprevalence of coxiella burnetii in dairy cattle and buffalo from southern italy

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    A cross-sectional survey was carried out in dairy cattle and buffalo herds from the Southern Italy to detect antibodies against Coxiella burnetii. From 2014 to 2018, 402 herds were monitored and 50 mL of bulk-tank milk (BTM) per farm was analyzed by indirect ELISA. Blood samples of animals from positive farms were also taken and analyzed with the same ELISA test. The overall seroprevalence was 35% [95% Confidence interval (CI):30-39] at herd level and 13% (95%CI:13-14) at animal level. Herd province seroprevalences ranged from 17% to 75%. The provinces of Matera (71%, 95%CI:38-105) and Agrigento (75%, 95%CI:51-100) showed the highest percentage of infected farms. These results describe the widespread distribution of C. burnetii in livestock from Southern Italy, highlighting the need to implement a monitoring program for Q fever

    Polymerase chain reaction for the direct detection of Brucella spp. in milk and cheese.

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    A polymerase chain reaction test was developed to detect Brucella spp. directly in milk and cheese and optimized using primers for the BSCP-31 gene. A total of 46 cheese samples produced with sheep and goats milk were assayed, and Brucella spp. was detected in 46% of them, especially in cheese made from sheep milk. This method is of remarkable epidemiologic interest because it is an indirect test indicating the sanitary quality of milk used in dairy industries. The method showed good sensitivity and specificity. It is faster and less expensive than the conventional bacteriological assays

    Reciprocating System for Secondary Root Canal Treatment of Oval Canals: CBCT, X-rays for Remnant Detection and Their Identification with ESEM and EDX

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    Aim of the study: to evaluate root filling remnants after secondary root canal treatments (SRCTs) of oval-shaped canals with X-rays and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The SRCTs were performed using reciprocating NiTi instruments. Methods: Single-rooted teeth (N = 64) were randomly treated with Reciproc Blue (RB) and filled with AH Plus/single cone (SC group) or AH Plus/Guttafusion (GF group). After seven days of storage in HBSS (Hanks balanced salt solution), Gates Glidden burs #2/3 and RB #25 and #40 were used for the SRCTs. The time to complete the procedure was measured. X-rays and CBCT were used to calculate, respectively, the area and the volume occupied by the remnants in the coronal, middle, and apical thirds of each canal. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used for qualitative evaluation and morphology composition of the remnants in sectioned roots. A statistical analysis was performed using Sigma Plot (version 13, IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). The study was designed according to PRILE guidelines. Results: After the SRCTs, the middle thirds of the root canals showed the presence of remnants in both groups, as demonstrated by X-rays and CBCT. The GF group showed a statistically significant higher volume of remnants than the SC Group only in the middle third. The ESEM supported by the EDX revealed the remnant composition by the detection of trace elements of sealer and gutta-percha in all root canals. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that the middle third of root canals is a critical region where remnants were packed and spread in the buccal-lingual sides of canals. ESEM-EDX detected a fine layer of filling remnants in all root thirds, suggesting a larger canal contamination than the X-rays and CBCT examinations revealed

    One world, one health, one virology of the mysterious labyrinth of Coronaviruses: the canine coronavirus affair

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    The described pictures underline the ability of CoVs of driving genetic evolution, to undergoes recombination, and to easy cross interspecies barriers. This potential high genetic recombination ability ensures the proliferation of new strains that may have selective advantages over parental genomes.9 In this aspect, the newly identified CCoV-Hupn-2018 should lead researchers to pay a special attention to the mechanisms of recombination among CoVs, in addition to the onset of variants as a result of mutations. Continuous monitoring of these viruses are required because (without saying as Cassandra…!!!) recombination observed in CCoVs may represent a dramatic warning for SARS-CoV-2

    The knotty biology of canine coronavirus: a worrying model of coronaviruses’ danger.

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    Severe clinical diseases associated to αCoronavirus (αCoV) infections were recently demonstrated for the first time in humans and a closely related but distinct canine CoV (CCoV) variant was identified in the nasopharyngeal swabs of children with pneumonia hospitalized in Malaysia, in 2017–2018. The complete genome sequence analysis demonstrated that the isolated strain, CCoV-HuPn-2018, was a novel canine-feline-like recombinant virus with a unique nucleoprotein. The occurrence of three human epidemics/pandemic caused by CoVs in the recent years and the detection of CCoV-HuPn-2018, raises questions about the ability of these viruses to overcome species barriers from their reservoirs jumping to humans. Interestingly, in this perspective, it is interesting to consider the report concerning new CCoV strains with a potential dual recombinant origin through partial S-gene exchange with porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) identified in pups died with acute gastroenteritis in 2009. The significance of the ability of CCoVs to evolve is still unclear, but several questions arisen on the biology of these viruses, focusing important epidemiological outcomes in the field, in terms of both virus evolution and prophylaxis. The new CCoV-Hupn-2018 should lead researchers to pay more attention to the mechanisms of recombination among CoVs, rather than to the onset of variants as a result of mutations, suggesting a continuous monitoring of these viruses and in particular of SARS-CoV-

    Sorveglianza delle gastroenteriti da Norovirus in Italia: comparsa e diffusione della nuova variante GII.4 Sydney 2012

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    In the 2012-2013 winter season, global surveillance for norovirus circulation evidenced the onset of a new norovirus GII.4 variant, termed Sydney 2012. In Italy, ISGEV hospital-based surveillance revealed that this variant already circulated at low frequency in the winter season 2011-2012 and emerged definitively only in the late 2012. This lag-time pattern mirrors the findings reported elsewhere and suggests that the novel variant circulated at low prevalence before spreading globally

    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 detection by real time polymerase chain reaction using pooling strategy of nasal samples

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    COVID-19 is a life-threatening multisistemic infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Infection control relies on timely identification and isolation of infected people who can alberg the virus for up to 14 days, providing important opportunities for undetected transmission. This note describes the application of rRT-PCR test for simpler, faster and less invasive monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 infection using pooling strategy of samples. Seventeen positive patients were provided with sterile dry swabs and asked to self-collected 2 nasal specimens (#NS1 and #NS2). The #NS1 was individually placed in a single tube and the #NS2 was placed in another tube together with 19 NSs collected from 19 negative patients. Both tubes were then tested with conventional molecular rRT-PCR and the strength of pooling nasal testing was compared with the molecular test performed on the single NS of each positive patient. The pooling strategy detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA to a similar extent to the single test, even when Ct value is on average high (Ct 37-38), confirming that test sensibility is not substantially affected even if the pool contains only one low viral load positive sample. Furthermore, the pooling strategy have benefits for SARS-CoV-2 routinary monitoring of groups in regions with a low SARS-CoV-2 prevalenc
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