16 research outputs found

    A general hybrid radiation transport scheme for star formation simulations on an adaptive grid

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    Radiation feedback plays a crucial role in the process of star formation. In order to simulate the thermodynamic evolution of disks, filaments, and the molecular gas surrounding clusters of young stars, we require an efficient and accurate method for solving the radiation transfer problem. We describe the implementation of a hybrid radiation transport scheme in the adaptive grid-based FLASH general magnetohydrodynamics code. The hybrid scheme splits the radiative transport problem into a raytracing step and a diffusion step. The raytracer captures the first absorption event, as stars irradiate their environments, while the evolution of the diffuse component of the radiation field is handled by a flux-limited diffusion (FLD) solver. We demonstrate the accuracy of our method through a variety of benchmark tests including the irradiation of a static disk, subcritical and supercritical radiative shocks, and thermal energy equilibration. We also demonstrate the capability of our method for casting shadows and calculating gas and dust temperatures in the presence of multiple stellar sources. Our method enables radiation-hydrodynamic studies of young stellar objects, protostellar disks, and clustered star formation in magnetized, filamentary environments.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures, accepted to Ap

    The Pilot Lab Exascale Earth System Modelling

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    The Pilot Lab Exascale Earth System Modelling (PL-ExaESM) is a “Helmholtz-Inkubator Information & Data Science” project and explores specific concepts to enable exascale readiness of Earth System models and associated work flows in Earth System science. PL-ExaESM provides a new platform for scientists of the Helmholtz Association to develop scientific and technological concepts for future generation Earth System models and data analysis systems

    Wheat yield estimation from NDVI and regional climate models in Latvia

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    Wheat yield variability will increase in the future due to the projected increase in extreme weather events and long-term climate change effects. Currently, regional agricultural statistics are used to monitor wheat yield. Remotely sensed vegetation indices have a higher spatio-temporal resolution and could give more insight into crop yield. In this paper, we (i) evaluate the possibility to use Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series to estimate wheat yield in Latvia and (ii) determine which weather variables impact wheat yield changes using both ALARO-0 and REMO Regional Climate Models (RCM) output. The integral from NDVI series (aNDVI) for winter and spring wheat fields is used as a predictor to model regional wheat yield from 2014 to 2018. A correlation analysis between weather variables, wheat yield and aNDVI was used to elucidate which weather variables impact wheat yield changes in Latvia. Our results indicate that high temperatures in June for spring wheat and in July for winter wheat had a negative correlation with yield. A linear regression yield model explained 71% of the variability with a residual standard error of 0.55 Mg/ha. When RCM data were added as predictor variables to the wheat yield empirical model a random forest approach resulted in better results compared to a linear regression approach, the explained variance increased up to 97% and the residual standard error decreased to 0.17 Mg/ha. We conclude that NDVI time series and RCM output enabled regional crop yield and weather impact monitoring at higher spatio-temporal resolutions than regional statistics

    euro-cordex/py-cordex: v0.6.6

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    <p>Patch release that fixes installation and cmor issues.</p&gt

    euro-cordex/py-cordex: v0.6.5

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    <p>Patch release to update the CI and cmor module.</p&gt

    remo-rcm/pyremo: v0.6.1

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    <p>Patch release to fix preprocessing issues.</p&gt

    ludwiglierhammer/index_calculator: v0.11.0

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    <ul> <li><p>new indicators:</p> <ul> <li>CMD: calm days</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>documentation:</p> <ul> <li>how to implement a new project</li> <li>how to implement a new indicator</li> </ul> </li> <li><p>indicator UTCI: set default stat from <code>average</code> to <code>sunlit</code></p> </li> </ul&gt

    Changes in universal thermal climate index from regional climate model projections over European beaches

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    Millions of people travel to European beaches making beach tourism the largest tourism sector. Understanding how person’s thermal comfort changes with projected climate change, which is paramount in deciding where and when to visit, can help the tourism sector mitigate risk and identify opportunities. Sustainable adaptation strategies for coastal tourism can be developed for different regional changes. This work calculates the Universal Thermal Comfort Index (UTCI), a comprehensive assessment of the human physiological response to the thermal environment, from an ensemble of regional climate models participating in EURO-CORDEX. Under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5, the ensemble’s projections of the UTCI in the near- and far-future, compared to a historical reference period, show a robust and statistically significant increase across the entire EURO-CORDEX domain. Four popular beach regions in Germany, Italy, France, and Spain show the beach season can be extended - starting earlier and ending later each year. Across the Mediterranean, July and August exhibit, on average, 4 more days of ‘very strong’ heat stress and 1 day of ‘extreme’ heat stress at the end of the century. In accordance with FAIR data science principles, the UTCI calculation is available in the xclim open-source python library

    Evaluation of New CORDEX Simulations Using an Updated Köppen–Trewartha Climate Classification

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    A new ensemble of climate and climate change simulations covering all major inhabited regions with a spatial resolution of about 25 km, from the WCRP CORDEX COmmon Regional Experiment (CORE) Framework, has been established in support of the growing demands for climate services. The main objective of this study is to assess the quality of the simulated climate and its fitness for climate change projections by REMO (REMO2015), a regional climate model of Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) and one of the RCMs used in the CORDEX-CORE Framework. The CORDEX-CORE REMO2015 simulations were driven by the ECMWF ERA-Interim reanalysis and the simulations were evaluated in terms of biases and skill scores over ten CORDEX Domains against the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) TS version 4.02, from 1981 to 2010, according to the regions defined by the Köppen–Trewartha (K–T) Climate Classification types. The REMO simulations have a relatively low mean annual temperature bias (about ± 0.5 K) with low spatial standard deviation (about ± 1.5 K) in the European, African, North and Central American, and Southeast Asian domains. The relative mean annual precipitation biases of REMO are below ± 50 % in most domains; however, spatial standard deviation varies from ± 30 % to ± 200 %. The REMO results simulated most climate types relatively well with lowest biases and highest skill score found in the boreal, temperate, and subtropical regions. In dry and polar regions, the REMO results simulated a relatively high annual biases of precipitation and temperature and low skill. Biases were traced to: missing or misrepresented processes, observational uncertainty, and uncertainties due to input boundary forcing


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    cf_xarray provides an accessor (DataArray.cf or Dataset.cf) that allows you to interpret Climate and Forecast metadata convention attributes present on xarray objects.If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata