21 research outputs found

    Міфопоетика як основа творчого методу О. Садовського

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    У статті аналізується серія творів заслуженого художника України О. Садовського на тему “Лісової пісні” Лесі Українки. Відзначається, що художньо-образна система цих творів співвідноситься з філософським змістом мистецтва художника. У творах О. Садовського міфопоетичного спрямування помітне бажання створити нове, синтетичне мистецтво. У графічних аркушах переплітається побутово-етнографічний матеріал, який переплавляється уявою автора, виявляючи його тонкий інтелектуалізм та багату фантазію.The article analyzes the series of works by Honored Artist of Ukraine O. Sadovsky on the topic of the drama-extravaganza “Lisova pisnya” written by Lesya Ukrainka. It is noted that the art imaging system of these works relates to the philosophical meaning of the artist creation. In the mythopoetical works of O. Sadovsky we can see the desire to compose new, synthetic art. Ethnographic-household material is melted by the author’s imagination, revealing his intellectuality and rich fantasy, is intertwined in the graphic leaves

    Этнокультурные процессы на белорусско-украинском пограничье

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    The article is based on materials of a scientific project, realized by Byelorussian and Ukrainian ethnologists. During the elaboration of this project the main attention was paid to revelation of basic tendencies and factors of the ethnocultural processes at the frontier of Byelorussia and Ukraine

    NITG-TNO rapport 05-170-B

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    Tijdens onderzoek naar een 12e terpophoging in de Hoekpolder in Rijswijk zijn aanvullende boringen gezet om de opbouw van de terp en de opbouw van de ondergrond in de omgeving nader ter karteren. In de proefsleuven in de nabijheid van de terp zijn profielopnamen gemaakt en in de terp zelf zijn enkele boringen gezet. Uit de profielen en boringen zijn monsters genomen tbv van palynologische, daterings (AMS), en diatomeën onderzoek. De resultaten van dit onderzoek worden in het rapport beschreven om een beschrijving te geven van de landschapsontwikkeling vooraf en ten tijde van terpbewoning

    River flooding and landscape changes impact ecological conditions of a scour hole in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The Netherlands

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    A 400-year sediment record from an 18 m deep scour hole lake (Haarsteegse Wiel) near the Meuse River in the Netherlands was investigated for past changes in water quality, flooding frequency and landscape change using geophysical, geochemical and micropaleontological information. The results are highly significant for determining long-term trends of water quality, the impact of atmospheric (as SCP, spheroidal carbonaceous particles) and industrial (chromium) pollution on the terrestrial and aquatic flora, and the impact of river floods. The studied sediment record was dated by combining 137Cs activities, biostratigraphical ages, micro-tephra layers, and historically documented floods indicated by the magnetic susceptibility. The oldest flooding event is indicated at AD 1610 when the lake was created by water masses bursting through a dike. Large historical river floods are well documented in regional chronicles and thus may provide reliable age calibration points. Based on assumptions about the timing of flood events and constant rate of sedimentation, it appears that sedimentation rates in Haarsteegse Wiel declined after ca. AD 1880. This decline might be a result of a widespread change from wheat cultivation to pasture land from around AD 1875 as a direct result of falling wheat prices and intensified cattle farming linked to the agricultural crisis in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Water quality changes and absolute phosphorus concentrations were reconstructed using a diatom-based transfer function. Results show that the currently nutrient-rich lake has mostly been in a mesotrophic state prior to ca. AD 1920, with the exception of several apparently sharp eutrophication events that were coeval with river floods. River flooding also impacted the vegetation composition by importing allochthonous components, and indirectly by the influx of nutrients which had a clear influence on the composition of the water plant communities and aquatic species diversity. Magnetic susceptibility changes and pollen data show that within the period AD 1610-1740, within the Little Ice Age period, several undocumented floods may have occurred. Thus, documentation of geophysical, geochemical, and biological flooding signals in a high-resolution archive present the possibility to detect flooding regimes further back in time. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    River flooding and landscape changes impact ecological conditions of a scour hole lake in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The Netherlands

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    A 400-year sediment record from an 18 m deep scour hole lake (Haarsteegse Wiel) near the Meuse River in the Netherlands was investigated for past changes in water quality, flooding frequency and landscape change using geophysical, geochemical and micropaleontological information. The results are highly significant for determining long-term trends of water quality, the impact of atmospheric (as SCP, spheroidal carbonaceous particles) and industrial (chromium) pollution on the terrestrial and aquatic flora, and the impact of river floods. The studied sediment record was dated by combining 137Cs activities, biostratigraphical ages, micro-tephra layers, and historically documented floods indicated by the magnetic susceptibility. The oldest flooding event is indicated at AD 1610 when the lake was created by water masses bursting through a dike. Large historical river floods are well documented in regional chronicles and thus may provide reliable age calibration points. Based on assumptions about the timing of flood events and constant rate of sedimentation, it appears that sedimentation rates in Haarsteegse Wiel declined after ca. AD 1880. This decline might be a result of a widespread change from wheat cultivation to pasture land from around AD 1875 as a direct result of falling wheat prices and intensified cattle farming linked to the agricultural crisis in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Water quality changes and absolute phosphorus concentrations were reconstructed using a diatom-based transfer function. Results show that the currently nutrient-rich lake has mostly been in a mesotrophic state prior to ca. AD 1920, with the exception of several apparently sharp eutrophication events that were coeval with river floods. River flooding also impacted the vegetation composition by importing allochthonous components, and indirectly by the influx of nutrients which had a clear influence on the composition of the water plant communities and aquatic species diversity. Magnetic susceptibility changes and pollen data show that within the period AD 1610-1740, within the Little Ice Age period, several undocumented floods may have occurred. Thus, documentation of geophysical, geochemical, and biological flooding signals in a high-resolution archive present the possibility to detect flooding regimes further back in time. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V