1,599 research outputs found

    Four further cases of autosomal primary trisomy in the mouse.

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    The role of quenching time in the evolution of the mass-size relation of passive galaxies from the WISP survey

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    We analyze how passive galaxies at z ∼\sim 1.5 populate the mass-size plane as a function of their stellar age, to understand if the observed size growth with time can be explained with the appearance of larger quenched galaxies at lower redshift. We use a sample of 32 passive galaxies extracted from the Wide Field Camera 3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel (WISP) survey with spectroscopic redshift 1.3 ≲\lesssim z ≲\lesssim 2.05, specific star-formation rates lower than 0.01 Gyr−1^{-1}, and stellar masses above 4.5 ×\times 1010^{10} M⊙_\odot. All galaxies have spectrally determined stellar ages from fitting of their rest-frame optical spectra and photometry with stellar population models. When dividing our sample into young (age ≤\leq 2.1 Gyr) and old (age >> 2.1 Gyr) galaxies we do not find a significant trend in the distributions of the difference between the observed radius and the one predicted by the mass-size relation. This result indicates that the relation between the galaxy age and its distance from the mass-size relation, if it exists, is rather shallow, with a slope alpha ≳\gtrsim -0.6. At face value, this finding suggests that multiple dry and/or wet minor mergers, rather than the appearance of newly quenched galaxies, are mainly responsible for the observed time evolution of the mass-size relation in passive galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Measurements of ice nucleation by mineral dusts in the contact mode

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    Formation of ice in Earth\u27s atmosphere at temperatures above approximately −20 °C is one of the outstanding problems in cloud physics. Contact nucleation has been suggested as a possible mechanism for freezing at relatively high temperatures; some laboratory experiments have shown contact freezing activity at temperatures as high as −4 °C. We have investigated Arizona Test Dust and kaolinite as contact nuclei as a function of size and temperature and find that the fraction of submicron particles that are active as contact ice nuclei is less than 10−3 for −18 °C and greater. We also find that the different dusts are quite distinct in their effectiveness as contact nuclei; Arizona Test Dust catalyzed freezing in the contact mode at all mobility diameters we tested at −18 °C whereas kaolinite triggered freezing only for mobility diameters of 1000 and 500 nm at that temperature

    Evaluating Banking Websites Privacy Statements – A New Zealand Perspective on Ensuring Business Confidence

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    Because banks deal with highly personal detailed and sensitive information, they need to establish and maintain the confidence of their customers more assiduously than most other businesses. The rise of internet banking and the advantages to be gained from the garnering of personal data from websites places banks in a position to exploit customer data in a way that might infringe ethical considerations. This investigation analyses the website privacy statements of New Zealand banks in terms of the provisions of the New Zealand Privacy Act. The intention was to find an objective basis for the assessment of business integrity, to explore how confidence in electronic commerce can be assured. The investigation finds that the use of privacy legislation principles as a means of evaluating website privacy statements is revealing and convincing. It is considered that customer confidence will increasingly impact on Internet businesses, and business integrity as demonstrated by comprehensive and relevant privacy statements will go a long way to provide those assurances

    Red Companions to a z=2.15 Radio Loud Quasar

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    We have conducted observations of the environment around the z=2.15 radio loud quasar 1550-269 in search of distant galaxies associated either with it or the z=2.09 CIV absorber along its line of sight. Such objects will be distinguished by their red colours, R-K>4.5. We find five such objects in a 1.5 arcmin^2 field around the quasar, with typical K magnitudes of ~20.4 and no detected R band emission. We also find a sixth object with K=19.6+/-0.3, and undetected at R, just two arcseconds from the quasar. The nature of all these objects is currently unclear, and will remain so until we have determined their redshifts. We suggest that it is likely that they are associated with either the quasar or the CIV absorber, in which case their properties might be similar to those of the z=2.38 red Ly-alpha emitting galaxies discovered by Francis et al. (1997). The small separation between the quasar and the brightest of our objects suggests that it may be the galaxy responsible for the CIV metal line absorption system. The closeness to the quasar and the red colour might have precluded similar objects from being uncovered in previous searches for emission from CIV and eg. damped absorbers.Comment: To appear in "Photometric Redshifts and High Redshift Galaxies", eds. R. Weymann, L. Storrie-Lombardi, M. Sawicki & R. Brunne

    An Optical/Near-Infrared Study of Radio-Loud Quasar Environments II. Imaging Results

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    We use optical and near-IR imaging to examine the properties of the significant excess population of K>=19 galaxies found in the fields of 31 z=1-2 radio-loud quasars by Hall, Green & Cohen (1998). The excess occurs on two spatial scales: a component at <40'' from the quasars significant compared to the galaxy surface density at >40'' in the same fields, and a component roughly uniform to ~100'' significant compared to the galaxy surface density seen in random-field surveys in the literature. The r-K color distributions of the excess galaxy populations are indistinguishable and are significantly redder than the color distribution of the field population. The excess galaxies are consistent with being predominantly early-type galaxies at the quasar redshifts, and there is no evidence that they are associated with intervening MgII absorption systems. The average excess within 0.5 Mpc (~65'') of the quasars corresponds to Abell richness class ~0 compared to the galaxy surface density at >0.5 Mpc from the quasars, and to Abell richness class ~1.5 compared to that from the literature. We discuss the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies in fields with data in several passbands. Most candidate quasar-associated galaxies are consistent with being 2-3 Gyr old early-types at the quasar redshifts of z~1.5. However, some objects have SEDs consistent with being 4-5 Gyr old at z~1.5, and a number of others are consistent with ~2 Gyr old but dust-reddened galaxies at the quasar redshifts. These potentially different galaxy types suggest there may be considerable dispersion in the properties of early-type cluster galaxies at z~1.5. There is also a population of galaxies whose SEDs are best modelled by background galaxies at z>2.5.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 54 pages including 30 figures; 2 color GIF files available separately; also available from http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/~hall/thesis.htm

    Genetic studies of human apolipoproteins

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    Apolipoprotein H (APO H) has recently been identified as a structural component of chylomicrons, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Although the precise metabolic function of APO H in lipid metabolism is not certain, it has been suggested that APO H may be involved in triglyceride (TG) metabolism. In addition to the previously described quantitative polymorphism, we have recently detected a common qualitative polymorphism at the APO H structural locus. To test the role of APO H genetic variation in determining lipoprotein and lipid levels, we have estimated the allelic effects of APO H variation on TG, VLDL, LDL, HDL, HDL3, and total cholesterol on 356 Nigerian blacks(189 males, 167 females). While no significant effect of phenotype was observed on lipoprotein levels, the effect of interaction between phenotype and gender was significant. Therefore, data on males and females were analyzed separately using analysis of variance after adjusting for age and body mass index. Logarithmic transformation of pertinent variables was done to bring the distribution of the variables closer to normality. A statistically significant effect of phenotype was observed on triglyceride levels in females only (P&lt;0.05). Further analysis of this phenotypic effect revealed that it is due to the impact of the APO H&#8727; 3 allele, which raises triglycerides by 9.92 mg/dl as compared to the common allele, APO H &#8727;2. These findings are in accordance with the postulated role of APO H in triglyceride metabolism. On the basis of its sex-specific effect, we propose a hypothesis that may explain the combined influence of the quantitative and qualitative polymorphisms at the APO H locus on triglyceride levels in females
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