743 research outputs found

    Effective Action Approach to Heavy Particle Contributions and Wilsonian Renormalization

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    We work in theories with both light and heavy particles. A method to obtain an effective low energy action with respect to the light particle is presented. Thanks to Wilsonian renormalization, we obtain effective actions with finite number of local operators describing possible non-decoupling effects of heavy particles. The validity of the method is first checked by explicit computation of a specific observable, the ρ\rho - parameter, in the framework of effective theory. Then we discuss a procedure to obtain the full effective action with respect to light particles in a typical example of the system of (t, b) doublet, gauge bosons and Higgs doublet, regarding only t quark as a heavy particle.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX209 file, using axodraw.st

    Associations between seabirds and their prey in the northern Bering Sea during summer of 2017 and 2018

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions : [OB] Polar Biology, Wed. 4 Dec. / Entrance Hall (1st floor) , National Institute of Polar Researc

    Pendekatan Dakwah Kultural Dalam Masyarakat Plural

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    ; Dakwah kultural di satu sisi mempunyai prinsip dengan lebih menekankan pendekatan Islam kultural, yakni salah satu pendekatan yang berusaha meninjau kembali kaitan doktrinal formal antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara. Dakwah kultural mempertanyakan validitas; apakah benar bahwa dakwah umat Islam yang berada di luar kekuasaan adalah dakwah yang tidak lengkap dan sempuma. Hakekat dakwah pada dasamya adalah upaya mengajak dan mengembalikan manusia pada eksistensi secara integral, serta merupakan upaya penjabaran nilai-nilai Ilahi menjadi amal saleh dalam kehidupan nyata. Antara pemikiran tentang dakwah yang berkembang sekarang dengan realitas, ada suatu kesenjangan yang perlu dijembatani. Pertama, kesenjangan yang berasal dari cara memberikan pengertian dakwah yang mempengaruhi tradisi dakwah selama ini. Kedua, kesenjangan yang disebabkan tidak adanya kerangka keilmuan tentang dakwah yang mampu memberikan penjelasan tentang dakwah Islam, yang merupakan kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek. Dakwah kultural di satu sisi mempunyai prinsip dengan lebih menekankan pendekatan Islam kultural, yakni salah satu pendekatan yang berusaha meninjau kembali kaitan doktrinal formal antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara. Tegasnya gerakan dakwah kultural itu cenderung mempertanyakankebenaran statemen yang mengatakan bahwa gerakan dakwah dipandang belum sungguh-sungguh memperjuangkan Islam Hubungan antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara termasuk wilayah pemikiran ijtihadiyah, yang tidak menjadi persoalan bagi umat Islam ketika sistem kekhalifahan masih bertahan di dunia Islam. Kata Kunci: Dakwah, Kultural, Struktural, Plural Cultural Da\u27wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Da\u27wa cultural question the validity; is it true that proselytizing Muslims is beyond the power of propaganda that is incomplete and imperfect. The essence of da\u27wa essentially a bid to entice and restore integral human existence, as well as the values of the translation effort Divine become good works in real life. Between the idea of propaganda is developing now with reality, there is a gap that needs to be bridged. First, the gap is derived from understanding how to give da\u27wah affecting propaganda tradition over the years. Second, the gap caused by the absence of scientific framework of propaganda that is able to explain the propagation of Islam, which is the gap between theory and practice. Cultural Da\u27wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Strictly speaking cultural missionary movement that tends mempertanyakankebenaran statement saying that the missionary movement was seen not truly fight for Islam The relationship between Islam and politics or Islam and the country including the ijtihadiyah thinking, which is not a problem for Muslims when the system Caliphate remained in the Islamic world. Keywords: Da\u27wah, Cultural, Structural, Plura

    Searching for Consensus: Shared Decision Making and Clinical Ethics

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    The focus of this dissertation is the search for consensus in the context of clinical ethics—physician-patient interactions, ethics consultations, and ethics committee meetings focused on a particular patient’s care. I argue that consensus, when achieved through a process of shared deliberation that I outline, is the hallmark of the morally correct decision. While philosophers have generally denigrated consensus as a guide to morally correct decisions, hospital ethics committees and President’s Councils charged with making recommendations about how to resolve moral conflicts in the clinical setting have clearly valued and aimed at the achievement of consensus. Assuming this search for consensus is not wrong-headed, bioethicists owe clinicians an account of the proper role of consensus in clinical decisions. My aim in this project is to carefully examine and define the role that consensus ought to play in guiding our moral decision-making. In this project, I define and defend clinical pragmatism, a consensus oriented approach to clinical ethics. Following a critical examination of two approaches that defend consensus as centrally important in ethical deliberations, I define consensus and distinguish it from other types of agreements to clarify the kind of agreement I wish to defend. Consensus can be reached in various ways, and not all are morally defensible. So, I develop an account of the necessary conditions—shared deliberation, tempered equality, freedom from undue influence, and mutual respect—for arriving at a consensus that is the morally correct decision in the clinical setting. I argue that, when pursued in this way, the search for consensus has moral value even when consensus proves elusive. I defend the thesis that in a clinical moral conflict, the procedure I outline is both necessary and sufficient for full moral justification of the resulting decision. If the committee followed this procedure, their decision is the morally correct one for them to make given the resources available to them—it was the best decision they could have made at the time. An appropriate consensus defines the morally correct decision. Merely arguing for our preferred ethical theory is not enough; some sort of truly shared decision-making is needed

    Reformation of Tax Procedures along the European Integration Process

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    Approximation of the Albanian legislation with the acquis communautaire is accompanied by deep reforms and, consequently, by reforms of relations accompanying the relevant laws. In this context, one of the European Union recommendations for the Albanian government was the country’s tax reform. This reform was accompanied by the abrogation of Law no 8560, of 22 December 1999 “On Tax Procedures in the Republic of Albania” and the approval of the new Law No. 9920, of 19 May 2008 “On Tax Procedures in the Republic of Albania”. The purpose of this Law is to reduce informal economy and to improve the business climate in the country. By analyzing the legal amendments in this tax domain, we shall see reformation of tax procedures, evolution and the tax appeal process in Albania. By way of providing details on main issues, we shall focus on the benefits the changed tax procedures have yielded to the taxpayer and to the protection the law provides to the taxpayers against the illegal tax administration actions. Amongst the issues treated in this article is also the impact of such procedures in the fight against fiscal evasion

    Dynamic localization of the chromosomal passenger complex in trypanosomes is controlled by the orphan kinesins KIN-A and KIN-B

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    The chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) is an important regulator of cell division, which shows dynamic subcellular localization throughout mitosis, including kinetochores and the spindle midzone. In traditional model eukaryotes such as yeasts and humans, the CPC consists of the catalytic subunit Aurora B kinase, its activator INCENP, and the localization module proteins Borealin and Survivin. Intriguingly, Aurora B and INCENP as well as their localization pattern are conserved in kinetoplastids, an evolutionarily divergent group of eukaryotes that possess unique kinetochore proteins and lack homologs of Borealin or Survivin. It is not understood how the kinetoplastid CPC assembles nor how it is targeted to its subcellular destinations during the cell cycle. Here, we identify two orphan kinesins, KIN-A and KIN-B, as bona fide CPC proteins in Trypanosoma brucei, the kinetoplastid parasite that causes African sleeping sickness. KIN-A and KIN-B form a scaffold for the assembly of the remaining CPC subunits. We show that the C-terminal unstructured tail of KIN-A interacts with the KKT8 complex at kinetochores, while its N-terminal motor domain promotes CPC translocation to spindle microtubules. Thus, the KIN-A:KIN-B complex constitutes a unique ‘two-in-one’ CPC localization module, which directs the CPC to kinetochores from S phase until metaphase and to the central spindle in anaphase. Our findings highlight the evolutionary diversity of CPC proteins and raise the possibility that kinesins may have served as the original transport vehicles for Aurora kinases in early eukaryotes

    Basic Principles of the System of Social Services and Assistance

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    This paper deals with some basic principles as the key components for the establishment and functioning of the system of social protection and assistance. The paper analyzes the principles of universality, equality of possibilities, the right to benefit, partnership, transparency and impartiality, decentralization, independence, social integration and participation in the community life, non-discriminating and subventioning character of this system. Furthermore, the paper is based on a detailed analysis of the aforementioned principles, tending to point out the impact of each of them on this system, with reference to the supervision of distribution of the minimal assistance in favor of the benefiting subjects. Organization, functioning, administration and control over the social services and public assistance have been based on some crucial principles established by law

    The Dynamics of Three-Planet Systems: an Approach from Dynamical System

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    We study in detail the motions of three planets interacting with each other under the influence of a central star. It is known that the system with more than two planets becomes unstable after remaining quasi-stable for long times, leading to highly eccentric orbital motions or ejections of some of the planets. In this paper, we are concerned with the underlying physics for this quasi-stability as well as the subsequent instability and advocate the so-called "stagnant motion" in the phase space, which has been explored in the field of dynamical system. We employ the Lyapunov exponent, the power spectra of orbital elements and the distribution of the durations of quasi-stable motions to analyze the phase space structure of the three-planet system, the simplest and hopefully representative one that shows the instability. We find from the Lyapunov exponent that the system is almost non-chaotic in the initial quasi-stable state whereas it becomes intermittently chaotic thereafter. The non-chaotic motions produce the horizontal dense band in the action-angle plot whereas the voids correspond to the chaotic motions. We obtain power laws for the power spectra of orbital eccentricities. Power-law distributions are also found for the durations of quasi-stable states. All these results combined together, we may reach the following picture: the phase space consists of the so-called KAM tori surrounded by satellite tori and imbedded in the chaotic sea. The satellite tori have a self-similar distribution and are responsible for the scale-free power-law distributions of the duration times. The system is trapped around one of the KAM torus and the satellites for a long time (the stagnant motion) and moves to another KAM torus with its own satellites from time to time, corresponding to the intermittent chaotic behaviors.Comment: 43 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap


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    Abstract; Dakwah kultural di satu sisi mempunyai prinsip dengan lebih menekankan pendekatan Islam kultural, yakni salah satu pendekatan yang berusaha meninjau kembali kaitan doktrinal formal antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara. Dakwah kultural mempertanyakan validitas; apakah benar bahwa dakwah umat Islam yang berada di luar kekuasaan adalah dakwah yang tidak lengkap dan sempuma. Hakekat dakwah pada dasamya adalah upaya mengajak dan mengembalikan manusia pada eksistensi secara integral, serta merupakan upaya penjabaran nilai-nilai Ilahi menjadi amal saleh dalam kehidupan nyata. Antara pemikiran tentang dakwah yang berkembang sekarang dengan realitas, ada suatu kesenjangan yang perlu dijembatani. Pertama, kesenjangan yang berasal dari cara memberikan pengertian dakwah yang mempengaruhi tradisi dakwah selama ini. Kedua, kesenjangan yang disebabkan tidak adanya kerangka keilmuan tentang dakwah yang mampu memberikan penjelasan tentang dakwah Islam, yang merupakan kesenjangan antara teori dan praktek. Dakwah kultural di satu sisi mempunyai prinsip dengan lebih menekankan pendekatan Islam kultural, yakni salah satu pendekatan yang berusaha meninjau kembali kaitan doktrinal formal antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara. Tegasnya gerakan dakwah kultural itu cenderung mempertanyakankebenaran statemen yang mengatakan bahwa gerakan dakwah dipandang belum sungguh-sungguh memperjuangkan Islam Hubungan antara Islam dan politik atau Islam dan negara termasuk wilayah pemikiran ijtihadiyah, yang tidak menjadi persoalan bagi umat Islam ketika sistem kekhalifahan masih bertahan di dunia Islam. Kata Kunci: Dakwah, Kultural, Struktural, Plural Cultural Da'wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Da'wa cultural question the validity; is it true that proselytizing Muslims is beyond the power of propaganda that is incomplete and imperfect. The essence of da’wa essentially a bid to entice and restore integral human existence, as well as the values of the translation effort Divine become good works in real life. Between the idea of propaganda is developing now with reality, there is a gap that needs to be bridged. First, the gap is derived from understanding how to give da'wah affecting propaganda tradition over the years. Second, the gap caused by the absence of scientific framework of propaganda that is able to explain the propagation of Islam, which is the gap between theory and practice. Cultural Da'wa on one side with a greater emphasis has principles of Islam cultural approach, which is one approach that seeks to review the formal doctrinal connection between Islam and politics or Islam and the state. Strictly speaking cultural missionary movement that tends mempertanyakankebenaran statement saying that the missionary movement was seen not truly fight for Islam The relationship between Islam and politics or Islam and the country including the ijtihadiyah thinking, which is not a problem for Muslims when the system Caliphate remained in the Islamic world. Keywords: Da'wah, Cultural, Structural, Plura
